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Get yer cats out for the lads!

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          This is Rory, my parents' cat. At last reckoning, my Mum and I think he's about 20 years old. He has not long left for this world, the poor little mite. He's got cataracts and arthritis, plus he's as foul tempered as he ever was.

          This is Trauma, the cat of my girlfriend's sister. She's so called because she fell off a balcony when she was a kitten. She's unfortunately gone missing (presumably feral) since this picture was taken.

          And finally, this is Spa, who belongs to my girlfriend's parents. She's very, very cute and cuddly.

          More pictures here.


            So sorry to hear about Trauma. She's a beautiful coloured tabby & I hope she's doing okay somewhere. Spa is a lovely colour too. Rory looks good for his age actually. My parents cat is about 12 yrs old now & looks good to. I'll have to post a piccy of him on here as I love him to bits too.

            I posted on here a few months ago about Lilys eye op where here she is b4 the op (the 1 with the half tash!) with Geoff below on the chair:

            Here's Geoff & Lily after she had to have the eye removed because of a little accident the vet had after she had to have a few teeth removed. As u can see she still looks as mischievious & as cute as she always has!:

            I dont know how many of u checked the pics I posted b4, but just to remind u check this piccy of Lily jumping a huuuge gap which she does daily even with 1 eye!! Yes thats right she jumps from the table onto the top of that wall opposite!! When u watch her jump it looks like she stops in mid air & isnt gonna make it, but she always does!!:
            Last edited by EDDIE M0NS00N; 12-07-2007, 16:24.


              Barring some kind of unforeseen disaster (i.e. it looks ravaged with disease or has two legs missing) we should be getting an eight week old ginger kitten this evening I'll post photos tomorrow with a bit of luck.


                Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                Barring some kind of unforeseen disaster (i.e. it looks ravaged with disease or has two legs missing) we should be getting an eight week old ginger kitten this evening I'll post photos tomorrow with a bit of luck.
                I'm already jealous - I'm not sure my tennancy agreement will allow me to get a kitten like that

                Post pics though


                  Here are the boys doing what they do best, sleeping..

                  Liquorice asleep in my J200 case - small cat (yes he is a boy) in a big case;

                  Monty asleep in my '59 Les Paul case - big cat in a small case;

                  Love them both and seeing as I came to the relationship and 'adopted' them, could not be happeir as a father!!!
                  Last edited by MatWoods; 07-08-2007, 19:38.


                    All went well and we picked him up last night He's still very nervous and timid at the moment, but getting more playful and adventurous by the hour. We haven't been able to agree on a name yet, my suggestion of Wesker was shot down for some reason








                            Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                            my suggestion of Wesker was shot down for some reason
                            Barry then, surely?

                            Gorgeous kitty by the way!


                              What about Wisker/Whisker then? Sounds similar & u might get away with calling the little un Wesker as it sounds so similar!!

                              On a similar note, my lady's brother & his wife named their girl cat O'Neil after the guy from Stargate. However, I think O'Neil sounds **** whereas Wesker sounds pretty cool


                                Originally posted by thebuddahman View Post
                                Barry then, surely?

                                Gorgeous kitty by the way!
                                I've been going through Resi names actually trying to find something that everyone will agree on! It's all the fault of Resi 5 hype! At the moment I think Oscar has become our fall back name, if we can't all agree on something else. I personally prefer to give cats exclusive cat names rather than human names though

                                He's settling in pretty well at the moment though. Running, jumping, climbing, pouncing, he's doing the lot. He's getting much better with people handling him too, he's gone from running away as soon as a hand went near him to letting you stroke him while he rolls over and purrs away

                                The one downside at the moment... crapping on the floor Weird as well because he did it on the first day, but that evening we managed to get him to go in the litter tray, but since then he's gone back to the floor again. We're scooping up the offending mess, putting in the litter tray and getting him to look at it. Hopefully he'll get the message!!

