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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    London sucks, i've been harrassed too many times there, when I was young some big bloke was following me round a shopping mall, he then came up to me and told me to give him my wallet, I said no and then he flashed a knife he had inside his jacket and asked me if I wanted to feel it, so I handed over my wallet and he still followed me round awhile longer.

    Had other smaller incidents there, generally I think the whole place is a grubby ****hole, it stinks too, you come back from a day out and you have black stuff you have to clean from in your nose, not a clean place at all, would never live in such a **** city, can only imagine its gotten worse over the years too.


      Gerry Adams: The British army's role in the deaths of civilians in Afghanistan will come as no surprise to the people of Northern Ireland

      Gerry Adams lecturing ANYONE on civilian casualties is insulting as hell. That article got me incredibly angry.


        Dunno if I've mentioned this before but I'm quite a serious, some would say grumpy, looking chap.

        I'm sick and tired of people telling me to smile and cheer up. I had it about 4 times today. Why cant people mind their own business? I'm not the type to fake smile through the day to appease everyone else.


          Tell them you'll smile when they f**k off and die. That'll learn 'em


            Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
            Dunno if I've mentioned this before but I'm quite a serious, some would say grumpy, looking chap.

            I'm sick and tired of people telling me to smile and cheer up. I had it about 4 times today. Why cant people mind their own business? I'm not the type to fake smile through the day to appease everyone else.
            High Five!

            Although people are smart enough to not say it directly to me. You need to grim it up bit.


              'ohh you're quiet...'


                Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                Dunno if I've mentioned this before but I'm quite a serious, some would say grumpy, looking chap.

                I'm sick and tired of people telling me to smile and cheer up. I had it about 4 times today. Why cant people mind their own business? I'm not the type to fake smile through the day to appease everyone else.
                I get this quite a bit from people who work near me but not with me (i.e. Enough to really know me). I'm not miserable at all, but I do tend to have my business face on at work.


                  I get told the old "cheer up it might never happen" or "smile" comment too even tho I'm not miserable. Sometimes I too have my serious work face on, just like Number45 which makes me look angry.

                  Its pissed me off so badly sometimes that I have told 1 or 2 people in the past that I've got cancer (which isnt true), which soon makes their smile disappear.


                    Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
                    Dunno if I've mentioned this before but I'm quite a serious, some would say grumpy, looking chap.

                    I'm sick and tired of people telling me to smile and cheer up. I had it about 4 times today. Why cant people mind their own business? I'm not the type to fake smile through the day to appease everyone else.
                    THIS! I was at work on Saturday and had 2 customers say this to me. I wouldn't have minded so much if I were actually in a bad mood but I was having a reasonably good day (for a work day). Getting pretty sick of it, I need to think of something clever* to say back....

                    *preferably nothing to do with having Cancer


                      That's the kind of stock comment I deplore. I also hate the feeble attempt to pressgang you into doing something you don't want to do with the phrase, 'oh don't be so miserable.' I'm pretty sure I've mentioned this before, but it's rather annoying.

                      Case in point. Stuck at a wedding. Someone says to me, 'why aren't you dancing?' I reply that I don't want to. 'Oh come on, don't be so miserable!' Oh piss off, I was quite happy here in my comfort zone until you appeared to try and cajole me into doing something I despise and feel self conscious about. I'm not going to have an amazing transformation into Disco Stu and lap up the moves. Sod off.

                      Or, more recently, when I refused to travel really out of my way (and I mean, really) for a £40 friday (!!) staff night out, with a group made up predominately of middle aged women.
                      'Why aren't you coming? Don't be so miserable!'
                      'Actually, no. I'm going round my mate's house after a hard week in this dump to eat tasty scran, drink good beers, watch a flick and play games. I'll be as happy as a pig in ****e. If I went with you, then I'd be miserable.'

                      It went down very well, I thought.


                        You mean, Disco Prinny no do Macarena?

                        I too feel as though I need to come up with a witty response. Truly witty, not some thinly veiled Franky Boyle evilness pretending to be wit but something that'll make people think...hmm...


                          I dance in my heart.

                          To be fair to Boyle, he gets the laughs. I think some people need a bout of bitter cuss thrown over them. They are, after all, trying to skank me.


                            That's the best response to anything I've ever seen.


                              The fact that someone was murdered right opposite my shop on saturday, second time something like this has happened in a month and yet they insist we sit there until 10pm with no customers.


                                I hope it wasn't the same guy.

