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The Banter Thread / Banter Topic / Sean Bean

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    ugh, is it law that pc world has to be ****?

    i took a wander around town today and looked in all the games shops and came away uninspired as usual. my brain actually prevented me from laying out ?40 on a gb micro as i have 2 other consoles capable of playing the games to begin with.

    so just out of interest i take a peek in the 'new' pc world in town. after looking around for a bit i notice a wacom tablet, i've had a no name tablet before but lost bits of it during 2 house moves so i was drawn to this. i was thinking to myself 'wacom are expensive usually' and take a look at the price tag; ?29.99, so i read over the ticket and compared the tablet to it... 'cool' i thought to myself as i wandered over to the till.

    *SCAN* ?39.99.

    "nah mate, the ticket says ?29.99"

    till monkey: "it does?"

    myself: "yeah" so i wander over and grab it taking note of the products surrounding it which are ?39.99, the only thing within that section that's ?39.99 is a mouse of some description so i take the ticket over with me.

    *SCAN* ?29.99. ticket says wacom tablet... scans the tablet itself and ?39.99 pops up, seems there's another tablet. i question why this particular one was sat under the ?29.99 price tag and comment there's no actual room on the shelving for there to be another tablet... i get a shrug and walk out.

    i don't mind when shops mislabel things but there was no actual other tablet! i've had this trouble with pc world before on stuff like mice, sure it was only ?5 difference with that but come on...! so i'm gonna send pc world an angry letter, if anything it'll make me feel better.


      Originally posted by Crisp_Rapper
      ugh, is it law that pc world has to be ****?


        Originally posted by Crisp_Rapper
        so i'm gonna send pc world an angry letter, if anything it'll make me feel better.
        Wacom tablets are nice. I use one at work and then switch back to the mouse module when not being arteh-farteh.

        I remember my mate getting Killer Instinct for the SNES for ?15 by swapping the price tag over without his mum, who was paying, noticing anything. She kicked up a right fuss, dragged the manager out, and then got the game for ?15.

        I thought it was funny until paying ?15 for the soundtrack CD alone offa ebay a few year ago.


          Last week I went to PC world to get a modem, picked up one that was priced as ?19.99, and took it over to the desk. Dude scanned it, came up as ?29.99.

          I had seen other ones over there for ?19.99, so picked up another, and took it back to the desk.

          To my suprise, dude scanned it, and it came up as ?9.99. Paid, left, went home.

          I guess I stole your ?10 off crisp :P


            I've got fifty Bentleys in the West Indies.
            Kept you waiting, huh?


              "IT DOESN'T MATTER!"


                You kids, and your darned wrestlers.

                Haven't done any work today yet, due to this game:

                Its the incredible machine, but with uber physics. And its awesome \m/


                  Poindexter time Can't name them all but I can name a few:

                  Name the author / book:
                  1. "I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without being commanded what others do only from fear of the law." -
                  Aristotle, the father of ethics.

                  2. "A god from the machine." - No clue who invented it but it means a plot contrivance used to solve a dilema within a play - traditionally a 'god' figure suspended above the stage by a crane.

                  6. "Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win." - Sun Tzu's The Art of War

                  7. "No freeman shall be taken, imprisoned, or in any other way destroyed, except by the lawful judgment of his peers." -
                  The Magna Carta, the first ever written bill of rights

                  8. "People can have the Model T in any color - so long as it's black." -
                  Henry Ford (duh)

                  9. "The great masses of the people... will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one."
                  - Hitler

                  10. "To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction."
                  - Newton

                  11. "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, but the one most responsive to change."
                  - Darwin

                  12. "If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One... I am become Death, the Shatterer of Worlds."
                  - The Bhagavad Gita (famously quoted by the guy who invented the A-bomb).


                    blingbots - attack!


                      Originally posted by jimmie2k

                      "IT DOESN'T MATTER!"
                      I've got a pocket full of cheese, and a garden full of trees!
                      Kept you waiting, huh?


                        "IT DOESN'T MATTER!"

                        This could go on all day.


                          One of the cleaners at my work just got back from Lithuania where she is from, and bought in some sweets. Just had one, and all I can say is that it is unquestionably the most incredible sweet I have ever eaten. It was called a "Migle" and was like a super-rich chocolate fudge affair. If it wasn't for this damned diet I would be gorging myself upon them until I felt sick.


                            Discovery is a great little beer.

                            Cheeky momkey made me drink about 8 pints of it yesterday.


                              Thread of the YEAR!

                              Basically, this guy got drunk for the first time in his life, and ended up giving his best mate a blow job. It was recorded, and now his friend is threatening to tell his wife!


                                Originally posted by jimmie2k
                                Thread of the YEAR!

                                Basically, this guy got drunk for the first time in his life, and ended up giving his best mate a blow job. It was recorded, and now his friend is threatening to tell his wife!

                                first up, HOW could you suck off your best mate?
                                second, why would your best mate LET you?
                                third, who though it'd be a great idea to FILM the whole experience??

                                where did he finish? did you get a facial?
                                that is both funny and disturbing all at the same time.

