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    Well, I started work a couple of weeks ago so even my walking has slackened. Did 3 miles yesterday and 4 miles this morning to get back into it.

    May look to do 6am walk/jogs before work during the week but know it will be hard to get up


      Originally posted by Mr Ono
      May look to do 6am walk/jogs before work during the week but know it will be hard to get up
      Would it motivate or help you to know that I get up at 5.30am every midweek morning to go for an hourly jog for 7-8 miles?

      You will moan and struggle at first - like I did - but give it a week or two and you will soon find yourself into the routine and wake up before your alarm goes off.

      It will definitely pay off mate.


        But, but ... it's pitch black at that time!


          Originally posted by Extra Terrestrial View Post
          Would it motivate or help you to know that I get up at 5.30am every midweek morning to go for an hourly jog for 7-8 miles?
          Jesus. I hope you don’t do a manual job.


          Out of interest, what sort of food do you eat pre/post run?
          Last edited by Kit; 19-10-2009, 18:10.


            Back in April I tried running but found after 25 years of being a couch potato that I couldn't even run 100m

            I was determined to improve though and started walking 3 or 4 miles, then moved onto the walk-run-walk method and progressed from there. Have now lost 2 stone and yesterday I completed my second half marathon within six weeks, managing a time of 1:53. Well chuffed!

            So my advice would be to stick with it and don't give up hope - it is hard at first but it's definitely worth the effort.


              Thanks for the encouragement guys.

              It's still bloody dark though


                Slight update. Up to 4.2 miles a night now and as long as i eat properly during the day, find the run pretty dam easy, averaging about 33 mins.

                Need to start taking esential oil supplements however now its getting cold, my bad knees are starting to ache and groan .

                Guna enter myself into some fun runs now my fitness is back, and also guna do the mens health are you tough enough challenge next year in Cardiff, which should be a good laugh. Gotta keep those longterm goals going as it helps massively with my training.


                  Originally posted by Mr Ono
                  But, but ... it's pitch black at that time!
                  That is indeed true however, as long as you stick to the street-lit paths, you will be fine. It is nice to see the skies slowly brighten as time goes on; your eyes re-adjust to the darkness with ease anyway.

                  FatGit-UK (charming name! - well done on completing your half-marathon too) has shown that you can do it but it just take a bit of motivation on your part to get out there and build upon your exercise routine and one that you should stick to.

                  Originally posted by Kit
                  Out of interest, what sort of food do you eat pre/post run?
                  I eat a (very yellow) banana as it is sugary and gives you plenty of energy to carry you through your run. When I arrive back, it is the usual tall glass of orange juice, Weetabix with various chopped up fruits and natural yoghurt as well as another piece of fruit to eat on my way to work (or if I feel hungry, a breakfast bar too).

                  And well done, to fishbowlhead - you will only get better if you keep running throughout the week and you may surprise yourself to have a great run with your events that you may participate next year.

                  It's nice to see that there are some more fellow runners on here.


                    Originally posted by Mr Ono View Post
                    But, but ... it's pitch black at that time!
                    I've been up at 6am for the gym before work/uni 4 days a week now for the last few months. It's easy now and don't even think twice about it. As long as you get to bed on time! Feels good somehow getting up that early though, there's just something about it.


                      I'm with you on that one. Although couldn't manage it this morning - daughter was awake at 2, 3, 4 and 5.30am. At 5.30 she didn't go back to sleep and finally decided that 6.30 would be sleep time. I just went back to sleep too. I'll have to do some weights at home tonight. It's great getting back to being fit. I'm so hungry though. So I'm eating much more.


                        I am officially useless at bicep curls. 10Kg sets and I'm struggling I can just about do 10r and then 6r. My technique is good though. None of this swinging them up rubbish that most of the peeps with massive weights use.....

                        I'll keep hammering them.


                          I hate seeing people doing bicep curls and swinging their whole body into it. So annoying!

                          That's been a year now since my ankle injury and still no better. Been about 6 months of rest of it, 6 months or cardio now with on and off light exercise such as weights and cycling and we're not getting anywhere with it. Referred back to the hospital again for a third time in January so gonna demand an xray and CT scan on it to find out for definite what the problem is as it's just gone on too long and really depressing me now.

                          And holding me back from applying for the RAF!

                          Apart from that though, still going to the gym 4 days a week at 7am. Just desperate to get back to some proper off road cycling and playing squash every week which I really miss so much.


                            Went out for a longer run last night to test myself, ended up doing just under 8 miles, no idea how long it took me. So quite pleased with that , not something ill be doing every night (ill stick to my 4-5 mile route) but really please with how i did.


                              Time to detox again again get back out on the streets now all the ice has melted , although the detox bit is quite unpleasant at the mo.


                                Went out on Chistmas morning - a bit icy, but lovely brisk air. Did 1hr10mins, but haven't been running for a few weeks due to illness, so it was all a bit much and the DOMS are only just fading now.

