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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by mikewl View Post
    Got my Natwest credit card statment through and they removed my 5.9 interest for life offer because I was late one time making a payment, I know its in the T&C's but having been with them for so long it irk's me almost to the point of wanting to change banks altogether.
    did you call them ?


      Originally posted by eastyy View Post
      did you call them ?
      Not yet, but I think I will do, its worth a try.


        Originally posted by Ady View Post
        Rollie breath is the worst. >_<
        Yeah its like a combination of a burnt out skanky house mixed with the rotting smell of their manky teeth


          Originally posted by Spatial101 View Post
          The mail notification icon on the taskbar of my works computer has stopped working. For no reason. Triple checked the settings and it's all set as it should be for them to appear but Outlook is having none of it.

          Manual checking FTL!
          That's happened on my work PC a couple of times (office 2007), my only solution was to rebuild the whole machine! Hope that helps


            I'll ring ICT on Monday and break the news to them!


              Nearly posted this rant on another thread and then figured I should redirect it to here.

              It bugs the crap out of me that people here insist on making comparisons between PS3 games and 360 games. I mean stuff like "xxx costs this much on PSN, but yyy is much cheaper on xbox live so you should get that" or "GT5 isn't that great, stick to Forza 3" etc etc.

              I'm a one console guy so these little insights do me no good whatsoever. I wish there wasn't this automatic assumption that everyone has every console to choose from. It happens constantly ><


                People who don't say goodbye on the phone, preferring to just hang up instead.


                  This "NSPCC campaign" on Facebook whereby if you change your profile picture to that of a cartoon, you will somehow stop children from being abused. There is no mention of it anywhere on the NSPCC website.

                  I fail to see how it will actually work and thus have changed my picture to Pedobear.
                  Kept you waiting, huh?


                    I hate those NSPCC adverts full stop. 'Wagonella's parents said she fell down the stairs..' Well, maybe she did. Accidents do happen. The suggestive language used is appalling.

                    My niece hurt her arm the other week on swings, a total accident. My sister and mother took her straight to A and E. They said they felt really uncomfortable thanks in no small part to the 'everyone's guilty of the worst possible thing' mentality pushed by adverts such as this.

                    Irk ... the only good bit of that stupid Marks and Sparks advert is the lingerie dancing bit in black and white. I've just seen the advert and they've removed it!!! NNOOOO!
                    Last edited by prinnysquad; 04-12-2010, 19:17.


                      I changed my FB pic without even knowing what the campagin was for, I thought it was awesome cartoons appreciation month or something equally useless.

                      Tell you what has got me grrrrrrrr ebay again, this lovely nugget from me.
                      I will ONLY ship to UK. I cannot be bothered with international shipping gubbins due to a lively experience that left me out of pocket, as usual.

                      Your item has sold via Buy it Now, awesome.
                      Let me just get the address...FRANCE?!
                      Cancellation request please, you bloody dick cant your read?!

                      Oh yeah and speaking of the M&S ads reminds me about the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) constantly irking me with removal of things from adverts or entire ads.
                      Last year they recieved SIX complaints about sexisim in the M&S advert when ole DCI Gene Hunt/Philip Glenister said " That girl prancing around in her underwear" queue Moi? and girl prancing around in underwhere, SIX complaints and it got removed.
                      If 3 million people watch that ad, 6 people complain and it gets removed the ASA are doing something wrong.


                        Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                        I changed my FB pic without even knowing what the campagin was for, I thought it was awesome cartoons appreciation month or something equally useless.

                        Tell you what has got me grrrrrrrr ebay again, this lovely nugget from me.
                        I will ONLY ship to UK. I cannot be bothered with international shipping gubbins due to a lively experience that left me out of pocket, as usual.

                        Your item has sold via Buy it Now, awesome.
                        Let me just get the address...FRANCE?!
                        Cancellation request please, you bloody dick cant your read?!
                        I have another irk related to people not being able to read.

                        Last Friday, I sent an email at work to a tutor who had special IT requirements in advance of a computer-based exam they were doing. Owing to their requirements, they needed special software to be installed in that room so they could meet the conditions set by the exam board. In short, for half of the exam, they needed to disable all access to the internet and restrict the programs the candidates could use. So, I sent the following email:

                        From: me
                        To: A.N Other
                        Sent: Fri Dec 03 10:17:54 2010
                        Subject: Controlled assesment info

                        Hi A.N Other,

                        In advance of your assesments on Monday, I have installed a piece of software in 1155 that should help you control your classes.

                        The software is called NetOp, which is remote monitoring software which can be a very useful teaching aid. It can also be used to control class activity, such as blocking the internet or other applications. The tutor/invigilator can also monitor each student from their PC.


                        Note the part in bold.

                        This is the response I got:

                        From: A.N Other
                        Sent: Fri 03/12/2010 19:01
                        To: Me
                        Subject: Re: Controlled assesment info

                        Thanks for this but does it actually disable the internet or just allow someone to monitor the pcs?


                        A.N Other

                        Now please tell me; was their any part of my emboldened text that wasn't clear? Did she even read my original email? FFS!

                        It was all I could do not to send a snotty, sarcastic response. However, I "respectfully" referred them to the above sentence in my original email, to which I was told "Sorry, I'm no good with IT".

                        Clearly, she's no good with plain English either. And since when did you have to be "good with IT" to be able to comprehend plain English?

                        Sometimes I truly despair.

                        Last edited by Ady; 06-12-2010, 03:00.


                          My major irk at the moment is Christmas.

                          I'll be honest, I don't really like it as I get more abuse from customers at this time of year than any other because it's obviously my fault that Nintendo / Sony / Microsoft didn't get their factory workers to make more consoles thus dying from exhaustion in the process but this year I find I'm hating it more than ever.

                          The adverts on TV, Christmas music, the thought of having to go shopping amid crowds of stressed people to but gifts for people. These all fill me with anger.

                          The fact I see Christmas Day as the only day of there year where work won't phone and (a) tell me something has gone wrong or (b) ask me to come in to help out speaks volumes.

                          I. Am. Scrooge!!


                            Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                            If 3 million people watch that ad, 6 people complain and it gets removed the ASA are doing something wrong.
                            ASA operate on the validity of the complaint, not the numbers involved. It's the best way of avoiding mob rule


                              Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
                              Your item has sold via Buy it Now, awesome.
                              Let me just get the address...FRANCE?!
                              Cancellation request please, you bloody dick cant your read?!
                              You can choose which countries to accept bids from I think.


                                Things to do before you reach 30:
                                Get an official warning that your job is 'at risk'.
                                Be involved in a car crash
                                Be a victim of online fruad

                                I only say this, as I'm 30 on Thursday and I've experienced all three of those things in the past 7 days!

                                While the worst is undoubtably the crash (me poor back ), I'm a bit pissed off with the bank as;
                                They didn't even tell me something was wrong, I had to ring up after loads of payments were being declined since my account has been 'frozen'.
                                The fraud department I need to speak to has been closed due to poor weather!

                                Great, thanks Mr Bank!

                                I've had a bad week.

