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The Relationship Thread-Good, Bad or Indifferent.

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    I wouldn't discount clubs for meeting people, my sister and her now husband met in a club, both out of long term relationships and not looking for anything, exchanged numbers and two years later were married, absolutely perfect for each other, real soul mates which is a lovely thing.

    My point is you never know where you'll meet someone. I met a German chick I dated while I was dancing on top of a bar in Peru, was dancing away for free rum (as one does) ripped off my shirt and she decided that she was going to run off with it, fantastic woman and we had some great times traveling round the uk when she'd come over and see me.

    You really could meet someone in Asda too, I've been asked out by a girl in a local McDonald's, which took a lot of courage considering it was infont of customers.

    Keep your options open, but don't go desperately seeking love/relationships as others have said, you'll never find it if your looking, itle always blindside you.


      See, I got told by one of the women I work with that I should hang out in coffee shops more as she was genuinely surprised that I'd never been asked out by anyone in a place like that before. I just worry I'd be taken to be a stalker or something.


        I can't imagine doing anything like that. There's a p cute girl in Sainsburys but you gotta have courage for that I think. Also what if they are in a relationship or you have nothing in common idk. Seems like more trouble than its worth.


          Asking out somebody you don't know in a Sainsbury's or a coffee shop obviously takes a fair bit of courage, though surely it's actually less work? You're more likely to get a straight answer on the spot, though you'd probably have to accept that the answer is more than likely going to be in the negative, simply because you're a stranger. Still, might get lucky!

          Sometimes, you just have to go for it, though I'm certainly no person to be saying that. I dawdled and hesitated for about half a year before I actually asked out my now-girlfriend. In fact, I posted about my fears, worries, hesitations and concerns beforehand in this very thread (which is why I'm posting updates!). It turns out that while I was hesitating, and worrying about what would happen if she said no, she was going though exactly the same thought process as me. She confessed to me the other day that she was going to ask me out on the same day that I asked her out (I beat her to the punch by a few hours), and if things had gone wrong, she'd of had to try and move on, and probably not meet up with me again because it would have been too painful. I'm glad I bucked up the courage to ask, the thought that I'd not have to opportunity to ask her out due to her ironically giving up her chances with me is a scary thought. The fish you let slip, and all that.


            Last edited by Kit; 09-07-2013, 05:33.


              Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
              I can't imagine doing anything like that. There's a p cute girl in Sainsburys but you gotta have courage for that I think. Also what if they are in a relationship or you have nothing in common idk. Seems like more trouble than its worth.
              There is a supermarket near me(Well, not really a 'supermarket', more of a not small enough to be a minimarket but not big enough to be a supermarket) and they always have cute women working there. So many times I've been tempted to ask one out, but I never seem to have the courage to go through with it.

              No more club slappers though. Can't be doing with them. I just need to find a lass that likes dodgy monster shark movies. And gaming. And is a redhead. And has a Lancashire or Welsh accent. And is fit.

              Is that too much to ask?


                Ask girl out. Negative result? Walk away and you will probably never see her again anyway.

                I asked a barmaid out once, right after spilling my pint. She was mega fit too and thought it was hilarious when I asked her out and told her she needs to clean up my beer.


                  So the proper cute one I work with whose birthday I was out for the other day's boyfriend of 3 years was revealed to be a total douche that same night. Zero guilt if I steal that one away. I won't, because serial daters always move on once again and I've had enough of that BS.


                    Hmm, now my not-to-be-girl is posting on Facebook with some mildly explicit (by Facebook standards) pictures 'n' words, saying that she's lovesick. Is that supposed to be bait? Knowing her, actually yes, but I'm not sure what the point of it would be and I don't really know how to decipher it. Either she's had a change of heart (nah) or has been rejected big time by whatever douche-waffle (that's going by her past track record) she wanted to get with instead. Either way: haw haw!

                    Then after my usual initial jealousy, I came to the realization that instead of feeling jealous about whoever else is going to do her at whatever point, I should instead feel fortunate that I dodged the bullet of the drama that would have been her. The way she's going, that's all she's gonna get anyway. I guess some women are just "not relationship material".

                    Female mate sitting next to me actually gasped and said 'omg that is ****ing bizarre' when the guy walked past and I had to concur 'really? lol' ok, this definitely wasn't meant to be. If you think a chav is a better proposition than me, enjoy your life.

                    I know I'm better than that.
                    Touche. I'm still scratching my head at the sort of guys that get so much attention.

                    I couldn't be that sort of chav pond scum. Too much effort!
                    Last edited by Lyris; 30-06-2013, 02:51.


                      Maybe those guys exude a raw, animalistic, primal...ness and this just turns these girls on?


                        I hope not. It's a bleak future for the world if THAT is what gets selected to ultimately breed. But it would explain a lot.

                        Maybe there is some truth in the idea that drama-free relationships, on some level, are just too boring for a lot of people.

                        The whole dynamic reminds me of the Family Guy gag where Lois complains that she's bored, so Peter Griffin grabs a lighter (or some fire-making thing) and sets the curtains alight: "There you go".


                          A friend of mine described her "relationship" with one guy that we worked with as such:

                          "If a he treats you like he doesn't care, when he IS caring it's amazing."

                          Treat them mean and keep them keen indeed.



                            double post.


                              Well, that's true, it would create more of a contrast. And THAT's supposed to be desirable? Yeesh.


                                Consistency has done wonders for me, so horses for courses

