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Mobile Phone thread - please include links to good deals

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    I have an iPhone 4 on the Three network. No problems so far. Best thing about three is their ask you can eat data plan. It is totally Uncapped and that includes tethering too. Ok so I'm paying 35 a month but I know that I will never have to pay more than that. O2 are terrible value for money.

    I was with three a few years back and they were great then too.


      had a samsung tocco phone for ages thinking of getting a contract phone still no idea what to get though the thing it must have though is a FM radio so can listen to it on the way to work


        Those Three deals are pretty good I have to say, be interested to hear what your experience is like with them FSW. I'm planning on moving back to Vodafone in November, but I might be swayed with the right deal.


          Originally posted by FSW View Post
          I have an iPhone 4 on the Three network. No problems so far. Best thing about three is their ask you can eat data plan. It is totally Uncapped and that includes tethering too.
          didn't realise it includes tethering. That may sway it, as can use laptop Internet (or iPad if I end up getting one) via iPhone.

          Glad to hear service is good though.
          I've got way too many apps to move away from iPhones now.

          FSW- Incidentally have u tried the Tapatalk Forum app? Makes browsing NTSC-UK much easier than safari.


            I've been looking at a few handsets today to replace iPhone 3Gs and I'm torn between iPhone 4 (iOS), HTC Desire HD (Android), HTC HD7 (WP7) or Xperia Arc (Android).

            It sounds daft but I'm a little bored of iOS. Having played about with some WP7 handsets I really like the UI and features of it but I have no experience of Android but am a bit of a Sony fanboy & the thought of Bravia tech in my phone makes me feel a bit giddy!

            Should I stick with iOS as it's a proven device or should I take the plunge & try something new? Help, please!!


              @laruso - Yep, I'm using tapatalk mate. It's sweet.

              @teddy - It sure is tempting to want to try something new. My advice though is don't. I've had a play with WinMo7 and read the horror stories. It's not ready and it's buggy. I had Android for a while ( a budget San Francisco that certainly got the job done). All the guys around me have Samsung Galaxies too but they're constantly moaning about the level of lag, battery drain etc. IMO iPhone 4 is in a different league. It's smartphone done (mostly) right! I was delighted to return to the Cult of Jobs after a 1 year hiatus. I admit to having jailbroken mine in order to do some dev work (I hate Apple for forcing me to do this BTW) and also to install SBSettings (to provide fast access to wifi, 3g, gps toggles etc.) but other than that it's vanilla and I love it.

              My advice would be to try to play with WinMo7 for a day by borrowing a phone if you can. That way you can get it out you system, realise that iOS is really rather good and go back to what you know, happy in the knowlege that you are on the best system ;-)


                Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                I've been looking at a few handsets today to replace iPhone 3Gs and I'm torn between iPhone 4 (iOS), HTC Desire HD (Android), HTC HD7 (WP7) or Xperia Arc (Android).

                It sounds daft but I'm a little bored of iOS. Having played about with some WP7 handsets I really like the UI and features of it but I have no experience of Android but am a bit of a Sony fanboy & the thought of Bravia tech in my phone makes me feel a bit giddy!

                Should I stick with iOS as it's a proven device or should I take the plunge & try something new? Help, please!!
                I recently made the jump from iOS to Android myself. I don't regret it at all.

                I went ahead with the Motorola Atrix but it had some seriously AWFUL flaws with it (I made a thread on here a while ago about a touchscreen issue? Yeah, that was a Motorola 'feature' that rendered a lot of games unplayable).

                Took it back and got the Xperia Arc, and I'm extremely happy with it. The only downfall for me was the atrocious battery life, but 2.3.3 literally came out a matter of days ago, and that's resolved most issues. There's also reports of people having massively improved battery life after a few weeks of owning the phone.

                What do you mainly use your phone for?


                  The Arc would certainly be my Android of choice. That screen is gorgeous. What kind of battery life are you getting? My iPhone was initially not bad, much better than my ANdroid but nothing amazing. After 2 weeks though I just checked and after 1 day and 6 hours since charge, with 3g, wifi, gps and bluetooth on constantly the batter was still at 52% which is about 3 times better than my ANdroid would have been with blutooth, wifi and gps all turned off!


                    Originally posted by FSW View Post
                    The Arc would certainly be my Android of choice. That screen is gorgeous. What kind of battery life are you getting? My iPhone was initially not bad, much better than my ANdroid but nothing amazing. After 2 weeks though I just checked and after 1 day and 6 hours since charge, with 3g, wifi, gps and bluetooth on constantly the batter was still at 52% which is about 3 times better than my ANdroid would have been with blutooth, wifi and gps all turned off!
                    Battery life today with 2.3.3 was vastly improved over yesterday with 2.3.2. I'm now getting around the same as I got with my iPhone 4 and I'm expecting that to get better.

                    Yesterday (2.3.2) it didn't last me the day at all, and the only heavy heavy usage I gave it was a half hour burst of Dungeon Defenders in the morning.

                    I've given it some heavy use today (2.3.3) with some Dungeon Defenders, some Reckless Racing, some IM running in the background and some music playing and it's lasted me up until now. The android battery usage meter is telling me it's Meebo IM and the Display that have killed the battery the most, so I know not to leave my IM clients running in the background.


                      I've been using Android for the last week as work replaced my old E52 with an HTC Wildfire S and I have to say (I never thought I'd hear myself saying this) that I quickly found myself missing the "it just works" factor of my iPhone. :/

                      Maybe come November I'll just get the iPhone 4S and that all you can eat + tethering contract with Three. I'd love to be able to go back to Vodafone though, hopefully there will be some competitive contracts come November.


                        I changed from an android set (San fran) to iOS tbh fo me I wouldn't go back to android I just don't like or trust the marketplace not to chuck loads of malware at me so I bit the bullet and went to iOS it's not bad and you can get flash on an iPhone now (via skyfire for ?1.79) so the only thing android had for me has gone wouldn't have out else although my mate did just get a blackberry torch that's nice but about ?5 an app!! No thanks


                          I hate both the app store and the market place. They're flooded with utter carp, making finding anything of use (unless you know EXACTLY the app you're after) a frustrating exercise in futility.


                            I recently went from a stunning HTC Desire to an even more stunning Samsung Galaxy S2

                            The screen is amazing.


                              Just bought the missus a Motorola Flipout from orange for just ?50 on payg (plus the obligatory ?20 credit blahblah) and spend a while yesterday setting it up. Aside from messing around with friends phones this is my first real experience of a modern android phone and although the flipout isn't the best, I'm super impressed. Now that I'm converted I'll have to start saving to get myself something with a larger/better screen.

                              Now I have to spend a bit of time researching the best apps. Her birthday isn't until next week so I'll get to have a good play around with it first and see what she might like. Happy days!


                                My wife is looking for an android smart phone - it will the first touch phone she's had and wants something cheap that works well. I've only ever had iPhone 3GS so have not kept up to date with android phones. Any one got any recommendations? What is the galaxy s like? Cheers.

