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    Originally posted by Roost
    I had one mid afternoon just water and a scoop nicely mixed in a shaker though and it was ok. Had another a little while ago after a short workout that was half water and half semi skimmed milk and i have to say it was rather nice!

    Think the shaker helps as it goes super frothy but it's really smooth and creamy and tastes really nice (stawberry and banana flavour)
    my straw/ban flavour arrived today, may have to try that tomorrow, chocolate one aint to bad, kinda makes up for the fact ive cut out chocolate from my diet, now when will they bring out a lager flavoured one


      LOL. Apparently the gym used to sell Pineapple flavoured protein! Only one person ever bought it though.

      Glad the concensus is "It's OK", I'm afraid they'll never taste like a proper McDonald's one

      As my supplier is out of MRM (still) and Alri, I've been forced to order a couple of different brands that he assures me taste nice. I'll let you know


        eeek shortage of mrm, has chain caused this by getting us all to convert to protein shakes........................


          Yeah I bought some shares in the company then started the demand Actually my supplier has a special shipment coming over from the US for me as I type - "It's on the water!". If I could work out a decent postage rate I'd sell it on to you lot, but after P&P it would be costing me money to pricematch monstersupplements.

          At least I'll get to taste other stuff in the meantime


            ordered mine from another company "thesupplementstore" cost ?30.99 with free postage, which i thought was pretty reasonable.

            1 week into eating healthier, im used to breakfast actualy enjoy my oatabix and fruit, feel more awake at work and more productive in the afternoon due to eating dinner at sensible time. not so tired on an evening able to exercise longer.

            going to look at a gym on monday and get a program made up of what exercises to do etc.

            started jogging aswell now, now that made me ache

            wife cant beleive ive stopped eating things like chocolate, crisps , and drinking pop and beer



              You wussies worrying about the taste. Just get that protein down you!!


                Originally posted by charlesr
                I got salmonela (sp??). I couldn't get out of bed, let alone leave the house and go swimming. Not that I could get any rest in bed. Twas a complete nightmare. Went down to 9 stone.... wtf. 9 stone. If I turned sideways on I disappeared. Went back up to my normal 10.5 as soon as it went away though.
                My free advice - don't eat hotdogs at sunday markets.
                Bad luck man. I had pretty severe food poisoning a few weeks ago. Could barely move for a week. Not as much weight loss as you but I did lose half a stone. Took me a week afterwards to feel "fully recovered" too. Food poisoning sucks.


                  Ish, careful mate, lots of rather rude protein jokes sprung to mind!

                  Good going Oops mate keep it up!


                    Hey Chain, I've read through pretty much all of these 73 pages and you really are an inspiration fella.

                    I'm basically looking at bulking up, and reducing the amount of bodyfat i've got hanging around.

                    I've ordered some MRM METABOLIC WHEY which is due to arrive tomorrow and i'm set to start "sorting myself out" as from tomorrow. I'm looking at following a weekly workout plan like below.

                    Day 1 - Intense Cardio & Light Weights at Gym
                    Day 2 - Early Morning / Evening Jog (approx 2 Miles to start with)
                    Day 3 - Intense Resistance at Gym (Heavy Weights etc)
                    Day 4 - Early Morning / Evening Jog (approx 2 Miles to start with)
                    Day 5 - "Whatever I feel like doing day"
                    Day 6 - Instense Cardio & Light Weights at Gym
                    Day 7 - Swimming / Baths Day etc


                    As for eating i'm looking at taking a plan similar to what you've suggested in the past.

                    Breakfast - Light Oats
                    Mid-Morning - Protein Shake (Semi Skimmed Milk)
                    Lunch - Light Salad / Tuna / Chicken mix
                    Mid-Afternoon - Protein Shake (Semi Skimmed Milk)
                    Evening - Similar to Lunch & Protein Shake with Water

                    I'l also be taking daily multi-vitamins too.

                    Luckily for me i'm quite a self motivated person and although I know it'l be tough I'm dedicated to get my pyshic back to what it once was. I've been doing the early morning runs etc for some time already so i've already got a bit of a headstart.

                    I'm willing to post before and after bodyshots/figures in a bid to motivate others!

                    Can you suggest anything else? Also would the above be safe/ok to do?


                      Post pics, great way to motivate yourself! How can you know where you're going if you don't know where you've been?

                      If you're looking to bulk up, you're going about the exercise the wrong way. Your program will be great for general fitness, though I'd suggest getting another day off in there somewhere.

                      For bulking up you need a more structured approach to weight lifting, and less cardio - it's counter-productive to a serious bulking phase, though you should always do a little to maintain general well being.

                      Have I posted a good workout elsewhere in this thread? If not let me know and when I have time I'll post one

                      You're jumping in to this a little too fast as well. You could find yourself doing well the first week, then being totally unmotivated and lethargic the second week. Start exercising 3 or 4 days a week total, a day off in between, then build it up over a month. That way you're more likely to stick at it.

                      Diet looks OK. Add some fruit to breakfast to get a few more calories. If you are bulking you'll need to eat more though, so add a piece of fruit to the protein shakes as well (either blended or seperately). It really depends on your current build and metabolism, but I get the impression by the fact you want to "bulk" that you're pretty thin; an ectomorph with a fast metabolism. In which case, EAT LOTS

                      Good you've started doing the early morning runs, just please take it easy the first few weeks.

                      What kind of gym are you joining? Machines or free weights?


                        Originally posted by Chain
                        but I get the impression by the fact you want to "bulk" that you're pretty thin; an ectomorph with a fast metabolism. In which case, EAT LOTS
                        Check out my diet for fast metabolism folks posted a couple of pages back. I recommend adding more pies to it.


                          I think I used the wrong word for Bulk. I'm actually a decent build already, used to work out a lot when I was younger but the past few years have been my downfall and my muscle has turned to fat.....resulting in having a bit of a belly (36") and the dreaded man-boobs

                          With this in mind what would you suggest Diet Wise? (The Diet is my biggest concern)

                          As for the Gym i'm lucky to already be a member of Virgin (Esporta) which has machines and freeweights and also a gym at work which has a couple of machines but always has a free set of freeweights all the time


                            Originally posted by Ish
                            Bad luck man. I had pretty severe food poisoning a few weeks ago. Could barely move for a week. Not as much weight loss as you but I did lose half a stone. Took me a week afterwards to feel "fully recovered" too. Food poisoning sucks.
                            I'm down by 2.5kg now, to 64.5... that's about 10st I think. I'm sure most of that is just water, otherwise people would be touting salmonella as a weight-loss programme.


                              Chain, I got my new Pro Labs stuff in today. Its awful tasting! I find that most protein shakes alone taste okay in general, but protein/carb ones are awful compared! Strange.

                              Just taking it as half servings which means 44g carbs and 26g protein, pretty hefty for a half serving. Only problem is the taste, and I get quite a 'boke' feeling when eating/drinking things I hate and of the two shakes I had today, I felt like I was going to be sick. Just gonna have to force it down though for the next few weeks while on this bulking stage.

                              Had a day off today, back tomorrow for back and shoulders.


                                Well third week I've been to the gym now (twice a week) and I'm feeling pretty good - normally shagged by Friday tbh. Gonna step it up to three times next week.

                                Been having a Weetabix every morning and two pieces of fruit during the day. Cut out all the crap and eating very healthily lunch and tea times. Waist has slimed out a little and my upper body especially my shoulders, arms and chest have firmed up loads. Its all good and is only gonna get better me thinks

