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Threatened in the street.

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    Slightly off-topic, but is that the Rhyl Sun Centre you're on about? I've been there about a trillion times as a kid!

    Log the threat with the Police if it's really upsetting you, so if things kick off again, you've got a log.

    Maybe speak to the Citizen's Advice Bureau?

    I'd just chalk it up as life and don't let them get to you, guv!


      Like people have said its a bit of a ****ty but if its the actual roadway outside your house, and its not a dipped kerb for access then there's not a lot you can do.

      I live in a Close and I can't stop people parking directly outside my house/window/door because ultimatly if the car has tax on it, it has just as much right as me. Annoying but unfortunatly its how it is.

      If however they are driving ONTO your property (ie Drive) or blocking access to a driveway then its a different story.

      Personally I'd just keep quiet, get the registration of the vehicle which owner threatend you just for reference. It'd be easy to say report it to the police etc but I doubt anything would get done (verbal disagreement/threat) and even if the guy did get a warning he knows precisely where you live. It just isn't worth it.

      Go park somewhere else, come inside, get a brew and natter to us lot instead. We're nicer :P

      Or failing that just organise a NTSC-UK party at your house and we'l park all over the road so the Sun place has nowhere to park haha


        Originally posted by MegaMan X View Post
        It's a massive space but not on the main A road, and stretches the full length of the side of the house (mine is the last one on the row) which includes the side door and the window. So when other cars park in the space, it blocks the door (as Jebus pointed out). A picture would explain it better but while not a driveway, it's basically a space outside my door.
        Ah, so it is part of your property? Well, in that case, you need to block access to it somehow. I can't believe (well, actually I can... ) that people would drive up onto your property and park there and then have a go when you get a bit miffed about it.


          PS - What's with Charles' crazy suggestions? Been on the xmas sauce, eh?


            yeah, as been said Log it with Police. They will have a word if you want or just log it down in case anything happens.
            I did this with one of my neighbours who threatened to drive a car through my house. Not because i was scared of the guy, but just to log it plus if anything happens like he loses his teeth, at least i've got previous threatening behaviour on my side.


              The responses have been great, and while i don't venture out the FFXI thread to post very often, i feel the love man. Helped me to chill out a bit, makes me appreciate not being a nutjob that little bit more


                Being a nutjob is great though. You get a free complementary leprechaun!


                  Originally posted by dotoko View Post
                  Untrue: Legally you can park alongside any non-dipped kerbside that doesn't have yellow-lines or signs telling you not to.
                  I'm pretty sure you can't block access to somebodies property mate, I was assuming that people were specifically blocking his access, which is different as for a start it would be a dropped curb.

                  As has been said, if they aren't directly blocking vehicular access to your property, or your drive then really, you've no leg to stand on so you should ring the police with the numberplate.

                  That said, don't touch other people's cars either...if you'd done that to me, I'd probably have called you a prick as well. If you DO contact the police, you need to probably admit you did that, because otherwise they'll think you are a knob when they contact him and he explains why HE lost his temper...what I'm saying is that he'll end up looking the victim if you aren't careful.
                  Last edited by Jebus; 22-12-2009, 17:18.


                    Build a fence around your property so people can't park on it?

