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    Originally posted by charlesr View Post
    You'll sleep more soundly at night too.

    Sounds brilliant...of course I've yet to factor in the PAIN...


      can anyone recommend a heart rate monitor that i can use while running, dont want to spend a mini fortune though


        Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
        Is it better to jog in the morning or the evening?
        Early in the morning to lose weight, later to build muscle in general I believe.

        I fit my gym in with my own schedule (Not to mention my currently constant niggles/illnesses... ), so I mix and match. Mostly mornings for me though.


          I decided to finally get myself into shape this year, and I've had a good first month. I haven't worked out any special routines or anything, so far I'm just cycling and not allowing myself to have any junk food / unhealthy snacks.

          I shifted just over half a stone in January (7.8 lbs). I've still got just over a couple of stone to lose to reach my target weight but hopefully I can stick with it and be in fairly decent shape by the summer.


            MRI on my ankle tomorrow, hopefully some positive news comes from this and I can be on the road to repair. Gonna really get back into mountain biking and hill walking when I'm fixed. Miss it so much.

            Good job by the way HumanEnergy, keep it up!


              hi guys, need some help sorting out a diet plan, this is what im basically doing at the moment.

              morning - 2xcups of coffee, brunchbar(never been keen on breakfast)
              Lunch - Soup
              Dinner - chicken, vegs (trying to cut out carbs)
              Snacking on apples, cups of tea\water\juice
              only drink alcohol once a week and use to dring 4-5 pints larger( this is going to be replaced with either gin\tonic etc

              Go kickboxing once a week and do interval sprints on exercise bike 20 mins mix of 30 sec's full pelt 60 sec's stead pace twice a week

              The otherhalf is saying im not getting enough calories, for my body to lose the fat i have stored up, ( i know with kickboxing i will be putting on more muscle)

              But i really want to lose the beer gut and love handles, could really do with some advice of a load of strangers


                All very well dropping the carbs but where is your protein?

                That looks like a starvation diet rather than something sustainable.

                A brunchbar sounds like processed crap, you'd be better off with a boiled egg and toast or some porridge(skimmed milk) with a few nuts/raisins in it.

                I'd check out that soup - can hold a surprising amount of sugar and fat if it's from a can. Think about making your own. ie Carrot and Corriander Soup - 350g carrots and one onion, little bit of oil in a pn, sweat down for 5 to 10 mins. 250ml of stock (from a veggie/chicken cube is fine). Bring up to the boil and simmer for 20 mins. Good crack of pepper and salt, whiz it with a hand blender and add water to get the consistency you like, add a good handful of chopped corriander. Sorted, virtually fat free and will provide 4 servings.

                I'd say you need to up that bike work to 40-60 minutes, you are just getting warmed up at 20 mins.

                To fill up and load more protein you can make youself a shake with skimmed milk and some powdered milk, use a few drops of milkshake syrup to flavour it. Have one either side of your lunch. (Half pint shake like this is about 125 cals)


                  i will gladly hold my hands up and say i know nothing about diets.
                  I have never been a big breakfast person, im never hungry till lunch time, so a cereal bar is about as much as i can eat..

                  maybe i should go back to eating a slice of toast at about 10'ish.
                  for lunch i use to eat either sandwiches, pot noodle, soup
                  evening meals have never been to bad, fresh vegs, chicken,beef,pasta,rice was my main things
                  i dont drink fizzy drinks at all always had skimmed milk

                  i just really need some structure/diet in place

                  whats the advantage of mass protein?


                    Originally posted by powkisser View Post
                    i will gladly hold my hands up and say i know nothing about diets.
                    I have never been a big breakfast person, im never hungry till lunch time, so a cereal bar is about as much as i can eat..

                    maybe i should go back to eating a slice of toast at about 10'ish.
                    for lunch i use to eat either sandwiches, pot noodle, soup
                    evening meals have never been to bad, fresh vegs, chicken,beef,pasta,rice was my main things
                    i dont drink fizzy drinks at all always had skimmed milk

                    i just really need some structure/diet in place

                    whats the advantage of mass protein?
                    Just do half an hour of exercise a day, along with cutting all the crap out your diet (plenty of natural protien from chicken is good) and it will start falling off after about a month or two. After that you can increase the intensity of your workout, or start working out for longer. Oh and unless your planning on doind some serious body building dont bother with mass protein or anything like that, you wont be able to burn it off until months into your training and you'll actually get fatter.

                    Time for me to really go to town with my training now. Decided to join the army so its back to increasing my cardio intensity (need to get 1.5 miles down to 10mins as well as finishing my normal route for a total of 3 miles a night) and hitting the weights and plenty of push ups to increase upper body muscle.
                    So its more protein, more fruit & more green tea for me for the next 3 months.


                      Originally posted by Rossco View Post
                      Good job by the way HumanEnergy, keep it up!
                      Cheers mate

                      Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                      Just do half an hour of exercise a day, along with cutting all the crap out your diet (plenty of natural protien from chicken is good) and it will start falling off after about a month or two.
                      That's exactly what I've done and it's working well so far. I do a bit more exercise than that though; I decided to set a target of burning 1,000 calories per day via exercise, it's currently taking me (on average) an hour and five minutes of cycling to do that.


                        Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                        Cheers mate

                        That's exactly what I've done and it's working well so far. I do a bit more exercise than that though; I decided to set a target of burning 1,000 calories per day via exercise, it's currently taking me (on average) an hour and five minutes of cycling to do that.
                        Id say build up to a 1000 calories a day of burn off to be honest. Your body will need time to adjust to the loss of crap, increase of exercise and strain. Build it up little by little.

                        Just a bit of advise also but exercise bikes, treadmills are not a true source of fitness or calorie burn off, as your technically not going anywhere or using all your muscles properly. You also get a false sense of fitness too, you can half the distance on the streets what you were doing in the gym.

                        Thats if your not already cycling outdoors of course, much much better for you. Try to get some jogging in, and swimming also to vary things up, as over time you will start to grow bored of the routine.


                          Originally posted by powkisser View Post
                          whats the advantage of mass protein?
                          It's not mass protein, based on what you were planning to eat it looks to me like too few cals(by cutting out the carbs).

                          The theory is protein is more difficult to break down than carbs(esp simple carbs like sugar, but also complex carbs - pasta/potatoes).

                          You want to lose fat, not lose weight. If you don't take in enough protein to repair/maintain your muscle(lean tissue) your body will burn that too. By maintaining your muscle mass in relation to your weight your metablism will increase, making it easier to keep fat off.


                            Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                            Decided to join the army...
                            Now that is taking things a little too far!


                              Originally posted by spagmasterswift View Post
                              Now that is taking things a little too far!
                              Its a career and life change, im not doing it just for the exercise trust me


                                so should i add a couple of protein shakes into the mix balance things out?

