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    Not cool, some seriously dodgy riding there. Didn't look 'that' fast though, clock in kph maybe?


      Lol, have a look at the comments at the foot of the page. But your right though, a real tit.


        Well I got home ok, in heavy rain, through some well dodgy roundabouts, heavy traffic and avoided some total tw@ who overtook me in a 20MPH zone in a no overtaking lane 20 meters from speed restricting chicane type things

        Bloody good thing the CBT was there tbh as if I had not of looked over my shoulder i'd have been of before getting home!

        My baby girl was well excited about my bike too which was nice, and miss Kats who is a biker was also happy so great day all round.

        No 2007/08 ones in so 2006/07 it is, having seen them side by side not much in it tbh... Its very responsive & fast in comparison with the one I did the CBT on and that was the 1st time i've ever been anywhere near a bike at 31

        And the weather makes a MASSIVE difference also, very scary on the manhole type stuff & emergency stoppage!!!

        All good fun, and great learning


          Originally posted by Katsujinken View Post
          Well I got home ok, in heavy rain, through some well dodgy roundabouts, heavy traffic and avoided some total tw@ who overtook me in a 20MPH zone in a no overtaking lane 20 meters from speed restricting chicane type things
          It won't be the last time - I've had people start to overtake me when the speed limit is changing from 30 (when I'm doing 30) to national (when I'm not) ...

          Erm, hello?


            Katsuj dude, don't look at the manhole covers! Look at the bits of tarmac either side of them (you essentially go where you look). You can try going over them on purpose too as long as you are relaxed and not gripping the tank with your knees in a state of rigid fear


              yeah, best advice ever for riding a motorbike.... just look where you want to go to (and you'll go there) , sounds easy, but takes practice...
              look at a manhole or dirt spot an the road and you'll most certanly hit that exact spot....


                Yep! Target fixation is the bane of new motorcyclists (and some older ones who should know better). Remember to look through the corners, etc.

                I'm not surprised someone tried dangerously overtaking you, though; the CBR125 might not be that powerful but it still looks very "sporty." Some dickheads on the road see sport bikes as some sort of challenge to their masculinity, trying to show you up in their ****ty customised Honda Civics etc. Beware also of boy racer chav types trying to "burn you off" at the lights. My bike can pretty much defeat all of them - to say nothing of some of the other NTSC-UKers' bikes - but I prefer not to, for obvious reasons; speed is for the track, not the road.

                Have to admit one guilty pleasure, though. One thing I quite like doing when I see that it's a boy-racer type at the lights is to rev my engine high and make out like I'm going to accept his little "challenge". Then, when the lights go green, I actually start to sedately putter along at SMART-car acceleration levels and watch him go zooming off, getting to 25-30mph over the speed limit only to realise that he's the only one in it.. It's even nicer when, as has happened twice since I moved here, they go straight past the po-po who then pull them over for speeding while I sedately cruise along at bang on the speed limit, like I usually do on public roads..
                Last edited by Eps; 03-10-2007, 21:26.


                  they go straight past the po-po who then pull them over for speeding
                  We don't actually have traffic police in the UK - they got replaced by speed cameras because they're cheaper and make more money


                    what an absolute muppet, if thats mph then im father xmas more like kmh, no respect for his life/machine or others around him........................ wont live long at that rate


                      Originally posted by MartyG View Post
                      We don't actually have traffic police in the UK - they got replaced by speed cameras because they're cheaper and make more money
                      I know, mate: I only lived in America for the last year or two. The lack of hidden speed cameras is a blessed relief around here, I can tell you (and I don't even really exceed the limit). Shame they only demand about 5 minutes' training to get an unrestricted bike licence, but that's another rant entirely..


                        Originally posted by Psi View Post
                        Then, when the lights go green, I actually start to sedately putter along at SMART-car acceleration levels and watch him go zooming off, getting to 25-30mph over the speed limit only to realise that he's the only one in it..
                        and then overtake him with a wheely !.....


                          Originally posted by TheForce View Post
                          and then overtake him with a wheely !.....
                          Who do you think I am, Ghost Rider? (the Swedish one )


                            I wish I hadn't found this thread. I'm thinking of learning next year and this is encouraging me. I've never been near a bike though so I've got no idea how to ride one! I'm liking the 2007 R6 so it may be Direct Access for me. I'm worried about comfort though as i'm 6'4. What does everyone think of the proposed BMW HS2 sportsbike?


                              I'm 6' and I find my zx6r to be just about big enough. What's your inside leg? Mines 34". If yours is much longer you might find it a squeeze and I'd recommend getting a cheap old sports bike and riding it for a few months to see if it cripples you before launching into the expense of a brand new machine. Your alternative is a supermotard. You can jack these up nicely for giants.


                                Well I'm a 34 inside leg too so perhaps it won't be as much of a problem as I thought it might be. There are a couple of nice KTMs I've seen so I could go in for one of those if a sportsbike was too uncomfortable.

                                Can anyone recommend any rider training places in the Newcastle area?

