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Mobile Phone thread - please include links to good deals

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    Originally posted by DavidH View Post
    There's Apple fans and there's Apple fans!
    So he's made a few hundred pounds by spending days sitting in the rain and selling his slot at the front? LOL... idiot.


      Originally posted by charlesr View Post
      So he's made a few hundred pounds by spending days sitting in the rain and selling his slot at the front? LOL... idiot.
      Harsh on idiots.


        Originally posted by Nu-Eclipse View Post
        No way am I putting iOS 7 on my 3-year old iPhone 4 - the bloody thing struggles with iOS 5+ at this point! Will probably purchase an iPhone 5s within the next month or two.

        I've held off putting iOS 7 onto my iPad Mini as well - reports I've come across speak of it being buggy on iPads at this moment in time.

        More impressed with my Nexus 4 than I should be. Not enthused with the idea of a 5-inch screened Nexus 5 but might be persuaded otherwise if it comes with more than a max of 16GB internal storage and LTE.
        I've only fiddled around with it for fifteen minutes but so far it seems fine in general use. No lagging that wasn't there before or anything like that, my most used apps are loading just as fast as before. It's been a smooth upgrade, so far.

        I too dislike this trend of bigger and bigger screens, I prefer smaller phones. The large screen sizes of the newer android phones is one of the main things putting me off giving them a whirl. The iPhone 4 feels just about on the limit of what I'd find comfortable in my jeans pocket, size wise.


          Sure I speak for 90% of people, when having owned and used a larger screened device they would never go back.
          My 5.5" screened Note fits easily in the pockets of every pair of trousers I own, work suits included.

          You could be on to a thing though that none of the latest spec Android phones (to try and sell them to the Apply fans) are around the 4" screen mark?


            Back to iOS 7. You can no longer double click the Home button and close down apps by holding down on one of them and hitting the minus symbol. Does this mean they all run in the background, or did that process not do anything anyway?


              A friend of mine posted this status update on Facebook:

              "I've just updated my iPhone. My Samsung Galaxy S3 arrives tomorrow."



                Originally posted by DavidH View Post
                Sure I speak for 90% of people, when having owned and used a larger screened device they would never go back.
                My 5.5" screened Note fits easily in the pockets of every pair of trousers I own, work suits included.
                It could indeed be one of those situations where, once I tried out a bigger phone, I'd actually think "Hey, this isn't so bad." The first smartphone I got was the iPhone 3G and I thought that was huge at the time


                  Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                  So he's made a few hundred pounds by spending days sitting in the rain and selling his slot at the front? LOL... idiot.
                  I wonder if he will go home now hes had his tent taken off him, bit wet and horrible to be sat in the rain, but surely he could now just say hes a member of a new movement called occupy Regent Street, it will take a few weeks for the courts to move his tent, by then he will have his new phone and be know through the land as "that idiot in the plastic greenhouse that waited outside a shop to get an incremental update to a new piece of technology".

                  His fame is fleeting with, journalists from Free papers and tech blogs falling over themselves to prove there still with it, whatever it is?. iPhone boy (as he will come to be know) couldn't comprehend the far reaching affects on his life that this stunt would cause, having singled himself out as being of very low intelligence his chances of securing a partner are now pretty much non existent. With friends all gone and depression now taking a firm hold his study's suffer and he drops out of universty, the only job he is able to secure is that of a toilet attendant in a busy train station.

                  Spending the days sat in a small cramped booth collecting twenty pence pieces are starting to take its toll his only company being his cracked and outdated smartphone which he cant afford to update. he spends his day surrounded by the faint smell of feces and urinal cakes, while busy commuters come and go, there busy daily lives is a constant reminder what he could of been if it was not for that dam iphone. he trys to make the best of it by striking up conversations but trying to engage people desperate for the bathroom turns out to be a futile exercise, and his atempts at reaching out become grunts, not speaking all day takes it toll and iphone boy loses the power of speech, thus rendering the last working part of his last precious possession (his now obsolete iphone) useless.



                    But yes. Agree


                      Originally posted by EJG1980 View Post
                      It could indeed be one of those situations where, once I tried out a bigger phone, I'd actually think "Hey, this isn't so bad." The first smartphone I got was the iPhone 3G and I thought that was huge at the time
                      It's a huge (*groan*) hurdle to overcome initially. I spent days deliberating over having such a gigantic slab for a phone. Takes about half an hour before you realise it's the greatest phone ever made and an iPhone starts to look like "my first phone" /evangilism


                        100% agree with FSW. After half an hour you wonder how you ever managed before.


                          Seems like all phones except iPhones are Note-style phablets now anyway. Or is it the stylus you guys are loving?


                            I think there's just a trend towards Android phones having larger screens now.

                            I often wonder how people manage with a screen less than 5" myself.


                              Bit of both. I'd manage without a stylus but I'd have to take a paper and pen to meetings. I can't imagine getting a phone without a stylus now put it that way.


                                Made me chuckle.

