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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Just got one of those calls saying my computer has been infected. Gob****es. If I ran India, I'd seriously curtail the call centre epidemic they have because most of my contact with Indian people are when they're trying to sell me crap I don't want, not helping me with a problem or, like this, trying to scam me. It's getting to the point where the accent alone brings up all the wrong associations and that is in no way a good thing for me or anyone from India. It does us all a disservice.


      I hate the fact that most people don't seem to know how to close their front doors. Instead of using the handle as it's intended, they simply slam the door shut, like primitive cavemen. And when living in an apartment complex, you often feel a small rumble when others do it. Really takes me out of whatever I'm doing.
      Last edited by JSR; 10-12-2010, 18:08. Reason: SPELLINGZ


        Kernow selling all his MVS carts and starting playing GT5. I mean, it's current gen? KUH. RANT. GEN.

        What next? X-factor is actually decent TV? When women say it's fine, they actually mean, it's fine? Student protestors aren't twats?



          I still have the pcbs I care about


            My trigger finger.

            I was on the Japanese iTunes store and bought one of Utada's new songs, Goodbye Happiness, for a whopping 200Y. It's a nice song so it's worth it but guess what I forgot to check while I was too busy being relieved at seeing the little plus sign(which tells you it's 256kbps DRM-free)?


            99p on the UK store.

            It's only 50p more but it's still a lesson to me to be more careful. Considering how most of the Japanese store is still repping the 128kbps DRM'd stuff, it could've been a lot worse so at least I have the same file. I have 900Y left from the 1500Y code I bought off some guy on eBay, and a friend got me a 1500Y card which I haven't used yet. To be honest most of the stuff I wanted to get is either 128kbps or available on the UK store anyway. So far it's been useful for two whole songs which I just couldn't feasibly get anywhere else.

            Hilariously, her singles album is 2400Y(?18) but only ?10.99 on the UK store.


              Look at the ingredients in Cadburys chocolate. There is virtually no chocolate in it.
              Milk. Sugar. Vegetable oil. Cocoa Butter (oil extracted from cocoa beans that tastes mildly of chocolate). other stuff. And then near the end.... Cocoa mass (ground cocoa beans).

              Basically it's a bar of lard that tastes vaguely of chocolate. You therefore need to eat the entire bar to get the taste. If you buy stuff that actually is made of chocolate then you only need to eat a little to get the hit. Additionally because cadburys is so full of sugar, you get a blood sugar dip a short while later which means you crave more of it, but not for the taste but to get your levels back up.

              Seems like a waste of money, but it's Britain's favourite. This irks me.


                Cadbury's always tastes "gritty" to me. Really unrefined.


                  Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                  Look at the ingredients in Cadburys chocolate. There is virtually no chocolate in it.

                  Its not been my favourite for about 8 yrs now. Back then I noticed it not melting & starting to go very waxy in my mouth, like it left some kind of waxy film in my mouth & wondered what was going on, then read the back & noticed they'd been lobbing in vegetable oil, which they're adding to preserve it for longer. I remember a few yrs back that european chocolate makers were complaining about cadbury's claims of 'a glass & a half of milk in every bar' & the low chocolate content.

                  I know its sounds like I'm a cheapy, but the chocolate I buy these days is from Lidl. It tastes like chocolate, melts like chocolate & most ppl who've tried it agree. Loads of lovely flavours (inc white choc with strawberry bits in it!!) & the whole nut/fruit & nut are packed with them, not half nuts measily scattered here n there like cadbury.


                    on thing that irks me is in sports how come with all this modern technology which is quick to use there are still poor referee/umpire etc decisions being made


                      Cadbury's chocolate is much nicer here in Ireland. I was amazed to find out that the chocolate in the exact same packaging tastes so different in the UK. In the UK, it has that gritty sugar taste, like it's made from drinking chocolate. I don't know if there's any more actual chocolate in the Irish stuff but it's much smoother, less sugary-tasting and nice and creamy. A whole different chocolate.


                        I actually miss UK Cadbury's chocolate, even though it's crap. The import stores here have Cadbury's, but all imported from Australia. It tastes very different. I've been feeling kinda homesick recently, and have stocked up on Snickers and KitKats, but I've had no luck sourcing UK versions of these. Snickers tastes largely the same though.


                          In 2006 in Australia, Cadburys changed the recipe over there. They removed the Cocoa butter and replaced it with Palm Oil. OMGWTF. Kill your arteries AND the environment. Way to go.

                          That didn't last long.


                            anyone remember the milkyway bars of years ago...i miss them


                              Originally posted by eastyy View Post
                              anyone remember the milkyway bars of years ago...i miss them
                              You don't have them in the UK anymore? They are alive and well here in Norway. Wonderful little things too.


                                well have them but they different from what i remember of years ago

