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      Guys, it was quality...

      I got a pack of 3 beers with Matfen Magic, Auld Hemp and Nel's Best in.

      See descriptions here:

      While I was there I had a pint of Red Shep. Lovely. Bitter initial taste with a sweeter, fruitier aftertaste.

      I also got a HighHouseFarm pint glass

      Horrified, though, to discover that the other four beers on the website, plus two others mentioned at the Brewery itself (one was a Camra silver-award winner named after the 150 years of Newcastle diocese and the other was a newbie), were cask-only seasonal beers.

      However, all was not lost. After a bit of enquiring, I found out that for about a tenner I could buy a plastic mini-polypin, stoneware-style carry keg, and fill it with the current beer. So, four pints of Red Shep have been poured and stored, brought home and ready to unleash on the next beer tasting sesh.

      You could also buy the little cards for each beer that slot inside the hand pump. A bit pricey though, so I gave it a miss.


        Pebbles and I have just welched on that mega-polypin of Red Shep and we've agreed to upgrade it to a 9. Superb.

        Makes me want to get more but it's a mission!


          I was at WOMAD at the weekend. Consumed a ludicrous amount of Bath Ales beer. Gem and Wild Hare. Both get 8/10 from me.


            Oof they must have been proper session ales then?

            For the record, I felt as rough as a badger's arse this morning in the car. It probably had something to do with the German pils pebbles poured out from the dregs of a mini-keg. It was like a home-brew! Flat and whupping.


              I was fine and I went to work!


                I had a beautiful pint at the local at lunchtime. It was dry and just... beautiful.

                I'm going back down there in a minute to sample plenty more and get its name.


                  Had a bottle of Rolling Hitch last night from Asda.

                  Well worth it:

                  One of the tastiest IPA beers I have ever drunk.


                    Woot, yet another beer festival (Newton Solney this time) over the weekend, I fully expect to be mullered for the next three nights!


                      The beer I liked so much was Buntingfords Blink Bonny. A solid 9/10. Lovely.

                      Off out tonight but its on a lager fans stag do so real ale oppurtunities will be thin on the ground.

                      Tomorrow though a mate and I are going on a mini pub crawl. Staggering back and forth between the two rather fine real ale houses in Bedford. Can't wait.


                        Had a great day on the pub crawl. Sampled the following (I think!):

                        Buntingfords Blink Bonny (I had many of these - great beer)
                        Buntingfords Royston Red
                        Youngs Special
                        Youngs Bitter
                        Hadrians Legionairre
                        Hadrians... well it was Roman oriented in its name
                        Youngs Double Chocolate Stout
                        SA Gold
                        Nottingham Brewery Dreadnought
                        Bullion (can't remember the brewery)

                        All in all a successful trip


                          Are any of you folks visiting the Great British Beer Festival this coming weekend? I will be down there on Thursday and Friday if you'd like to meet up and buy me a beer


                            Not this year, Ish. Last night was ace, we drank the whole village dry.


                              Originally posted by Ish View Post
                              Nottingham Brewery Dreadnought
                              Bullion (can't remember the brewery)
                              I think Bullion is a Nottingham Brewery ale as well.


                                Been stalking this thread for some time, and enjoying reading about the antics almost as much as the beers. I finally did my bit today, and signed up for Camra membership at the festival at Earls Court. Big focus on getting the younger folk involved which was nice too - swung quite a few free drinks following the 'young person pub crawl' around, and despite the lady not thinking I met the criteria (the cheek of it), got money off my membership for being under 26, good result all round. Obv many a tasty beer was enjoyed too

                                Last edited by fuse; 12-08-2007, 00:16. Reason: added picture!

