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Fun things to do in 2010

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    Heh heh heh. You'd probably shoot the zorb!

    I always said the ULTIMATE stag do would be paintballing in go-karts in a strib club (dancers in perspex tubes - I've thought this through...).

    Either that or a bunch of mates going on Takeshi's Castle.


      Lol probably!!!

      Can't believe you went to the car museum in keswick but didn't go to the pencil museum lol.


        Evening classes is a top shout in my book, I did Japanese evening classes for 18 months or so when I first moved to London and had a great time. Chances are if you pick something you're interested in, you'll be around plenty of like-minded folk which is always nice. Great way to meet people if you're looking to do that, too.
        Originally posted by ItsThere View Post
        Next stop is a weekend break to Paris, I had an awful time there about 6 years ago and I want to go back and see if I can finally understand why everyone likes it so much.
        I did a quick 2-break to Paris last year for a gig with a lady friend. The place itself isn't that great imo - especially N. Paris where we were, which was a bit of a toilet in all honesty - but there's some great times to be had if you're in the right company. Plus I can now legitimately use the phrase "We'll always have Paris", awesome.


          It looks like Lost Planet 2 is the only thing I want to play this year.

          Apart from that one game I only have the gym to keep me occupied when I'm not doing anything work/career related.

          Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
          I always said the ULTIMATE stag do would be paintballing in go-karts in a strib club (dancers in perspex tubes - I've thought this through...).
          HAha! awesome!
          Last edited by dataDave; 05-01-2010, 09:36.


            1. Do something to get yourself featured in a story for the local newspaper, or write a ridiculous letter and get it published. Set this challenge with some friends and see who gets published first.

            Next stage...

            2. Concoct some ridiculous story involving a love triangle and some other nonsense, dress like chavs and try to get on Jeremy Kyle.


              Took my own advice and went down to the V&A Museum. Cannot remember going there previously (surely have but the other museums near it - Science and Nat History - are much more memorable for the youngster I used to be) but it is a great place and will be back soon to go properly. Tories are quite likely to impose fees on the museums and galleries if/when in power so go do it now! They have a media art exhibition [£5] at the mo.

              There is an obsceeeene amount of stuff to do in London and a whole load of free or very cheap stuff too. Go and appreciate the city, it may be coming out of its cusp of a wave period in the noughties but still a great great place.


                Originally posted by saif View Post
                There is an obsceeeene amount of stuff to do in London and a whole load of free or very cheap stuff too. Go and appreciate the city, it may be coming out of its cusp of a wave period in the noughties but still a great great place.
                Second this. About 3 years ago me and my mum got a guide book of london and made a list of all the places that looked interesting, and since then we go out to London together about every 2 or 3 months and go to a couple of them in that day. Almost finished the list now - got foiled a bit by the snow last month.

