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Credit Card Fraud or "Yay! All my money has been stolen".

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    I think Jebus is referring more to the mentions of possible wrongdoing before in the thread that pop up now and then. In your case endo you just think shopto is the one that got compromised out of the three online stores you've been using.


      Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
      I think Jebus is referring more to the mentions of possible wrongdoing before in the thread that pop up now and then.
      It's actually not just here. There's been a load of accusations from people on NeoGAF and other forums saying the same thing and that all they had in common was Shopto purchases. It all really kicked off earlier this year when some German's claimed that the security for the site was bypassed and they got away with a load of CC details. Other people claim that was all bollocks.

      As far as I know, no one was ever been able to prove anything regarding them and any fraud. It could have been them, it could equally have been any other number of online retailers.

      If the trend was as simple as some people make out then I'm pretty sure something would have been done about Shopto by now. Credit Card companies might be a bit lax on times but if they can pinpoint a major fraudster then I'm pretty sure they'd have the PoPo around in a flash.


        Cripes. I hope it wasn't due to anyone on the inside (directly or indirectly), I thought they just got hacked a few times, so have been seeing shopto as a sort of poor granddad who the local kids (hackers) keep playing knock down ginger on


          End of the day, I just think there are a lot of people who keep basically slandering the business with no proof.

          I myself got done on a card that was only ever used in two places, ShopTo and a local bank I withdrew money from. I have my theories but can't prove anything.

          However, if people distrust the place so much, why f*cking use it?


            Just for the record, I haven't used them for ages. I haven't used this card full-stop for ages.

            But anyway, no harm was done- it was Virgin being cautious, in the wake of a retailer I had my details registered with having had their database compromised (pretty much how she phrased it).


              Add my name to the list of victims! Got a call today for the bank checking a transaction. 19p.... One of those test the water, open the floodgates ones I suspect!


                And today I find I've been done again! This time on a different card, and the transaction went through. Over ?600 too.

                Begs a few questions tbh - the site that accepted the payment is quite well known - nice to know that the security stuff I put in place (verified by Visa etc) was clearly NOT used by them else they never would have allowed it.

                Also the transaction put my over the credit limit on my card - so nice to know the bank decided to not stop the transaction - which put me ?200 over the credit limit. Sure my card could have still been compromised at a later date, but had they said 'oh over the limit, not going to go through' things wouldn't be so annoying!

                Not impressed!


                  Bad luck.

                  That shouldn't have happened. A card going over the limit with what I assume is an unsual size transaction you would have hoped would ring the alarm bells immediately. Apparently not; worrying.


                    Well yeah that's just what I thought - because going over the limit is bad - and of course leads me into the spiral of the charge for going over, then another charge for going over when interest is applied and so on.

                    I called the bank again after thinking about this and asked them why. They said that (though they don't make a habit of telling people this) they actually give you as much as ?300 over your limit 'in case of emergency' and to 'save awkward moments at the checkout' which is nice to a point - though they will charge you for doing this, but still!


                      WARNING TO SHOPTO.NET USERS !!

                      I had a call from a detective Inspector from the MET this morning asking me if i've had fraud about a year ago on my credit card, he then told me about how a man was caught with over 3000 card details hand written in his flat when the police raided it, he's stolen over 400,000 grand from all these cards. now here's the interesting part ! before I could even say the name of the company who I had some suspicions, the DI told me he's an ex employe from and have i ever used the site he also advised me not to use the site as the ex manager are currently under investigation also.

                      if you have to use only use Paypal, its not worth the risk.


                        Really , i use shopto alot and have never had a problem, i do check my cards online most days as i have a couple of credit cards, so will keep more of a close eye from now on 2 checks a say , i know they had a dodgy past but thought they were ok now.


                          I think they are under new management now but I still would never use my card with them just to be on the safe side.


                            i thought they were ok now, quickly goes to delete credit card info from there site, but if someone can vouch for them i would really still like to use them as i find them reliable most of the time.


                              you can use them no probs but only pay with paypal thats just me.


                                I've just been hit again. Two purchases were attempted at Threadless & Soestation Store (?). Goodness knows how this has happened as I only use Paypal/UK sites/shops & one games seller in Canada.

