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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Brainwashed apple store employees. It would take forever to rant about them fully. But let me just say one thing, if anyone ever tries to high five me for walking in to a shop, while their dead behind the eyes co-workers whoop and clap alongside them, they should expect a punch in the face.


      Originally posted by ikobo_1 View Post
      Brainwashed apple store employees. It would take forever to rant about them fully. But let me just say one thing, if anyone ever tries to high five me for walking in to a shop, while their dead behind the eyes co-workers whoop and clap alongside them, they should expect a punch in the face.
      Totally agree! I have never considered going into an Apple store, but feel I need to now?


        Only been in the Apple store once didn't know about the appointment booking stuff - not impressed. When I did try to book an appointment the app crashed. Comedy gold.


          My mate went to the Covent Garden Apple store on Saturday and told me about the red carpet and rope barriers etc etc and that they were all cheering when he and his group went in. If it were me I would've turned around and legged it, that would've shown them. Not sure what it would've shown them, but it would've.


            Put me down for irkage relating to the Apple Store too. It's just wanky crap of the highest order.


              Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
              My mate went to the Covent Garden Apple store on Saturday and told me about the red carpet and rope barriers etc etc and that they were all cheering when he and his group went in. If it were me I would've turned around and legged it, that would've shown them. Not sure what it would've shown them, but it would've.
              Is this standard practice at an Apple store or a special promotional thing??

              Either way, whoever decided it was a good thing to do should be kicked in the genitals.


                Originally posted by HumanEnergy View Post
                Is this standard practice at an Apple store or a special promotional thing??

                Either way, whoever decided it was a good thing to do should be kicked in the genitals.
                Agreed. I've never been in one either is this kind of soul destroying toss the norm then?


                  Do they not get many customers? So when someone walks in, they cheer?


                    This cannot be true. Cheering? Avoid.


                      Oh it's definitely true, I saw it on the news when they were reporting on the new store opening. The interviews with customers were class, they were as mindlessly obsessed as the staff. "Why do you buy apple products?" reply "Umm......well............because they look cool?"


                        Because I like puerile humour, this made me laugh:

                        BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

                        The opening of the Apple store in Belfast- at around 1:17, amidst all the whooping and the bull****, someone shouts eff off at top volume.
                        Last edited by endo; 10-08-2010, 10:16.


                          Haha! The people queuing outside seem to be alright in that clip though, despite the graphic designer's typical Apple worship. The fact that Apple specifically employ people to familiarise their customers with their shiny new computer has always spoken volumes. Why would somebody spend that much money on something they don't even know how to use?


                            Charles Taylor was behind unspeakable atrocities in Africa and his trial should be big news.

                            His trial wasn't be news though. Until NAOMI CAMPBELL was called as a witness. Cue minute by minute coverage of anything and everything involving her. You had media correspondents who clearly have no idea who Charles Taylor is commenting on the trial. Don't worry though, they've seen Blood diamond, they're experts!

                            Depressing as hell.


                              Yes, the media are rubbish. I loved it at the weekend when the BBC were getting their knickers in a twist about Dave taking away free milk for kiddies but then when the ConDems said they weren't going to do it the BBC started running articles and news pieces about whether kids needed the milk


                                people who watch items on ebay, and watch, and watch.......

