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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by charlesr View Post
    In India, people* REALLY don't like seeming to not know stuff. If you ask for directions, if they don't know, they will just make something up. Perhaps you should have used that method?
    this was incredibly frustrating when I was delhi a few years back, had to get somewhere for a specific time and got sent in completely the wrong direction.


      Originally posted by charlesr View Post
      Advice to people using airblade hand driers:

      Plunk your hands in and then move them up. If you slowly put your hand in, it blows the water up your sleeves at the end.
      You're supposed to put your hands in through the sides then pull them out. That way all the water gets caught by the drier


        Erik Koston's move to Nike still irks me


          Thread's gone quiet. Must be because I was in ...


          - Tube system. So much of it works well, but the hustle, bustle, lack of manners, total ignorance, and zombified impersonal nature of it all irked greatly.
          - Hotels that allow live music until midnight. 65 quid a night it cost to stay in that hotel. On Friday night some **** was twanging away on a geetar from 8 til midnight without a break. The drum accompaniment had the same steady beat for every damn song - even the slow ones. At half ten there was a 15 minute drum solo. Then the half hour medley of terrible songs, until his final encore. Disgraceful that hotels allow this; we didn't spend a fortune for a room above a lowbrow dickhead cover artist. This was not mentioned when we booked months ago. Had I known that there'd be a live set one night I wouldn't have booked.
          - Some London streets. Stink, and are pebble dashed in chut. Big grey splodges all over the place. Urgh.
          - London prices. £1.60 for a half! Outrageous. £3.60 in one pub for a pint. *shakes head, and fist*
          - London journalists. Reading an article by Sebastian Shakespeare in the Evening Standard (who claimed that Northerners all had an inferiority complex "(indisputable fact)" about Londoners) after being ripped off for food and drink all day, and suffering a packed tube, just as Bobby Twanger was starting his second hour of lousy classics downstairs, was not the best set of circumstances to absorb his ire. Plus, his name is stupid.

          Don't despair here, London folk. I did enjoy the free papers on the tube - morning and afternoon. Many streets were lovely - when I went to the Royal Society, some of the buildings on the way there and back we walked past were stunning. We walked past Simon Callow at Richmond station, which was very thesp. Plus, pleasing to see some Youngs and Fullers pubs. Plus, there's loads of tasty minge knocking around.


            You should do the Fullers Griffin brewery tour down in Chiswick prinny, you'd love that. Went with my dad once and as it was just the two of us on this lad's round, he left us in the bar at the end by ourselves for a bit to pull pints of whatever we fancied. Quality.

            Sadly the irks re: prices are true, if you're drinking in central it's always going to be pricey. Sam Smith pubs would be my only recommendation to avoid a proper wallet raping. Personally I can't stand the Metro / Standard / any free paper but that's me.

            Also re: previous irks, we have Dyson Airblades in the loos at work. Seen some proper comedy with them, people trying to dry their arms / faces etc. Square peg round hole much?


              Don't get me started on London. Sickens me every time I have to go down there. WHy is the tube so ****ign hot and sweaty!? Having said that, last time I was down there, I stepped off a tube and found a crisp ten pound note right at my feet, so not all bad. Also, there is a place in Queensway that does the best chicken schwarma you will ever eat.


                Compared to the North, London sure feels like a different country.


                  Originally posted by fuse View Post
                  You should do the Fullers Griffin brewery tour down in Chiswick prinny, you'd love that. Went with my dad once and as it was just the two of us on this lad's round, he left us in the bar at the end by ourselves for a bit to pull pints of whatever we fancied. Quality.
                  Damn, wish I'd known about that. Is Chiswick near the Acton stop on the tube? We stopped at Acton Town a couple of times to get on the service to Turnham Green.

                  Originally posted by fuse View Post
                  Sadly the irks re: prices are true, if you're drinking in central it's always going to be pricey. Sam Smith pubs would be my only recommendation to avoid a proper wallet raping. Personally I can't stand the Metro / Standard / any free paper but that's me.
                  Oh yeah, these papers are a bit dry, but alright for a free read I guess. In Richmond, the only pub we went in other than the Red Cow was up a little side street. I can't remember its name, but it was a Fullers pub. Very tasty, cheap burger and chips. but the beers were still extortionate! There was a Wetherspoons near Trafalgar Square, with food prices nearly double what they are in Newcastle and Durham Didn't see any Sam Smith pubs unfortunately. At Heathrow Terminal 5, I had a pint of the specially-brewed Wetherspoons house beer, which was a bit of a result.

                  Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
                  Don't get me started on London. Sickens me every time I have to go down there. WHy is the tube so ****ign hot and sweaty!?
                  Piccadilly line was hell yesterday!! I must have sweated pints on that journey.

                  Originally posted by Kongster View Post
                  Compared to the North, London sure feels like a different country.
                  Yeah. Fancy scanner things in Waitrose. Totally overpriced. Noisy, smelly, and muggy. Loads of people wandering around carrying large spirit levels. Very odd.


                    I don't like London and I'm from the South!

                    I too find it really expensive (and I'm only 45 minutes away by train) with rude people and the Tube is totally ridiculous. Air con really wouldn't go amiss to keep it borderline bareable on a hot day!

                    If you wander off of the main "touristy" streets it is a nasty, dirty city too. You just end up feeling so grimy that it takes away any sense of a fun day out.


                      London is epic. :>


                        Yeah, especially the South of London lol.


                          anyone notice how hard the bloody streets are always cripples my feet. London is the only place i have ever been shouted at in the street too, was funny though i shouted back they heard my accent (posh geordie-ish) and pegged it the other way but i guess a chav is a chav wherever you are


                            I'm born and bred London and think as a native you go thru stages with it, in my 20s and early 30s i loved it for all it offered but now I've turned 40 i hate it and irk myself for being a bit seduced and trapped by what it offers. I've worked in the west end, city and docklands and none of the irks/complaints are unfair but nowhere else in the country offers the range of jobs and high salary that it does.

                            I know Ive only got a short while till i have to get out as it's all doing my nut in, green and the country calls, but i may have to commute in.


                              I was walking near my road on Thursday evening and this girl who looked about 15 or 16 screamed full blast in my face. Being a bit of a sap, I just jumped but then laughed at her and carried on walking, praying the next person she did it to would turn out to be a bit bonkers and deck her one.

                              No idea why they do things like that. The nearest person was quite a way away, and I could've battered her silly before anyone would have been able to get to me. Lucky I'm not that type, then...


                                Haha the youth of today are just something else.

