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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
    You should make a game where if the player doesn't like the voice acting they can use Kinect or a headset to just record their own VA which will play instead
    That'd be great. In the meantime, you can just say the stuff while playing


      Originally posted by Spatial View Post
      I'm sure I've irked about this before, but businesses who ignore emails really irk me.

      So, what's the accepted etiquette for the number of days / tries before you flip out on someone for being an ignorant ****?
      I had a similar problem this month. Went for a job interview in Dec at a graphic design place, they had seen my portfolio so knew what my work was like and this was just a formal chat I suppose. Anyway, they wanted to see more corporate ideas designed so sent me away to design 2 website front page mock ups from scratch and a double sided leaflet for print. I had a bit of freelance work on at the time and it was a squeeze to get the work done so did it over the weekend and the following Monday to be sent in Tuesday morning in an email with the attachments and reasons why I made design choices. Got a reply "Thanks for the email, we will get back to you soon after we review this."
      I wait a month and notice the job had been taken off their website so I emailed to let them know it was a bit unfair to ask someone to do sample work when they are busy and not even give them a response. That email was last week...I don't think they are coming back to me.
      Pisses me off as they dress themselves up as a professional company ("professional" being plastered all over their site) and they do this, plus the fact the guy who interviewed me on the day was the manager and was hungover.


        Originally posted by Shakey_Jake33 View Post
        Fair enough with that specific game

        But I stand by what I said in general though - they seem to want it both ways, they fail to provide a comprehensive service due to archaic assumptions, yet throw a hissy fit when people give up on the UK coverage and turn to mainland European providers instead. It becomes hard to justify a Sky Sports subscription when I can just nip up the pub and see all the games, including 3pm games on different screens... yet in their infinite wisdom, their solution to this is to take people to court rather than create a more comprehensive service.
        To be fair though, screening 3pm games on a Saturday genuinely would harm attendances at league games. Especially in the cold. And with the economy how it is. Could be really harmful for lower league clubs.


          The Arsenal v Blackburn game is on the radio now, so it was definitely a 1pm kickoff...


            My package it still /apparently/ in Vancouver.


              Originally posted by Flabio View Post
              The Arsenal v Blackburn game is on the radio now, so it was definitely a 1pm kickoff...
              Yeah but it wasn't moved for TV or anything, it was moved 'cause of tube works.

              And because apparently Blackburn are still a bit groggy at that time of day.


                Originally posted by toythatkills View Post
                To be fair though, screening 3pm games on a Saturday genuinely would harm attendances at league games. Especially in the cold. And with the economy how it is. Could be really harmful for lower league clubs.
                I've never bought that, to be honest. Are Bristol Rovers' ticket sales down because people would rather watch Arsenal on the telly? Or are they down because they're playing crap? It's a different audience. Hell, it would effect lower league teams even less because they're not on the telly anyway.

                I don't think (for example) Arsenal ticket sales are down simply due to the TV coverage.
                Last edited by sj33; 04-02-2012, 16:06.


                  It won't harm Arsenal because they've got 120,000 people trying to buy 60,000 tickets every week. Or they do, in good times.

                  It harms lower league teams because when you're not filling your ground as it is, you don't need to offer people more of an excuse not to come. It's not like all of Bristol Rover's fans would stay home and watch someone else, obviously, but if 5% of them did that's quite a hit over the course of a season, to teams that don't even have that much money anyway. And it's money that would just go straight to the Premier League and no one else would get a look in. You just don't want to give people an excuse to stay away.


                    I don't want to pay ?20 to watch league 1-2 football. Just too much money.


                      Saturday night TV, my God it's ****.

                      *Must dull brain with alcohol*


                        Oh dear God


                          Bull**** weather forecasts. It was going to snow non-stop from 3pm to 9pm. In actuality, it snowed from about 1pm to 3pm. The flakes were like drizzle-spit, really pathetic, farty little efforts.

                          What a let down.


                            Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
                            "That's not my bushbaby".


                              Even better, the guy(Oli) is the one who wrote that angry letter to Richard Branson after his dodgy Virgin in-flight food:

                              Here we reproduce a complaint letter sent to Sir Richard Branson, which is currently being emailed globally and is considered by many to be the world's funniest passenger complaint letter.

                              "I love the Virgin brand, I really do which is why I continue to use it despite a series of unfortunate incidents over the last few years. This latest incident takes the biscuit.

                              Ironically, by the end of the flight I would have gladly paid over a thousand rupees for a single biscuit following the culinary journey of hell I was subjected to at thehands of your corporation."


                                Originally posted by neil2k View Post
                                Saturday night TV, my God it's ****.

                                *Must dull brain with alcohol*

                                bring back noels house party....

