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    I ended up going to the gym three times last week, which I thought was pretty good. After my initial post I cut down on the weights to more manageable levels in order to increase reps, it felt good too. I've also cut down on the water, which also feels about right now.

    I hope to keep up the gym three times a week until it gets a bit warmer, then I'll start riding\running again outside. Yeah I'm a wimp, but I don't want to be scared off by the cold


      gym prices, whats the going rate these days, thinking about joining a gym what do you lot pay per month or year?


        I'm at a Cannons and it's ?40/m, so I have to go twice a week at least to get my money's worth (imho).


          As part of my "try new things", I've done a 35 minute session on my trials bike. Now knackered. Luckily don't seem to have injured anything like usual - probably because I did a 5 minute warm up. I'm rubbish at tricks so this is a lot of effort. Praise the lord - it's still light enough at 5.30 now!

          I treated the session very carefully and considered every body movement and position, trying to figure out what I could do to improve. By the end, it certainly seemed more fluid. I haven't used it for a while, so I seemed even worse than normal at the beginning. I tried to vary the tricks so that I covered different muscles. This didn't work too well due to my limited repertoire


            Originally posted by fragmast3r
            gym prices, whats the going rate these days, thinking about joining a gym what do you lot pay per month or year?
            My local one is attached to a school and is a tenner for (compulsory) induction and ?2.50 every time you want to go - no subscriptions, which is useful if you're not sure whether you're gonna stick it out.


              How's everyone getting on? Anyone dropped out and need some encouragement to get going again? Anyone doing well?


                Originally posted by unknown_citizen
                My local one is attached to a school and is a tenner for (compulsory) induction and ?2.50 every time you want to go - no subscriptions, which is useful if you're not sure whether you're gonna stick it out.
                thats the sort i need , only ones near me are full blown gyms that charge a yearly membership and monthly fees


                  Finally ventured back out on my bike this week, fractured ribs are healing well. gradually increased my distance over the week, and felt good. Surprised at how much fitness I've retained given that I've done sod all for 8 weeks. However, got a puncture this afternoon, and of course I hadn't taken a spare tube. This meant a four mile walk back home in socks, as I can't walk in my cyling shoes due to the large cleats. My feet hurt now


                    i recently acquired myself a turbo trainer and shall be putting in the miles whilst watching tv/playing games/listening to music.

                    i'm gonna assemble a cd full of tunes which i know make me ride faster and alternate with anything else every other day or so.


                      I've never used a turbo trainer before, although I've been tempted to buy one. Your impressions would be appreciated. What model have you got?


                        Originally posted by Jashin
                        I've never used a turbo trainer before, although I've been tempted to buy one. Your impressions would be appreciated. What model have you got?
                        it's the base level elite; mag concept alu (red one)... usually sells for ?100, halfords are doing them for ?80 which is cheaper than anywhere else at this moment in time.

                        dunno what to say really, it's nicer than an exercise bike as it's your own bike you're riding so it'll fit perfectly. very solidly built and easy to assemble, folds away if you need it to. it makes noise but not as much as i was expecting (or remember from using one before), i slammed a 1.5" slick on a spare wheel and just pedalled away. it has 5 levels of resistance with 1 being heavier going than riding road and 5 being extremely tiring (and perfect for building some severely huge quads). it also doubles up as a mechanic stand, just whip the roller out of the way and your rear wheel spins freely meaning gear adjusts are a breeze.

                        personally i'm very happy with it, certainly better than spending ?80 on a cheap naff exercise bike. also comes with a lovely booklet on sports massage to keep your muscles supple, but you can use it to seduce the laydeez


                          Hmm, your post may have inspired me to assemble my turbo trainer which I bought about 3 weeks ago, but has yet to be taken out of its box


                            I've hit a bit of a plateau this past few weeks, I've been on my weight loss program since last January and have dropped nearly 7 stone but the past 3 weeks have only seen minimal loss. I'm at 13st 9 atm and wanna be around 12 and a half. I'm 6' 2" so I carry it pretty well, but I've gotta get rid of it before July cause I'm off to Australia.

                            Has anyone got any recommendations for dropping that final stone or so?

                            I do about 30 mins of aerobic and 30 mins of weights a night (but have been slacking off the past month cause I've been ill, i.e. I've done it about twice a week) and I'm only consuming around 1000-1200 calories a day. I play football every Saturday and run every Sunday. Just wondering what the hell I've gotta do to shift the last bit

                            Am considering joining a gym, but I'm put off like most by the yearly memberships and monthly fees


                              I always found that my weight would stabilise no matter what I did before beginning to drop again. Like you, I'm 6'2'', and would like to be 12 stone. I got to 12 1/4 stone before my accident, and have put on about 1/2 stone in 2 months of doing no exercise.


                                Im going to make an effort to drink 2L of water a day, Im going to fill a 2l Bottle in the morning, and make sure its drunk before I leave work at the end of the day. I think it will be good for my system and skin.

