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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
    For a second I thought HDNL was a Korean pop group


      Searching for a game for ages, finally seeing one on eBay not with a ridiculous buy it now price with the auction ending at 8am. Get up early and go to work late just to bid on it, to find that when I'm putting my bid in eBay mobile has an error messag, doesn't recognise my bid and I miss out on it.

      It went for ?8.00 and my bid was ?25. Not only that but by chance another appears (only the second I've seen on an actual bid and not BIN) which ends at a more reasonable time, but this time I'm outbid. God I ****ing hate eBay.


        Originally posted by Lebowski View Post
        Had a read up on the incident, he turned a corner on the wrong side of the road that's it, he got confused and it caused a tragic accident. Could of happened to anyone.
        Yep. I still wouldn't make a car advert if that happened to me though.

        EDIT: If I was famous and asked to make a car advert.
        Last edited by Brad; 01-02-2012, 10:04.


          Originally posted by MrKirov View Post
          Searching for a game for ages, finally seeing one on eBay not with a ridiculous buy it now price with the auction ending at 8am. Get up early and go to work late just to bid on it, to find that when I'm putting my bid in eBay mobile has an error messag, doesn't recognise my bid and I miss out on it.

          It went for ?8.00 and my bid was ?25. Not only that but by chance another appears (only the second I've seen on an actual bid and not BIN) which ends at a more reasonable time, but this time I'm outbid. God I ****ing hate eBay.
          What game I'm curious


            Originally posted by FSW View Post
            Yep. I still wouldn't make a car advert if that happened to me though.

            EDIT: If I was famous and asked to make a car advert.
            I can totally see where you are coming from btw FSW. I wonder if it is something that has ever left his mind. Must be hard knowing your actions caused something like that, accident or not.
            Last edited by nakamura; 01-02-2012, 17:05.


              irk of mine is when i get used to where things are in a shop and then they just change the layout


                Originally posted by evilthecatuk View Post
                What game I'm curious
                An NTSC US copy of Breath of Fire 3


                  My inability to package things properly/Royal Mail, the twats(I prefer the second one). Set a laptop screen to someone on eBay and it arrived cracked. Just gave him a full refund, cba dealing with RM's procedure as it was only 15 quid.

                  Other irk: Just found an amazing song that I've been listening to almost constantly over the past few days while not paying much attention to the lyrics. Googled them today only to find out its about a woman being raped. Now I can't listen to it any more


                    Waiting for over a year for Ghost trick to come out on IOS in english

                    Buying a DS to play it 2 days ago
                    Buying Ghost trick from a forumite last night.

                    Today : Game appears out of the Blue for Iphone.

                    also on Ipad, which I literally sold a week ago.

                    Would it of killed them to release a date?


                      People listing Majora's Mask on ebay as GOLD CARTRIDGE as if it's some kind of rarity.


                        Slightly submental cleaner/vendor girl in cafeteria at work...bit of a stalker...simply *no chance* of me going there...always makes a beeline for me when I'm munching my pasta and says the SAME THINGS to me:

                        HER: "Are ya busy today?"

                        ME: "Yeah. Loads of work on. Knackered."

                        HER. "Oooooh, yer 'air's gettin' curly, innit?"

                        ME: "Mmm...yeah...gonna have to have it cut soon."

                        HER: "So, you with the missus then?"

                        ME: "No, we split up. Still friends with 'er. Yeah."

                        HE: "So you're single, then?"

                        ME: ".....hrumph...*CLEARS THROAT*"

                        HER "I'm single, too."

                        ME: "I'm just trying to avoid the stress at the moment, have some 'me time', y'knaa?"

                        HER: "I'm not with anybody at the moment. I'm single."

                        ME: "Erm..."


                        God, don't want to hurt the woman's feelings but she scares me off dining in the cafeteria (and I really like their pasta). She's got this odd, vacant look in her eyes that's a bit scary and I don't want to offend her in case she puts ground glass in my bolognese when she finally realises I'm not interested at all in her. Bah!


                          Well you know what they say, you haven't lived till you've been stalked! Do they say that?


                            ^I think some of them do..although I'm not sure which ones.


                              You should keep dropping hints about your ideal woman. Like, if she's blonde casually mention how you love a brunette. Either she'll get the hint or she'll come in as a brunette the next day, and then WHO KNOWS where you can take it.

                              "My ideal woman would buy me a Ferrari."


                                ^She'd probably bite their neck out.

