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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
    I got scratched earlier off Dildo the cat. He ran off before I could get him back.
    Haha you were got by Diddo!


      a new irk that ad for the sensor for handsoap thing where you put your hand under and the soap is dispensed withough having to press on a dirty soap dispenser

      ermm forgive me for pointing this out but regardless after you have touched it...YOU WASH YOUR HANDS IN THE SOAPcleaning it anyway


        The last five pages are Freudian gold!


        Some group on FB that's getting angry about a boy who put a kitten in a vacuum bag and killed it a bit, then put the video on the internets.

        I'm sure it's a good cause etc etc but the general lameness of Facebook always manages to ruin the seriousness of whatever cause they're fighting for/against (see: anti-child abuse cartoon profile pics, among others).

        Besides, I bet most of the people campaigning have killed their fair share of insects over the years, and probably quite cruelly, too. So the rule is if it's cute and cuddly its death should be avenged, but if it's a scary spider it's fair game?

        Chris Morris nailed it(don't worry about the length, it's the first 20 secs that count):

        Originally posted by eastyy View Post
        ermm forgive me for pointing this out but regardless after you have touched it...YOU WASH YOUR HANDS IN THE SOAPcleaning it anyway
        They're mental about bacteria. It's like those goofy grey/yellow hand dryers that just blow your hands into the sides because the first five seconds of wetness are the most crucial, or something silly. I'm pretty sure the problems with bacteria are caused more by those who don't actually wash their hands!


          Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post

          Some group on FB that's getting angry about a boy who put a kitten in a vacuum bag and killed it a bit, then put the video on the internets.
          I know what you're saying about FB, but he didnt just kill it a bit. He KILLED them outright, then slung them to 1 side like they were nothing. The kids either a complete sicko or he has some serious mental problems.
          If he's a sicko then I'd like to do the same thing to him as he's done to those kittens - wrap a bag around his head, then suck the air out of it while he watches himself die in the mirror.
          This is how many serial killers started out before they moved on to ppl. Just cos its not a human doesnt mean its worthless.

          I'm against all animal cruelty. And I havent killed even a fly since I was a nipper either.


            Comparing a cat to a fly or insect is nonsensical. One has a close connection with humans, the other doesn't. If you are going to put all life in the same category then killing a cockroach is no different to killing an OAP. I know people love to argue for the sake of it but come off it...

            Haven't heard about this but why is Facebook needed to protest? He's clearly a psychopath in need of mental care, is Facebook in charge of such things?


              Deleted her last night after she posted some ridiculous emo style self shots with the caption "for those who haven't seen me for a while".


              In the words of that Scottish chap on Dragon's Den "I'm out!"


                Good work. Now put your status as 'Hunting for pussy'.


                  Teddymeow Pussy Hunter.


                  Don't look back my friend, get some.


                    I don't get whats going on anymore


                      You're just looking for a reason to extend your formidable lead in this Thread of Whingers...


                        Why don't vending machines have card readers? It would save the maintenance companies money as they wouldn't have to send people to collect it then take it to the bank.

                        Everything should have card readers, I want to go physical cash-less.


                          Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
                          Why don't vending machines have card readers? It would save the maintenance companies money as they wouldn't have to send people to collect it then take it to the bank.

                          Everything should have card readers, I want to go physical cash-less.
                          Would they not have to pay x amount to the card company per sale?


                            Originally posted by StuM82 View Post
                            Why don't vending machines have card readers? It would save the maintenance companies money as they wouldn't have to send people to collect it then take it to the bank.

                            Everything should have card readers, I want to go physical cash-less.
                            Are you the bloke who went to strippers club and swiped your credit card between the strippers arse cheeks?


                              Yes, typing in my PIN was interesting.


                                Originally posted by 'Press Start To Begin' View Post
                                Would they not have to pay x amount to the card company per sale?
                                Yes, but I suppose it depends on whether that is more or less than hiring a bloke, buying, maintaining and depreciating a van and then paying a bank to handle the physical cash.

