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Get yer cats out for the lads!

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    Stealth cat is hilarious but I am also a bit pissed.

    I had to leave my cat (Fluffy Boll**cks) at my mum's after moving to my girlfriend's last week This is him making the most of a chair:

    Last edited by stainboy; 11-10-2008, 20:50.


      We picked up the two new kittens today. They are so frightened its untrue. Bloody lovely though, so cute.

      The ginger one is Molly, the black and ginger is called Rusty


        Kittens + that floor = pure unadulterated fun for months.


 classic lol


            We've had the kittens for a few days now. This morning there was blood in one of their stools, I think I know which one it is as it was in the litter tray and only one has grasped what thats for so far. Tonight the other one had a blood in its stool

            We are feeding them Whiskers kitten food as the RSPCA told us too, could this be disagreeing with them? Both have had their first set of injections and are due for the second set next week. They are playful and both eating well, infact they are constantly pestering me for more food.

            I'm not overally worried but I've no prior experience with kittens, can any of you cat owners provide any anecdotal advice?


              I'd be taking them to the vet ASAP to be honest. May be nothing at all but they're so small you don't want to risk it.

              Our two both had bad tummies when they were tiny, including one really pleasant incident of runny poo being sprayed up a wall, and both were fine so don't get to worried but best to be sure.


                Get em to the vets sharpish m8 it could be nothing but it could be anything. Their kittens from RSPCA so you dont know the background of the mother if she had anything. I just wouldnt take the risk as from personal experience RSPCA arent that great on finding if theirs disease their when you take it into care (our first dog from them got given a week to live put it like that from our local vet thank god we gave him everything and every shot going to survive).

                Some lovely cats their guys


                  Yeah, I'll get them down there first thing tomorrow.


                    My wife bought the kittens loads of toys today. They are ignoring them all in favour of the some sweet wrappers I had in my pocket.

                    I have the makings of a kitten football team


                      Originally posted by Herbalizer View Post
                      My wife bought the kittens loads of toys today. They are ignoring them all in favour of the some sweet wrappers I had in my pocket.

                      I have the makings of a kitten football team
                      This is all true. Don't buy them a nice bed - just sling a cardboard box on the floor with a few bits of newspaper in. Whenever a new box arrives it's like the Alamo when one gets in and the other two try to attack.

                      Don't buy toys - sweetie wrappers, till receipts, shiny foil - all get batted around far more frequently.

                      Cats are the masters of tat!


                        The cold war has nothing compared to a pair of kitties facing off over a box.


                          Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                          Don't buy toys - sweetie wrappers, till receipts, shiny foil - all get batted around far more frequently.

                          Cats are the masters of tat!
                          Very true ! The Cat Lady (old woman, dren load of cats) that I got my 2 kittens from had what can only be described as a piece of wire coat hanger with a piece of fabric tied to either end, Mia and Charlie went mad for it.

                          Speaking of which.......

                          Grey and White Tiger Stripe is Charlie and the Fluff Ball is Mia
                          Attached Files


                            This is Trumpet. He's a rotund little chap who likes to have one or sometimes two feet stuck out in front of him. We also have a vampiric cat named Puff Daddy, but I don't have any pics of him; he's a long-haired black cat.

                            I've actually got some better ones of him but I don't know where I put them.


                              Originally posted by monomaniacpat View Post
                              This is Trumpet. He's a rotund little chap who likes to have one or sometimes two feet stuck out in front of him. We also have a vampiric cat named Puff Daddy, but I don't have any pics of him; he's a long-haired black cat.

                              I've actually got some better ones of him but I don't know where I put them.
                              He's a beaut!! I ADORE cats but I have a real soft spot for Black Cats. Theyre so striking looking!!


                                Yeah, but bloody difficult to take pictures of! Especially when you live in a cave...

