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The Boxing Thread

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    You should watch both series of The Contender Nick, may be reality TV, but all the fights were very good. First series was the better of the two by the way.


      First i heard of it was tonight,when Sly flashed up on the screen.

      Gonna go look for it i think.


        Is there a big Italian community in Wales? Everyone is called Enzo!


          Of course it was stopped early, though Manfredo was next to useless he wasn't hurt. A lot of the punches did infact miss though a couple of decent ones connected too it was clearer on the replay. I've seen enough fights to know that when a fighter is stunned/hurt they usually don't move at all, they're dazed and just continue to get pounded. Relatively shortly into taking the "barrage" from Calzaghe Manfredo actually starts to duck and weave showing he's clearly "in the fight and thinking straight", in the replay it's clear that once he started doing this Calzaghe was missing a lot, then the ref inexplicably stops the fight upon ducking for the 3rd time. Extremely unimpressed all around. ;/


            Really hope Hatton manages to win tonight, going to be a tough one. He does look at his best ever so has a great chance.

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              Originally posted by DavidHolliss View Post
              Really hope Hatton manages to win tonight, going to be a tough one. He does look at his best ever so has a great chance.

              I'm confident Hatton will win but I think its going to go all the way. Should be a classic!



                hattan wins early in 4th round with a super liver punch which KOS the mexican. his first ever KO loss.

                Well done Ricky dude..


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                  Unbelievable body shot, great win for him there Mayweather must be getting close now.


                    Originally posted by Ajay1986 View Post
                    Mayweather must be getting close now.
                    Hatton has definitely got the punching power to hurt Mayweather, but I'm finding it hard to see anything other than the Pretty Boy doing a 12-round hit & run job on Hatton and just being too fast for him, imho.

                    But you never know, do you?


                      I'm not so sure. DLH showed that Mayweather can be ruffled. For 6-8 rounds of their fight Mayweather, whilst not being overly hurt, was clearly ill at ease and imo only his superior conditioning and pace won him the fight in the last 3-4 rounds. He's not the hardest hitter in the divison either.

                      Hatton is a devastating body puncher. First Tsyzu, now Castillo, both destroyed with blows to the body (lasts nights was the commentator said I've not seen a blow like that for ages since an RJJ special and I'm an avid boxing watcher). Hatton loves to come forward, attack, grab, attack. I just don't see that Mayweather could/has the power to continually keep him away. Sure he'd hit Hatton loads on the way in but that's Ricky's style. Take a few moving forward, get in close and release the bombs. Could be a classic if it happens and I'd expect (and love) to see Pretty Boy's smile knocked off that smug face.


                        Originally posted by wheelaa View Post
                        I'm not so sure. DLH showed that Mayweather can be ruffled. For 6-8 rounds of their fight Mayweather, whilst not being overly hurt, was clearly ill at ease and imo only his superior conditioning and pace won him the fight in the last 3-4 rounds. He's not the hardest hitter in the divison either.

                        Hatton is a devastating body puncher. First Tsyzu, now Castillo, both destroyed with blows to the body (lasts nights was the commentator said I've not seen a blow like that for ages since an RJJ special and I'm an avid boxing watcher). Hatton loves to come forward, attack, grab, attack. I just don't see that Mayweather could/has the power to continually keep him away. Sure he'd hit Hatton loads on the way in but that's Ricky's style. Take a few moving forward, get in close and release the bombs. Could be a classic if it happens and I'd expect (and love) to see Pretty Boy's smile knocked off that smug face.
                        You're forgetting that a large majority of De La Hoya's punches weren't actually connecting against Mayweather - the stats showed that Mayweather actually threw as many punches (if not more) and landed more clean shots.

                        Also, Mayweather's style has never been about power. It's always been about movement first and foremost, dazzling hand-speed and counter-punching secondly. For speed and movement, Mayweather owns Hatton every day of the week. The Hitman would have to actually catch Mayweather to hurt him - I'm really not sure he could. Also, Mayweather is so unbelievably shrewd in terms of tactics in the sense of his being able to adapt, like he did against Zab Judah when he was losing the first half of their fight, and he then completely changed his gameplan to catch and eventually stop Judah late on. Ricky Hatton's an exciting fighter, but pretty one-dimensional in that respect - arguably ideal for Mayweather.

                        And even then, that's not forgetting one crucial factor - Hatton would probably have to move up a weight to fight Mayweather. Pretty Boy again edges the Hitman here as World Champion at four different weights, whereas Hatton was very lucky to get the decision against Luis Collazo when he moved up a weight to fight him.
                        Last edited by Nu-Eclipse; 25-06-2007, 13:13.


                          Khan & Cook both fight for titles tonight, Khan fight is live, not sure about Nicky Cook's (ITV1)


                            Khan fight is on ITV1 is it ? What time ?


                              Program starts at 9.10, believe there is also the Skelton Sprott fight on the card

                              Should be a top night of boxing.


                                Awesome - Haven't watched a boxing match for ages - Think I'll fone in a pizza

