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    Such cynicism, Tommy

    I think most of the publicity has been generated/funded outside of the raised amount. When the interest fades (and it will) the collapse will be dramatic. I don't think even half a mill will last that long. The hiring of a campaigns manager is a canny move.


      Someone in the office has just heard on the radio that Portugese police have recieved a tip off as to the location of Madelines body. I cant find anything myself on any news sites though.


        BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service



          Originally posted by Swallow View Post

          Sounds like the same thing, I clearly didnt look too hard to find it. At least if they do find her body its going to give closure to the parents.




              Originally posted by Baggie View Post
              or EA games.
              Someone with Photoshop needs to get busy. NOW!


                Slightly distressing, prolly why the BBS didn't report it.


                  Sadly, this was almost inevitable.


                    Originally posted by Swallow View Post

                    Slightly distressing, prolly why the BBS didn't report it.

                    It's actually the same story as the BBC's but with a more provocative headline.


                      Depending on how much publicity this original letter got, this could easily be, and is probably more than likely, a hoax. I mean, if they printed the text of the letter about these other two girls in the press it wouldn't have taken much to copy it and change the name/location. And what are the chances of the kidnapper being Dutch?

                      Guess we'll see...


                        Oh dear. I suppose its better the partents know though. Knowing their daughter is dead will put an end to it, its far better than a lifetime of wondering.


                          Originally posted by Exception OE View Post
                          Oh dear. I suppose its better the partents know though. Knowing their daughter is dead will put an end to it, its far better than a lifetime of wondering.
                          Oh but it won't. They will then launch the next phase of their campaign to find the killer, then start on new child protection laws which will be called 'maddy's law'.

                          They'll be doing whatever it takes to keep this in the media for months yet.


                            Originally posted by Kotatsu Neko View Post
                            Oh but it won't. They will then launch the next phase of their campaign to find the killer, then start on new child protection laws which will be called 'maddy's law'.

                            They'll be doing whatever it takes to keep this in the media for months yet.
                            I wish I could accuse you of cynicism and exaggeration. But I can't.

                            I think it was the NOTW that was pushing for a Sarah's Law, a UK version of Megan's Law. I could see them taking up the cause again.


                              It was on the radio this morning that they've had an anonymous tip-off that Madeleine is buried at some waste ground nine miles from where she was taken. Needless to say that's where they'll be concentrating on today.


                                in the end everyone wants the child to turn up safe and sound

                                just with what the parents have done it kindoff annoys me and i want to see at least some signs of guilt or they know they made a mistake on there far i have seen really little in the way of emotion at all

                                i dont have kids so i cannot relate....but i just know in myself if i was on holiday with kids i would not let them out of my sight

