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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    The work fooking irks me. Just say what you mean. Trying to soften it doesn't mean you aren't swearing.


      Yesterday's Gay Pride Parade.

      Before you start, I'm quite happy for people to live the life they want to. Having a parade past my apartment at midday on a sunday when I'm trying to sleep is quite a different thing entirely. Can't please everyone though so I'm not really complaining. I've only been going to bed before 12 for the last 2 weeks anyway.


        There are worse alarm clocks.


          Shout "Be gay but do it quietly!" from the window!

          That must've been something.

          Originally posted by Family Fry View Post
          All being well the mars aliens will be so outraged they will punch in co-ordinates for Will I Am, head to USA and Mars Attacks will actually happen.
          I reckon his car accident with Cheryl was a subtle hint from the Martians
          Last edited by randombs; 03-09-2012, 16:03.


            Wasps. Since Saturday, these little bastards have been everywhere. It's like someone has flicked a wasp switch here in Aberdeen and there is a huge amount of them suddenly appeared. Luckily they should all be dead pretty soon, but they are spoiling for some stinging action at the moment.


              People who take too long at cash machines.


                If I do something wrong(like eject the card or whatever) and I'm in a queue, I let them go ahead. It's like winner-stays-on


                  Spiders and the phobia that my son now has of them. Literally screaming/shaking scared.


                    Wasps. It irks me that I had to purge 4000+ from my loft (they keep insect populations under control so are pretty useful), but also irks me that once their food source dries up, they will start on bigger animals like humans, so they have to go.


                      Can't you have some kind of Wasps Vs. Moles ultra battle, Chaz?

                      There are so many ace creepy crawlies in the garden, you can go on a bug safari! I've already started showing my son spiders, frogs, millipedes, worms and so on. The trickiest bit is stopping him touching them and then inevitable trying to eat them.

                      Saw an awesome spider in the garden the other day. He'd caught a fly about his size and he was sat on it. He saw me with his eight eyes and raised his front legs and fangs in defence! It's OK, I really don't want your fly lunch...
                      Last edited by QualityChimp; 04-09-2012, 08:02.


                        People who screw up my Ebay rating because they are idiots.


                          my inability to butter bread without breaking the bread up, it doesn't help that we keep the butter in the fridge, also me being left handed has something to do with it i think


                            Originally posted by k0pp0 View Post
                            Spiders and the phobia that my son now has of them. Literally screaming/shaking scared.
                            Sounds like a sensible chap.


                              I think the dinner plate sized spider (estimated size) that my son opened the bathroom door to has scarred him for life. That and sticking his head into a massive spiders web in the garden.

                              Narrowly avoided a situation the other night too. After convincing him that there were no more giant spiders in the house, I'm reading him a story in bed and another massive house spider wanders in the door looking for trouble. Son didn't spot it so I gave him the book, made an excuse about getting him a drink and had to strong arm the bastard out of the bedroom.

                              I reckon someone has spilt some bloody toxic waste around here somewhere.


                                Webs are just as bad. I know who made those webs, and they live there.

