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Baby seagull outside the house

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    Originally posted by kernow View Post
    They gave up, why can't it sit outside someone elses house, sigh. Its like some harbinger of impending doom. Probably upon itself mainly I guess. No idea where it is again now. oh well.
    Are you sure it's not an Albatross?




        Has it definitely fell? Or has it left it of its own accord? I remember years ago at my parent's house, we had a box near the back window, that was used by great tits. One wet and windy day, the biggest chick decided to leave the nest. It just sat there on the patio looking missioned and gormless all day. I put scran out and it wasn't interested, and it's parents just ignored it, flying in and out of the nestbox with bugs. It must have hid amonsgt the plants during the night, and in the morning the other chicks left the nest and it joined up with them.

        See if you can borrow a ladder and shove it back up there.


          I bet you had a lot of fun watching great tits.



            And yes, I do.


              Originally posted by Jebus View Post
              As sad as it may be, you shouldn't really interfere. It's the natural order of the world.


                Ah the circle of life.... Oh and run when its mum gets back


                  Hmm, I dont know if its fell down, its not a chick as such you can see its a bit older, definitely can't fly though and doesn't look injured. Its still there

                  Around the back theres one on the roof making the same noise too. I know I shouldn't interfere but seeing the little guy there brings a tear to me eye I tell ya.

                  Pretty sure its not an albatross. hehe


                    Someone should post that Southpark song about the circle of life that Mr. Hanky's kid sang - "The poo of the antelope" or whatever it was.


                      Not to hi-jack your thread, but im kinda traumatised of late as in the same week I have witnessed the bloody mess that is a seagull attacking AND eating a Pigeon on a roof top! then a couple of days later whilst on my way home from work I saw a seagull feasting on a dead magpie, whilst another magpie flapped around the seagull, doing what appeared to be its best to stop the onslaught........

                      Ive never seen this type of thing happen in my urban/suburban life....... Could it be a sign of the times, or has this type of thing been happening all the time as part of the circle of life, and I've just not seen it happen.......... thought seagulls ate fish?

                      Not that im a vegitarian but, DAMN, the image was gross with blood and feathers everywhere........ sheesh!



                        Seagulls eat anything!

                        I was in St. Ives (with my seven wives) at the start of the tourist season and the seagulls were ravenous. They crossed the line when they tried to divebomb my pastie.

                        We were on the beach and a family were playing boules when a gull swooped down and grabbed the jack and flew off with it! The dad of the family was left speechless and all he could do was shake his fist at it and shout ".....yyYou!".


                          I saw the same thing about 10 years ago in George Square. The pigeon wasn't yet dead - it was lying there under the seagulls foot while the gull tore it's wing off with it's beak. Why do you think I ran like hell when I got divebombed in front of the baby gull! lol

                          They've always been vicious birds though, a guy I know (my dads age) back in Orkney has a scar on his face from where a gull tried to eat him when he was a baby. It went right into the pram to try and get him. There's no shortage of sea/fish up there either.. they just eat whatever they can get.


                            If its still around do a poo on it.


                              Its gone sadly, I am pretty sure a neighbour took it into their home last night.


                                Tuesday night supper club?

