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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    I think I put foggies in here months ago but its hard to keep track of 180 pages of moaning.

    on a traffic theme what about gawpers, you sit in an hour of traffic on the side of the road the accident isn't on because people slow down for a look, then when you eventually get there you think you deserve a look as you've waited so long to see the show.

    so my irk is other people and me.

    also people who don't have a clue what lane to be in on big roundabouts, not lost people just those who don't know the rules. you get a sense for them and then they flick on their indicators and pull across you and several others without a clue what they've done or why you're annoyed.

    also people who drive in the outside lane of an empty motorway at 70mph precisely because 'it is the speed limit you know'

    I spent a lot of time driving at the weekend in case nobody could guess.


      It irks me that I haven't learnt to drive so I cannot be irked that I don't own the car I want (Honda S2000).


        This whole rubbish with the Bulger killer in the news at the moment.

        It's gone from an alley brawl, to sexual assault to child porn charges. What next, "Jon Venables: is he linked to Maddie's kidnapping?"?

        All these articles about her mother demanding that she should be told all the details, that people should be sacked and so on. Sorry, I don't want to live in a society where the victims dish out 'justice' as they see fit. There's a word for that: revenge.

        No doubt the government will cave to the tabloids and subvert the legal process in order to please them. They always do.


          It irks me that she either chooses to ignore (or is too stupid to understand) that she's dancing to the mass media's tune by granting an interview. Surely she knows that she's being used to sell papers.


            Early dispatch email(s) and still no sign of the game days later. lolz


              My scooter was stolen from outside my house last night. I am beyond irked.


                Originally posted by Dogg Thang View Post
                My scooter was stolen from outside my house last night. I am beyond irked.
                Was it a two-wheeler or three-wheeler?

                Joking aside, that's pretty ****ty. When thieves broke into my car, I'm not sure if the broken window irked me more than the fact, they went through my CD's and rejected a lot of them.... I mean what's wrong with some Shabba?


                  Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                  This whole rubbish with the Bulger killer in the news at the moment.

                  It's gone from an alley brawl, to sexual assault to child porn charges. What next, "Jon Venables: is he linked to Maddie's kidnapping?"?

                  All these articles about her mother demanding that she should be told all the details, that people should be sacked and so on. Sorry, I don't want to live in a society where the victims dish out 'justice' as they see fit. There's a word for that: revenge.

                  No doubt the government will cave to the tabloids and subvert the legal process in order to please them. They always do.
                  The law and justice are two completely different things in this sick country. It's disgusting that herself and her family have to live through the whole thing again.


                    Perhaps we should have hanged them when they were 10?

                    Victims should NEVER have any say in punishment. Laws are designed to create a fair, safe, just society. Not to enable revenge.

                    If she doesn't want to be put through this, stop courting the papers who will ensure the story will drag on for as long as possible. The papers are the ones putting them through this, details of him re-offending should have been kept secret.


                      British law doesn't do anything of the sort. Law should be about justice.


                        What would justice entail in the Bulger case?

                        The simple fact of the matter is that whatever the killers do now really has nothing to do with James Bulger's mother. She's simply helping the media to sensationalise the case. Why is her opinion of the case being treated like it's genuine news? I really don't care about what she thinks of the whole matter.


                          News of one the killers being put back into prison would have only brought back memories of that terrible crime for James Bulgers mother. One has to feel sympathy for her in that respect.

                          Back on topic, lads.


                            *gets back on topic*

                            That review of FFXIII in Edge really irked me!

                            *runs for the hills*


                              Cue a cancelled subscription or two...


                                Originally posted by vanpeebles View Post
                                Law should be about justice.
                                Quite wrong. Law is about a set or rules and principles that together try to create a civillised society.

                                Punishment is often thought to be about justice, but it isn't really. Punishment is deterent.

                                Justice is such a subjective thing, the law can never deliver justice. If I were to accidentally run someone over in my car and kill them, what would be justice to that person's family? That they 'accidentally' run me over in return? It just doesn't work.

