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Get yer cats out for the lads!

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    A good idea is to put down a couple of litter trays in different areas of the house so that he has a better chance of seeing them. I read that if Kittens cant see somewhere to bury their crap within looking distance then they go anywhere.

    U dont have to buy loads of litter trays either get small ones as he's only a tiddler, or use other things like those baking/plastic trays u get with meat n stuff.


      Cheers for that, I looked up some info on the net as well and managed to get him to do his business in the correct place just now Hopefully he'll stick with it and it's not a false dawn!

      He was going on the floor in one specific place so we've got two litter trays in that area now. He almost went on the floor again (while sitting two inches from the tray!!) but I picked him up and popped him on the tray and luckily he stayed put.

      Having to toilet train a kitten is a new experience for us! Smudge was almost a year old when we got her (a stray who we adopted via a woman where I used to work) and she already knew what to do. Star and Shadow we got at around the same age as ginger but they both went in the litter tray first time with no prompting at all!

      The little fella is a superb kitten though, today he's taken to jumping on our laps and demanding to be tickled and stroked Was a little worried at first with him being so timid compared to our last two kittens, but he's shaken it off and become a really friendly little bloke.


        Once they start doing it on the floor they tend to go back to the same spot as they can smell where they've been previously, so it might be a good ide to put the tray in that exact spot if possible.
        Either that or u can get a special cleaning spray called 'Get Off' from Pets At Home or B&Q, which not only cleans but deters them from doing it in the same spot again by hiding their scent.


          omg too many cute kittes about


            Good news, he now seems to be using the litter tray all the time. Four uses in a row seems pretty good We have two in the room he's in, earlier he wanted to go while I was cleaning one of them out and he bounded over and went on the other. To celebrate, he's a pic
            Attached Files


              Good on the little fella!


                Oh my god! I thought you'd posted pics of my cats for a minute! Tony Soprano and Fluff are part of the same litter, have very similar faces, but very different fur. It's so odd that your two are like them.


                Tony Soprano:

                Friends together at our old house:

                Originally posted by MatWoods View Post
                Here are the boys doing what they do best, sleeping..

                Liquorice asleep in my J200 case - small cat (yes he is a boy) in a big case;

                Monty asleep in my '59 Les Paul case - big cat in a small case;

                Love them both and seeing as I came to the relationship and 'adopted' them, could not be happeir as a father!!!


                  Wow, Deja Vu of what!!

                  Love the names, the Mrs is a big Sopranos fan and often pinches my dressing gown and shuffles around the house, doing her best to impersonate him(she is 5ft 3" and skinny!)

                  Yep, they are very alike - Tony could double for Monty quite easily.

                  Ours are from 2 separate Boroughs - that they are from the same litter is quite an achievement.


                    Our cats just don't know what to make of all this hot weather (I think it's a shock to us all tbh after the miserable summer we've had). They just flump in any patch of shade they can find, bless 'em.


                      Just picked up my little 8 week old Tabby. After a household decision (remembering we are all gamers) she is going to be called "Meg" which is short for "MEGahurtz" Pictures to follow.


                        Here is the pic, as promised. She really is a great little character!

                        I present.... Megahurtz!


                          lol Megahurtz great name, sooooooo cute.


                            Thanks mate. She is so well behaved! Apart from when i play games, i think she thinks im ignoring her because she whines and jumps on my lap for attention.


                              She really is gorgeous! I had to log in just to say that


                                Lovely looking cat! She's got similar colours to our cat Star. If she ever has kittens you'll have to call them names like gigahertz and dual-core

                                I wish our new kitten Oscar was as well behaved! He'll sit quietly and want to be stroked when he's just woken up, but as soon as he's fully away he's running around and wanting to play fight with everything, including us Anyone got any tips for calming down a kitten? Star and Shadow definitely weren't as hyper as he is!

