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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by Darwock View Post
    Comparing a cat to a fly or insect is nonsensical. One has a close connection with humans, the other doesn't. If you are going to put all life in the same category then killing a cockroach is no different to killing an OAP. I know people love to argue for the sake of it but come off it...

    Haven't heard about this but why is Facebook needed to protest? He's clearly a psychopath in need of mental care, is Facebook in charge of such things?
    I was supposed to cut that bit out cos it was a rubbish argument on my part, although I was referring to the torture specifically. I wouldn't say killing a cat is like killing a fly. I eat burgers, too, and I know the cows aren't stroked on their way to the abattoir.

    I reckon it's a sound thing - if a thing makes a sound when you kill it, it's worse than killing something that doesn't.

    And Facebook itself wasn't involved, there was a group set up, much like the 50000 other groups about things.


      Someone always has to start something like that on fb. If it isnt animals its children that have been abducted, or support for soldiers in Iraq, or students pi55ed with the gov etc.
      Anything so that people have the opportunity to tell the world about how they feel. if anyone really a ****e eh! Sad f**kers


        Originally posted by neil2k View Post
        Teddymeow Pussy Hunter.


        Don't look back my friend, get some.
        1. I need my own TV show with that title!

        2. Still legally married so ain't nothin' goin' on until I'm properly single.

        It's my 30th in April so if it's done & dusted by then I'll be out and about!


          Originally posted by teddymeow View Post

          It's my 30th in April so if it's done & dusted by then I'll be out and about!
          Same here! 11th.


            August 8th for me.

            Honestly thought I would have some kids of my own by now. orz.


              What are all these dates. Are you all getting divorced or something? D:


                sound like it doesn't it


                  Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                  What are all these dates. Are you all getting divorced or something? D:
                  I am but the date I was referring to is Apeil 30th which is my birthday when I will be turning 30.

                  Hopefully the whole divorce thing will be sorted by then but the, admittedly limited, research I've done suggests it could take a while.


                    I think we need to setup an April birthday club.


                      Aww I'm in September..

                      Also: nakamura being wrong accused of stuff over on RG.. Bit cliché coming from the accuser..

                      One of the most considerate, open minded people I know of on various forums, in regards to games at least.
                      Last edited by speedlolita; 28-12-2010, 21:24.


                        I started watching Juno on Film4 just now. Then the word 'guesstimate' was mentioned by that bint, & at that point I switched off, because that american made up word makes no sense & those US buzz words that seem to have filtered thru into the ENGLISH language really irk me.


                          Juno is "American", aimed at teenagers and stars Michael Cera (pre Scott Pilgrim..). What were you expecting exactly? lol


                            Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                            Michael Cera
                            Kill it with fire!!!


                              Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
                              Juno is "American", aimed at teenagers and stars Michael Cera (pre Scott Pilgrim..). What were you expecting exactly? lol
                              A funny, decent storyline without Beverly Hills 90210 speak?

                              From what ppl had told me & what I had read on here it was supposed to be a good film, so I gave it a chance, but, as usual, my instincts based on the trailers were correct.
                              Well you would mention that typecast fellow seeing as its your avatar .
                              And, as my instincts told me many months ago, I will be avoiding Scott Pilgrim due to the fact that it smacks of geeks & 'cool' sounding americans. Sounds familiar.


                                Well that's nice. I liked the comics and as such warmed to the movie. I'm just mentioning the typical image of Michael Cera as a dull actor, sort of like an opposite Jack Black. Same character, different film.

                                Scott Pilgrim is about 'cool' sounding Canadians, never been a fan of American stuff..

                                But largely, American comedies are bottom of the barrel when it comes to movie quality - language inclusive. IMO at least, I avoid where possible.
                                Last edited by speedlolita; 28-12-2010, 22:40.

