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    Awesome news dude! I'll hopefully be applying for my visa through BUNAC in December to do the same thing. Can't wait!


      Well done ghost! Im excited for you!

      Was speaking to my lady friend in Canada yesterday who asked when i was visiting again. So it looks like I might be going back in the summer for a short break (funds/time permitting).

      Keep us updated dude!



        I've never been to Canada, although I've always found the prospect of visiting to be quite appealing.. Thinking of going on a university exchange year.


          Mr Pie, the only reason i would want to go back to my uni days is so i could study in Canada........ You jammy dodger you! Get it sorted so I can live the experience through you

          Ive met a couple of peeps who have done this, like all universities they want more foreign students and they make more money off them I have no idea about fees though - if its anything like my friend got charged for studying here, then you are lookin at a few grand. But don't let that put you off!



            It certainly seems promising... I'm thinking of either The University of British Columbia or Queens University in Ontario. I'd probably be going sometime next year..

            I'll try and ignore the costs!


              Last edited by usman; 28-12-2009, 18:12.


                Last edited by usman; 28-12-2009, 18:10.


                  When i was in Calgary i jus missed the stampede......... but i should really go back to visit and actually check out the stampede, so might take you up on that offer 'republix!



                    id-republix, that's a kind offer, although the misses is a local anyway remember. I was wondering though, do you know any jobsites apart from craigslist?

                    On another note I finally got my ACRO certificate through so I can start my permanent resident VISA application...sometime soon...


                      The wife and I are looking to emmigrate as we're looking for a better quality of life for ourselves as a family and our 5 year old daughter. My wife is not from the UK and although most of her immediate family are here and she's lived here for 30 years, she doesn't feel like it's home.

                      So we've been thinking about Vancouver, and apart from the escalating gang-violence, big drug scene and tsunami/flood and earthquake risk, it looks like a great place . I know some people who worked over there for a few years who'd love to go back, and everyone you speak to thinks it's a great place.

                      The next step for us is to go there on a fact-finding holiday, but with exchange rates as they are it's a bit expensive. My wife's trying to get a second job and I'm thinking of ways to use my programming skills in my own time to make some cash. If we like it, we'll want to go back in the autumn/winter to get a feel for it and whether we can put up with it.

                      I'm a software developer at an investment bank and with 20 years design/programming experience I don't think I'll have too much trouble getting a job (even if paid much less).

                      Feel I need to do this soon as I'll be 39 and these opportunities start to fade away as you get older (as well as the drive to do such a move).


                        You guys do know that the average holiday allowance per year in Canada is around 12- 15 days right? I was shocked about this when I found out.

                        Also gunrock, the exchange rate isn't THAT bad, its not as good as it could be, but it still works in our favour.........

                        Look forward to hearing about your findings........ Im sure your daughter will love it there, its probably one of the safest countries to raise a family.



                          Originally posted by 112 View Post
                          You guys do know that the average holiday allowance per year in Canada is around 12- 15 days right? I was shocked about this when I found out.
                          I think 15 days is very good. I looked at the possibility of moving to Canada, but this really put me off. Most of the jobs I looked at had 10 days holiday a year. One had only 7!

                          This is typical in the US too. They tend to work pretty much throughout the whole year and make the most of the weekends. I'm just not programmed to work that way. I worked six months once without a single day's holiday and I was a wreck.

                          The other thing that put me off Canada is that their cities are like the US. You have these amazing city centres with lots of culture, but no-one lives near the centre (unless you are mega rich). Instead there is a massive urban sprawl with malls that most people live in. To get anywhere, you need to go by car. This is a far cry from say London that has loads of communities with local shops that you can walk to and subways that service the entire city, not just the centre.

                          I believe that we are programmed a certain way by our environment. I have friends and family who have tried to settle abroad in beautiful cities, but have come back to Blighty eventually.


                            Brats i love the irony of your post, when read next to the words 'boring bedford' lol.........

                            I must admit i didnt knwo that some peeps had single digit holiday allowances......... thats jus wrong......... But Canada does have quite a few public holidays which we dont have, such as - Victoria day, Independance Day, Thanks giving........ and they get pretty much teh same bank holidays as us (i think).



                              I forgot that was in my profile .

                              Taken as a whole, Bedford is rubbish. The town centre is grotty, there are many dodgy areas and the general attitude of the populace is very small minded.

                              However it does have one gem right in its centre, the Castle area which is fantastic. Victorian houses next to the river with great local independent shops and quality restaurants. It also has great links to other places (London in 35 minutes on the regular high speed train, Cambridge is a short drive away) and for me it's walking distance to work.

                              If I could chhose anywhere to live, I wouldn't live in Bedford, but I love my house, my neighbourhood, my commute and going to London most weekends. There's no way I could afford my current house in somewhere like Cambridge where I would love to live, so this is the best for me at the moment.

                              These are the things to consider when looking at moving to anywhere new. You might be dazzled by the culture and beauty of a city, but what is your day to day life going to be like. Mines pretty good, so I'm happy to stay in boring Bedford .

                              Apparently the Canadians get two extra public holidays, which is nice but still a far cry from what we are used to in the UK. Imagine you wanted to go abroad or visit the folks back home. To make it worthwhile, you'd need to take two weeks. That's all your holiday gone for the entire year!


                                My in-laws took about 3 vacations abroad in 2008. One of them was Italy for two weeks and another was Hawaii for 2 weeks. 15 days my behind.

