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Be A Zombie

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    LOL. I have to paint those cables out - not sure how, thinking of "pinching" the screen to see how that works. Learning as I'm going along

    Shame you couldn't make it. Was quite a sight. Hundreds of onlookers as well, which was quite surprising.

    Got to shoot some coverage in a few weeks - I knew I'd need to do it on the day, had to focus on the elements I couldn't get back again (ie the crane and crowd). I've got a few seconds semi-edited together now, it's not great but it's not too bad. With the coverage I think it'll flow pretty well.

    I'll post more pics when suitable. I don't want to post grabs from the rushes, as without the colour post processing it lacks a lot. But it'll come together great.

    Should be a charity screening of the short probably early next year, or around Xmas - I'm expecting you there then man

