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Apple speculation thread

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    I'm still not convinced that there actually is an Apple tablet in the regular sense of a keyboardless laptop. I cannot imagine that they would release something which I think is ergonomically unsound. The iPhone can be operated easily with one hand and is small enough to be portable but a ten inch version would be unwieldy and pretty much housebound.
    OK existing tablets don't work as they are generally using a desktop UI designed for operation with a mouse. And stylus operation isn't much better really. Prolonged use is uncomfortable much like sitting using a pen for hours.
    If anything it may be a powerful eReader with apps and broader media playback but certainly not something to replace your regular computer.

    And I doubt it will be a multitouch iMac as that would just be very tiring in use waving your arms about trying to touch things with finger tips a bit broader than a typical pointer. And again the desktop Mac OS X is not designed for use in that fashion. Neither is Windows 7. Take note MS and HP.

    I'm going to be watching the keynote with some scepticism on Wednesday.


      Originally posted by CMcK View Post
      I'm still not convinced that there actually is an Apple tablet in the regular sense of a keyboardless laptop.
      Yeah, I think it'll be an amalgamation of an oversized iPod Touch, Amazon Kindle/Sony Reader and a Nintendo DS.


        I thought they'd already contacted app stores devs with resolution details etc and the rumour mill has it that it will be compatible with all apps on the store, albeit they'd be a bit blown up and jaggy on a larger screen

        if your apps/music etc work on both for no extra cost would be interesting proposition.

        it has to add something to the mix I agree to not simply be a big iphone, it has to justify why you'd carry the extra weight or actually need one beyond a bigger screen for surfing/email.

        should also be able to use 3g from your iphone for no extra cost.


          I'd bet the farm that it's A4 Sized and they push how it's a great pff reader for eBooks and we'll see the NYTimes, The Guardian, National Geographic, Playboy and maybe even Edge doing subscription services through the app store.


            A lot of iphone games will be unplayable played on an 8" screen. Your fingers are only so long...


              I must be missing the point somewhere here. What is the point of somethign the size of a laptop but without a keyboard/touchpad? What am I supposed to use it for?


                reading Playboy on the train it would seem

                don't see the lack of keypad or touchpad as an issue with a decent touchscreen, especially if it has some form of feedback like the Palm thingy does


                  If we accept that the lack of touchpad and keyboard isn't an issue, is there a benefit? Right now when I close the lid on my laptop it protects the screen. Presumably I'm goign to need some kind of hard case to put a tablet in, thereby negating any size saving.


                    I would imagine a tablet would have a screen like the iPhone which is pretty scratch resistant.


                      Although it doesn't really guarantee anything about what will be contained in the hardware I found the article on Flurry concerning their analysis of what Apple has been doing lately to be really interesting when it comes to the rumoured tablet.


                        Another here failing to see the point but I think I'm just missing something and it will probably make sense when it's announced. From everything I can gather, they're taking the iPod Touch and making it bigger.

                        I could see myself buying into a new fuller-featured iPod Touch or an iPhone - the capabilities in a pocket size are amazing. But once it goes beyond pocket-sized, I'd be looking for a full-featured laptop. I can't yet see why I'd need a stage in between.


                          Originally posted by merf View Post
                          I thought they'd already contacted app stores devs with resolution details etc
                          Nope, nada, zip, zilch. No details about anything to devs.


                            You just know it'll have a really slick multi touch interface and it's totally perfect for the casual net browsing whilst watching TV that many people do.

                            Many people only want a web browser and something to sync their ipod with.


                              I hope you can tether it to your iPhone for access to net. If it's wifi only, like the touch it won't appeal so much. I suppose they should add a 3G antenna, but I suppose the issue will be pricing plans as people with iPhones wont be keen on paying again for another plan.


                                Originally posted by ChrisField View Post
                                Nope, nada, zip, zilch. No details about anything to devs.
                                True. We did get told ages ago though about not assuming set DPIs for anythign and an API is there to help apps support mutliple resolutions at different DPIs.

