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The Artwork Thread

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    That's superb!


      Thanks Colin!


        Very nice piece!


          You know it's funny, when I was young I drew a lot of stuff, I'd just happily sit in the corner scribbling away all day. When my nephew was born I would draw anything he wanted, and at one point I did his entire bedroom as scenes from Disney's Tarzan. I actually found a couple of old sketches in the bottom of a drawer last week that I'll have done for him when he was really young, and it was probably the last time I ever tried doing anything. I'm going to keep them, even though they're not finished or that great, they're nice memories.


            Those are good, man. Draw more!


              Dogg Thang, I am insanely jealous of your talent.


                Thanks QC. I was just glad to get it finished today! Wanted it ready for New Year's Eve and last night I still had half the buildings, the blimp and the sky to do. Managed to get it done this morning though. Went down well on Twitter!



                    You'll love this too, Dogg.

                    "Created by pixel artists Paul Robertson and Ivan Dixon, and featuring a soundtrack by Jeremy Dower, it's a 16-bit-style version of*The Simpsons'*opening credits. The attention to detail is exquisite - references to episodes past can be found in every scene - and, unusually, it just keeps getting better as it goes along."

                    It reminds me of the Konami arcade game!


                      That's fantastic.


                        Some new stuff...


                          Mesmerised by the blossoms! I love how it loops!

                          It's 7am on Saturday and you've already made my Saturday

                          Tron is gorgeous. What are the other two?


                            Thanks for the kind words! Appreciate it! They're not anywhere fixed or from anything, just views of a cyberpunk city - the 2015 I wanted as a kid. So the first has Flynn's Arcade from Tron which you spotted and a club and diner. Also has an Atari sign although someone pointed out to me that it's not the old logo so that's a research fail. The second is the industrial end, a tense meeting. Friday the 13th billboard in the background. The last is the city from afar. The shape isn't quite right but the triangular purpley blue building is meant to be the same one from the first pic.

                            It's a city that is starting to take shape as I explore different areas. Having a look at a rundown area at the moment although it's early stages so could change.


                              Seriously well done dog thang you have a real talent there and keep it up. Loving watching your city take shape and grow


                                Seriously, Dogg.
                                You've got the touch.
                                You've got the POOOWEEEER!

