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    Leaving the country when they did and who they have employed to clear them hasn't, imo, done them any favours. Quite the opposite, I think many people look at this behaviour as over the top, much as their behaviour throughout the campaign has been deviant from what most people believe to be the 'right' way to act.


      Originally posted by Jebus View Post
      I won't argue otherwise mate. If they are truly innocent then they have nothing to worry about and should concentrate their efforts on their missing daughter.

      I think if it were me, I'd be worried about my child first, and what happened to me...well, later.
      It's kind of interesting though that the team of lawyers they have employed to defend them are experts in fighting extradition and have previously defended the likes of Pinochet.


        I'd imagine their first choice might have been Cochran if he was still alive!


          Yes, the classic choice for all guilty crims; I'm sure we can all agree on that!


            Christ on a bike! I haven't been on here for months and this thread is still going!?

            'bangs head'...knew I should have charged per post!


              Saw something yesterday saying that the BRITISH police have confirmed that based on the DNA evidence (which they've now studied themselves) the Portugese police were right to cast the shadow of suspicion over the Mccanns.

              It's all gone very quiet eh.


                Originally posted by Yoshimax View Post

                It's all gone very quiet eh.
                Don't tempt fate Yoshi...! Hopefully this trivial story is dead and buried now.


                  Nothing's changed. Rumour from Portugal, McCanns deny it. Repeat until thoroughly bored.


                    The latest story aledgedly, is all the couples had their children in with the McCanns ? Interesting, as if true, you can see why the picture was made muddier that night. All scared about the way they look after their children and the ramifications it would lead to.....?

                    It's also gone quiet lately, because the new guy that's taken over the case. Examining the case so far. They even suppose to have done raids on paedophiles. So i doubt the parent's spokesman will release any new statements. When the police seem to be focused away from them....?


                      Well, the McCann spokesman released a statement today saying they're going to sue people who claim they drugged her. So nothing new there then really.


                        Missed that debug77. Interesting, in a way. If they know they didn't drug their children they're ok releasing this. If the dna or other evidence comes back with a counter claim....

                        The new cop on the case could be good. A new face to look at it from a fresh perspective. Hopefully, finally sorting this case out...


                          A good article, from the mother of Ben Needham....

                          We never got help like the McCanns...


                            I was watching the Welsh News today & there was a story of a dog getting stuck down a pot hole or something. What annoyed me was the fact that the reporter had to mention that it so far cost £1000 to find the dog, as if to say, "what a waste of money".
                            So if £1000 finding a dog is a waste of money then what is wasting Police time & using satellite surveilance to find a child thats probably dead & costing millions of government money then?


                              Dispatches on Channel 4, next thursday, is about the disappearance of Madeleine.... Should be good, hopefully clearing up rumors and showing the latest evidence..

                              Their last show, the special about China's missing children was really sad....

                              Last edited by wonderboy; 12-10-2007, 18:25.


                                'CORPSE IN McCANN CAR' acording to The Evening Standard Portugese Police awaiting DNA results from 'bodily fluids' form a corpse which were apparenlty found under the carpet in the McCanns hire car.

