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Going to the Dentist

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    Originally posted by PrayforMojo View Post
    and he always seemed to be surrounded by a bevvy of beauty queens as assistants, which sounds awesome, but I was always paranoid about dribbling on myself when he said spit.
    That's funny as my dentist used to have a quite hot lady working for him (who'd had worked fro hime since she was 16; now in her late twenties) and he was raising the dentists chair with me in it and I said something self-deprecating like "I'm amazed it can lift me up without struggling", and he said with a smirk and a glance at the assistant, "No, it's fine it takes mine and Karen's weight no problem". She just smiled her sweet, sweet smile...


      Started watching Ghost Town last night. Pretty funny dentist stuff.

      Puts cotten things in some woman's mouth who talks to much. "Ah that's better"


        Originally posted by PrayforMojo View Post
        it's that your completely stripped of your dignity.

        he always seemed to be surrounded by a bevvy of beauty queens as assistants
        My dentists assistant is a stunning girl I pulled about five years ago. Oh the shame I felt when I went in and he told me I needed a couple of fillings.


          If their injections are hurting you it's probably worth changing dentists. When I was a child I had to have one of my child teeth out because it was messsing up the alignment of my new ones and the injections hurt like hell. Had to have my first ever filling the other day (none of my dentists had ever told me daily flossing was a requirement rather than an option) but when he did the injection I couldn't even feel it. He used a paste to switch off the nerve endings in my gums and couldn't feel a thing, also none of that itchiness I'd had when it wore off like when I was younger.


            Originally posted by FamiDude View Post
            That's exactly what I had.

            The dentist gave me the injection but it hurt like hell when he was grinding away. Basically the decay had gotten to the nerve so he gave me two options.

            1. Root canal
            2. Extraction

            I thought sod it, I'll have it out and it was totally painless. Plus cheaper in the long run.
            Yeah, I am kinda expecting to have the tooth removed because of it due to the fact it seems the nerve is becoming exposed. I guess I'll have to take a morning off to book myself in to the dentist =/


              Just back from the dentist.

              Top right molar started to hurt Friday night into Saturday. It stopped hurting sunday but I had it pulled due to it being horribly rotten and I'm going on holi-holiday at the end of the month.
              Have a check up booked for tues next week as well so I can get the other bad teeth sorted. Time for me to sort out my teeth out instead of going to the dentist when I must.

              Easiest one yet for me (had two pulled before) but not for the dentist > . Popped in this morning at 8.45 and booked an emergency session at 11.45. Gotta love the money grubbing sods at the local place.

              I love the smell that's still in my mouth of burnt tooth and I get to suck out the rotting gum over the next few days . mmm, seldom smelt and tasted delights.


                Had another wisdom tooth out yesterday afternoon. The anesthetic really hits me hard though. I must have dozed off about 8pm yesterday and got woke up by my alarm at 6 this morning. Still hurts like hell though, so I think that's another day off work for me.

                Bradford score +1!!!


                  Wash your mouth out three times a day with salty water after an extraction for a few days. Stops it getting infected, and helps it heal more quickly.


                    Well I hadn't been to the dentist for 2 years, don't know why just totally forgot a check up once and never went back until I realised how long it had been. So went for a check up and the dentist said that I needed 6 fillings and I should have been told about it last time I was there as he was basing this on an xray I had at my last check up! So for some reason I just wasn't told about the 6 fillings!!!

                    Anyway, I'm getting white ones done, I already have 1 filling and needing 6 more with another one possibly needed in the near future, I wasn't wanting 8 big silver/grey ugly fillings in my mouth for the rest of my life. It's costing an arm and a leg (£325) but worth it really. Had one done so far, took about half an hour for it too, and getting another two on Wednesday. It looks perfect though, can't actually tell it's any different to normal, I was amazed when it was done. This was last week and I still can't see it, it's seamless and exact same colour as my teeth so I'm well happy.

                    And to top it off, I used to be petrified of the dentist and was really ****ting it last week but I didn't feel a thing, the needle was painless, as was the rest of it.


                      Are you sure you needed the fillings? Sounds dodge to me.


                        Rossco in teeth were fine, fake fillings shocker


                          Fake `Mercury` fillings too.

                          It's a death sentence.



                            Funny thing is, I never took care of my teeth as a child and the dentist would always say "brilliant teeth Ross, you must take great care of them!!" yet now in the last 3-4 years I've taken more care than ever, brushing, flossing, mouthwashing constantly, don't drink fizzy juice or eat sweets and chocolate yet this happens!!


                              Haven't been myself for a good 10+ years, though i really should of done as my 2 wisdom teeth on the right shattered ages ago and i never did anything about it, luckily they don't hurt unless i scrape my tongue on em cos the edges are sharp, also got the same as someone else mentioned where if food gets caught in the 2 left wisdoms it hurts when i close my jaw on it, although i've finally got a consultation with a dentist next week as i've got toothache on the front right tooth at the bottom, been living on a staple diet of paracetomol and ibuprofen for the past few days, i'm more bothered about the guilt trip i'll get for not going in so long than any needles, like when i tell my doc i still smoke and he hands me a load of support group pamphlets.


                                Originally posted by Rossco View Post

                                Funny thing is, I never took care of my teeth as a child and the dentist would always say "brilliant teeth Ross, you must take great care of them!!" yet now in the last 3-4 years I've taken more care than ever, brushing, flossing, mouthwashing constantly, don't drink fizzy juice or eat sweets and chocolate yet this happens!!
                                That sounds very similar to me. The same Dentist I've had for years has suddenly taken to telling me that I need to do more to stop my teeth going downhill, yet I've been looking after them better for the last few years than I ever have before.

                                Probably just another sign of getting old.

