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Anyone had a few drinks?

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    Got a new friend, those crappy "Sainta Etitinee" beers Aldi do, 4 for ?2.85 and to be honest after a few they are pretty good. 4.8% so not exactly weasel piss even if i'm used to drinking the polish stuff which is a percent more. Maybe shouldn't have had 12 though with work at 8am


      I'm on the red wine now. Lots of it.


        Red Wine is bad news but i love it

        Really gets to me though


          Never mix the grape and the grain, schoolboy error!


            bottle of Jim Beam as a night ender


              Finished work, was strapped for places to buy beer post 10pm so had to plump for the Co-Op (which shuts at 11 and is always expensive when it comes to beer). Plumped on 4x440ml cans of "Strong Export Ale" (a 5% bitter) at a pretty excessive ?4.29. At least they were in the fridge, so were still cold when I got back in.

              Surprisingly nice beer, I never normally go for bitters/ales but it's lovely!


                I think we should start an official hangover thread, i am dying today!

                Mate came round yesterday afternoon for a "couple" of cans, next thing it's 3am and he's asleep sitting bolt upright in a chair and i'm face down on the wood laminate floor with with a jacket draped over me


                  HYPER BEER QUEST TODAY.

                  Now having a few waters before tomorrow's whupfest.


                    Have got a poorly stomach so using that as an excuse to drink to ease the pain. Mixture of white wine and beer so far. Some sort of vodka cocktail might guest later on though.
                    Can't beat drinking while sitting on the sofa feeling sorry for yourself.


                      dont know whether to nip out and get some beers or not....

                      I have a few in, but know once i get the taste, i'll want more!

                      I have some dark rum and bizzarely a bottle dubonnet which i rather like. hmmmm decisions


                        Jagermeister and Stella here.

                        Oh and a nice hot chicken curry, I have a constitution of steel.


                          Mojitossssss!!! 2 Nights Running now.....yummm


                            its a bloody tuesday!


                              Originally posted by losersclub View Post
                              I think we should start an official hangover thread, i am dying today!

                              Mate came round yesterday afternoon for a "couple" of cans, next thing it's 3am and he's asleep sitting bolt upright in a chair and i'm face down on the wood laminate floor with with a jacket draped over me
                              haha that's just old age James!!


                                Originally posted by kernow View Post
                                its a bloody tuesday!

