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    Been off work since Tuesday with headache, lethargy, cold sweats, all my joints were screaming!

    Felt better during Thursday and was set to go back to work Friday but when I woke up Friday I felt even worse than before. Couldn't speak, trouble breathing and sharp pains in my chest!

    My Mum practically forced me to call the Pandemic Flu hotline and I did. Been put on Tamiflu but the woman on the phone said to call my GP on Monday due to potential complications! Slightly scared!!


      Had another fit last night. Next time I can feel one coming on have to get some milk so can have a milk shake

      In seriousness though its making my brain mushy cant hardly talk from it.


        Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
        the woman on the phone said to call my GP on Monday due to potential complications! Slightly scared!!
        DOnt worry its probably just a safety precaution after that kid was diagnosed with swine flu but then died of meningitis last wk


          Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
          Had another fit last night. Next time I can feel one coming on have to get some milk so can have a milk shake

          In seriousness though its making my brain mushy cant hardly talk from it.
          I feel sorry for you man. I can't relate personally to it myself, but at secondary school there was one kid who had fits almost everyday and I was in most of his classes so witnessed this quite shocking event.

          Hope you're ok mate. Are you related to some of the other people on here? As I swear there's a few users who have your same avatar.


            Na I just couldnt be botehred to put my own avatar up its just popular My fits are down to health issues basically a after effect of a coma I was in. I dont have them often and I should go into hospital when I start having em but sod that lol

            Usually I just black out which is part of the course but fitting from it meh not good. Its just making my brain slow at monet so cant talk properly to people or hear them very good and understand them (talking to people with speech rattles my brain makes it hurt). Not too bad with typing to people though I just dont go mad with it all. I should lay off everything and sleep more but I hate doing it find it frustrating. So Im pretty much a tesco trolly zombie till it sorts itself out heh.


              Yea finally after 2 weeks its starting to subside so happy chappy Pretty arsed off last night though as I was due to go to Castle Howard Proms (keep getting the ticket every year never been up to going yet) and wasnt up to the travelling even though its down the road.

              Maybe next year he says again lol


                Does being drunk qualify,I just know tomorrow am going to suffer like sh*t.Been drinking now for 13 hours

                I can list the symptoms if you like,feel sick,sore,dizzyness,lack of coordination and the ability to be quiet when in the kitchen looking for something to eat.


                  Man Flu.

                  Worst. Thing. EVER.


                    I've had a blocked up nose for ages - litterally had it since early February. Weird thing is if I start moving about it clears, it only blocks when I'm doing nothing. It's like Speed for breathing.

                    It seems too pansy to see a docter about it but it doesn't look like it'll clear itself :/


                      i have swine flu off work till next monday ....and this shows how dumb my work place is
                      this over the phone

                      Work:have you got your medical cert
                      me: yup probable swine flu
                      work:could you pop in and deliver it
                      me: hangon i have swine flu.....wouldnt it be better to post it ?
                      work: ok that would do aswell


                        I woke up this mornign with chills and bit of a head ache. Im starting to cough a bit now, and when i look too far to the side or corner of my eye, it hurts my head. Dunno what this is.............. a cold? Bloody hell, how am i gonna be able to get on a plane next week, if im unwell?



                          I seem to be in the midst of a series of little ailments. Bunged up or a tight chest mostly, nothing serious, but it's playing havoc with my exercise.


                            On Tuesday morning, I woke up with my throat feeling it a bit sore. It got worse later on during the day. And now, I've got a runny, nose, blocked nose and I'm coughing a bit as well - It started off as a sore threat and now it's a full on cold!

                            I'm trying to cast my mind back as to how I got this bloody cold and come to think of it, some plonker (a client he didn't look too well) at work the other day was coughing all over the place...
                            Last edited by Kongster; 08-10-2009, 11:22.


                              Swine flu GET!


                                I think I may have what looks like the beginning of a Verruca on the big toe of my left foot.

                                Anyone know a good way of getting rid of them?

