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Little things that irk you.. (no swearing please)

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    Oh come on Kats! Glee is genius. Genius I tell you.


      Originally posted by noobish hat View Post
      Last night Decider-VT's post was about ten times as long. I think he decided it was overly-vitriolic and trimmed it down a bit XD it did explain what he meant though
      QFT, although it was more exasperated than vitriolic. The whole "profiling" thing was put to me in a bit of a condescending manner, hence how I knew it was happening and hence being irked at the analysis. Famidude's post is a good example of what I meant, though. My friend is extremely competitive and doesn't realise how far he goes occasionally.

      Not usually prone to forum spazzing. Heh.

      Edit: actually, Famidude's post raises an interesting point. A couple of people I know are "achievement whores" and are regularly judged for playing some terrible games for easy gamerpoints. They still work their way through some of the more "respectable" games but their taste is regularly dismissed because of the bad ones listed on their Live profiles.
      Last edited by Decider-VT; 23-01-2010, 22:38.


        Originally posted by F0mM1D0Dd View Post
        Just got a message off the guy on my friends list 'My current SF4 win streak is 64. Beat that if you can'.

        Erm... Why would I want to? It's probably the worst fighter I've played this gen.

        And yes, he's a cheap Honda player.
        The rantings of a jealous man.

        The difference between femmeDuDD and other whores though, Decider-VT, is that they don't routinely have strops and PMT mood swings where they put their entire collection up for sale on ebay so they can be a hardcore PC Engine player one week, then waltz into town and buy every tatbag title in sight for easy 1000Gs the next. Then the next week, after feeling The Shame about playing toss for Gs, they don't issue a GAMES FOR FUN edict, and claim to be in it for teh games, before having another firesale as a prelude to re-entering the dungeons of the Hardcore.

        I hope they don't anyway


          Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
          The rantings of a jealous man.

          The difference between femmeDuDD and other whores though, Decider-VT, is that they don't routinely have strops and PMT mood swings where they put their entire collection up for sale on ebay so they can be a hardcore PC Engine player one week, then waltz into town and buy every tatbag title in sight for easy 1000Gs the next. Then the next week, after feeling The Shame about playing toss for Gs, they don't issue a GAMES FOR FUN edict, and claim to be in it for teh games, before having another firesale as a prelude to re-entering the dungeons of the Hardcore.

          I hope they don't anyway
          I'm seeing this as the scene from Pulp Fiction, with a guy trussed up with a ball gag in his mouth, and Famidude about to get medieval on his ass with a pair of PC engine multitaps and a blowtorch.


            I live in a first floor maisonette and the guy who lives downstairs goes away every weekend. That doesn't stop him from having the timer set on his alarm radio for 6am and the volume so loud I can hear every word the DJ says and recognise every song played.


              Stick a note under the door/have a word with him. If he does it again take an axe to his door and launch the alarm clock out of the window.


                Bloody football.

                Go to grab a bag of crisps, miss Stokes opener. Go for a dump, miss the equaliser. Go make a cuppa and miss Scunny's second.

                Why? Why does a goal have to go in whenever I disappear for a couple of minutes?!?!


                  Originally posted by F0Mm1D1Dd View Post
                  Bloody football.

                  Go to grab a bag of crisps, miss Stokes opener. Go for a dump, miss the equaliser. Go make a cuppa and miss Scunny's second.

                  Why? Why does a goal have to go in whenever I disappear for a couple of minutes?!?!
                  That happened to me the other night watching the NHL. I went for a quick slash and missed a goal after sitting through 30 mins of toss.


                    Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
                    That happened to me the other night watching the NHL. I went for a quick slash and missed a goal after sitting through 30 mins of toss.
                    Ha! I remember once when Five had MLB on, I went for a dump and got back just as a mass brawl was calming down.

                    Was better than the Coco Crisp one from last season as well!


                      Not knowing Crystal from the Windows 7 adverts intimately.


                        The road works between jct 16-18 on M25 and fact they will be there for 3 years is a tad irritating, to put it mildly


                          Grime. An utter cacophony.

                          It just sounds like little kids yapping nonsense over ringtones. Urgh.


                            But... it is.


                              Paper cuts. Got a good one before right near the joint on my ring finger. Urgh, the slicing sensation goes right through me.


                                You know I could actually post that same jpeg again in this thread Endo!

