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NTSC-uk Photowall

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    SUPER sized version!

    You're eyes look well scary with that redeye.


      Originally posted by 007
      SUPER sized version!

      You're eyes look well scary with that redeye.
      Yeah, I tried inputting it into the web page but forgot to add any sort of size restriction. Oops. That is the prob with HTML. Still the link should come up at a lot smaller one than the one on the page in the directory above.

      Yeah, the redeye effect has me slightly worried. In every photo I've been in recently, save natural light, I always get redeye. Even when the camera is using tons of redeye reduction techniques. I have a sneaky suspicion it is to do with the effect of flashing tellies and Ikaruga on my eyes at less than 3 ft in the dark.

      Woops. Still, there is always photoshop.


        Since im always adding in my 2 cents to this particular forum I thought I would post a piccy of myself as I was feeling a bit left out of all the fun, my name is Lucella I am proud wife to Taurus nipple


          Originally posted by Crispin
          God I'm an ugly bastard.
          I always imagine you as your monkey avatar now, but when I used to post with you on GameFAQs I actually pictured you just like you look, which is somewhat strange.

          I dont know if you have been reading all of this thread, but my pic is earlier on, so dont worry there are plenty of ugly bastards about .


            Hey Crispin, I see the cybernetic implants in your eyes are still working a treat. Still looking at the ladies showers with the x-ray mode?


              OLD THREAD REVIVAL

              we have lots of new peeps now, post ya pic


                Ah we thank this thread for this picture ;p

                etc ;p


                  Gimme a week and I will have a pic!!!


                    This is me drunk and as you can see i dont do ironing too well

                    The pic on this profile, is mattkbiship, gamertag = gay matt.

           adalah agen idn poker online resmi terbaik dan telah menjadi situs judi online paling terpercaya di dunia.



                        Ill take your picture down if you want mate?


                          Teh meh

                          Some people say I resemble the Spaghetti Cowboy or someone. I don't know what they mean.



                              You bear an uncanny resemblence to Yoshi, in case no-ones ever told you.


                                well, here's a piccy of me.

                                Copy and paste the link, and it should work. I'm not sure why the link isn't working directly...

                                anyway, it's not the best of me, but the most recient I have. Some friends and I were mucking around seeing who could pull off the "cutest" look...i didn't win, lol

