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What you doing for New Years Eve?

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    Mini house party, get pissed smoke fags, search for the one. Will be turd no doubt.


      Got mates around to play some Scene It\ Rock Band and the fridge is stocked up with beer and pizza. Can't be arsed going outside, it's far too cold.

      Unfortunately I feel like **** and don't feel like doing anything, but I'm planning on not drinking a while after tonight so may as well make the most of it


        Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
        What's to celebrate? Nearly the end of the Christmas hols, and miserable January arriving. New Year always signals the death knell for Christmas so I hate it!
        So very much this.

        Never liked New Years at all. I'll be doing naff all.


          Originally posted by HaHaUK View Post

          Either that, or gonna take the gf for a long drive, and watch the fireworks from a nice quiet distance.


            Im staying in, for once, working on the assumpstion (ney trufax) that nye is always rubbish always so not going to bother. Happy new year to you all tho!


              This year I'm staying in to have a massive blowjob session with my very fit Mrs.
              Kept you waiting, huh?


                Going round to my brother's house for a party. Should be good. Hopefully I won't be too pissed when someone shouts for the Wii to be put on. Last years Wii bowling shenanigans got well messy and involved broken glasses and lots of booze spilt on clothes!


                  Quiet one in this evening, my brother is visiting this week so we'll probably just play a few games tonight. Been overdoing getting pissed out on the town in recent times so gonna give my wallet and liver a rest for the next few weeks.


                    I've always found NYE to be a massive anti-climax. Going out with my friend and his parents for a meal in town then we'll probably go to the local for a few pints to see the actual New Year in - nothing too major but can't say I'm too fussed to be perfectly honest!


                      Ive got a few mates coming round for a drinking session, then might stagger into town if I can be bothered!!

                      All in all, a pretty standard one for me im afraid!


                        Indoors with gaming, snacks and telly.

                        Really ought to be doing more with my birthday being tomorrow and all, but hey ho.


                          A part of me wants to go out and usher in the new year with strangers....... but its been snowing here so its freezing and i dunno if i wanna wait for a cab in the minus temps.......... so looks like staying in, and plowing on with more fallout 3 (which i jus started about 4 hours ago) and watch the first 13 eps of Heroes Season 3.

                          Have a VERY Happy New Year guys!



                            Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                            This year I'm staying in to have a massive blowjob session with my very fit Mrs.
                            tend to her needs
                            be a fantastic and generous lover
                            feel her shiver with ecstasy


                              Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
                              This year I'm staying in to have a massive blowjob session with my very fit Mrs.
                              What, she has a cock?


                                Mrs only 2 weeks into her recovery from op so BJ it will be, again. Sigh. ;-)

                                Night in, 'party food', Cava then a few beers and a few short cheeky ones. Will probably have the neighbors round at some point carrying a bottle or two.

                                Currently watching a crap movie, but it beats the other dross on TV. Raving Rabids is going on soon.

