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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Never realised QC was Spanish.


      Originally posted by speedlolita View Post
      Have to go get my brothers GCSE results because he's in Italy.
      Er... this gives you a fantastic opportunity for japery.


        Originally posted by nakamura View Post
        Well my house has given way to a load of sewage water from upstairs. Going to be thousands to repair for the insurance companies.
        At least it will be on their insurance and not mine. Might have to move out for a bit though but nothing important was damaged.
        That's nastier that it sounded the other day. Hope stuff gets done quick.



          Been given a quote for less than 10 meters of fence and two new gates.... ?960!!!!

          'kin hell, I priced up the materials myself for the most expensive type of fence panels I could find to match the existing, and including fixtures and fittings, posts etc, it only came to ?500 in materials!


            Price of fish!

            Cleaned out the pond, refilled. Lets have some more fish.
            Went to pets r us or whatever and goldfish- about 4 cm ?2.49 each.

            A small goldfish- ?2.49. Ridiculous!


              How broken my body feels two hours after eating a lot of candy.


                Originally posted by fuse View Post
                Never realised QC was Spanish.
                Me molesta cuando la gente subastar cosas sin limpiarlos!


                  Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                  How broken my body feels two hours after eating a lot of candy.


                    Originally posted by punio75 View Post
                    Price of fish!

                    Cleaned out the pond, refilled. Lets have some more fish.
                    Went to pets r us or whatever and goldfish- about 4 cm ?2.49 each.

                    A small goldfish- ?2.49. Ridiculous!
                    That's because pets at home are the GAME of the pet world. Local aquarium place FTW.


                      Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                      How broken my body feels two hours after eating a lot of candy.
                      Lucky Candy!
                      Last edited by koopatroopa90; 25-08-2012, 16:28. Reason: Better gag...


                        Speaking of broken bodies, I spent Wednesday's lunch break in Hyde Park playing this game called kankeri which was awesome but then we played zombies and I somehow managed to call upon an unknown speed force from deep within - probably awakened by this Olympics/Usain Bolt malarky - and legged it after one of the guys doing what some critics have called a perfect T-1000 impersonation.

                        We also played daruma san ga koronda which was really embarrassing.

                        I spent the afternoon at work in between wakefulness and sleep, and these past few days have been agony when sitting down or standing up.

                        Totally worth it and I'd do it again in a flash, but maybe I'd warm up first


                          ...following on from my smile post:

                          My inability to properly backup stuff before meddling with my iPhone files. I baleated the file which sets the camera to record in 1080p so I'm stuck in 720p for now. Granted, I didn't want 1080p anyway so it's not exactly doom and gloom but, still.

                          Which leads me on to the inevitable post in the iPhone thread...


                            Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
                            Me molesta cuando la gente subastar cosas sin limpiarlos!
                            Not sure what that means, is it really proper Spanish? Scorchio, Boutros Boutros-Ghali.


                              Signs you're getting old #27:

                              Two days on from an all day drinking session I still feel like i'm going to die. It may be due to the fact I hadn't touched a drop for the 4 weeks previous (Was supposed to be off it for three months) but I suspect it has more to do with me now being well past ridiculous binges.


                                Ha! Happens to me everytime I drink Colin. Get drunk saturday, still ruined on monday night at work!

