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Do you Tantrum?

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    I love the way the immediate reaction of so many people is to launch things out of the window. Not just to smash it up from a great height, but to get the goddamn thing outta your sight too.


      Originally posted by jimmbob View Post
      Those who say they don't have tantrums. Go and play Trials HD. Report back with findings.
      I just accept I suck and try again.

      In fact, I find it funny when I suck at it.


        Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
        I love the way the immediate reaction of so many people is to launch things out of the window. Not just to smash it up from a great height, but to get the goddamn thing outta your sight too.
        It was summer when I trashed mine, and there could have easily have been someone on the patio below, with a C64 descending toward them in the style of a boulder descending at speed toward an unknkowing Wylie Coyote. I remember going down to pick up the pieces afterwards crying at my own self inflicted loss. I was an idiot as a boy. An utter idiot.


          I never smash anything, I'm always too scared I'll regret it. My friend did throw his Powerbook G4 against a wall though. Still worked.

          Originally posted by Ginger Tosser
          now resolved by becoming an Apple Whore
          I'm amazed you haven't been infuriated by the frankly shocking standard of Apple's 'Super'drives. I've had about 8 break on me.


            None have died for me, though I do concede they are fairly slow and annoying. However they do burn CD/DVDs for me so I guess I put up with the speed.


              I used to rage occasionly as a teenage gamer, however after watching 'angry german kid' some years back(check out youtube); if i get pissed off majorly now i just start going 'unreal tournament spiel!!!!' which makes me laugh.

              But yeah occasionally a cheap game chapter or so will make me "oh fk off" once or twice upon my death

              Actually these days its more about getting despondent if i'm not as good as i want to be (or think i could be), ala Street Fighter etc....

              rich tapestry of crud
              Last edited by Largo; 09-07-2010, 03:35.


                I'm normally pretty calm, but just a few days ago, I screamed "USELESS PIECE OF ****ING ****!" at the computer after Vegas Pro crashed and lost me an hour's worth of work. It was quite relieving, but not something I like to do frequently.

                I'm amazed you haven't been infuriated by the frankly shocking standard of Apple's 'Super'drives. I've had about 8 break on me.
                Wait, they actually BREAK? Mine never worked properly to start with. It fails just about every burn. I need to take it back to the New Wellness Centre (Apple Store) and make them fix it, along with the crappy screen!


                  Originally posted by Number45 View Post
                  I also remember ripping apart a West Ham shirt a few years back after a particularly ****ty performance away to Blackburn (I think it ended 5-0). It was the only shirt I'd ever had personalised, and the player had been so unbelievably crap that day I took it off and just annihilated it.

                  I don't buy personalised shirts any more. Well, I might for older players like Moore/Brooking/Di Canio.

                  Anyone noticing a theme to my rage in this thread will understand why I tend to stay out of football discussion on the forum.
                  I can relate to that.

                  Personally I love football used to be a season ticket holder at Old Trafford but cannot get involved in any of the footie threads on here.

                  I'm loving these replies btw the image in my head of that C64 flying out of the window made me chuckle.


                    I once got so pissed off with a SNES I actually chucked it in the bath.

                    I also smashed a 360 controller a while ago after the Mean Bean Machine achievement of Megadrive Collection ****ed me over for about 2 hours. I almost cried as that game is so unfair!


                      Did you run the bath first? Or did it just happen to be full?

                      If it was the former then that falls into the category of tantrums that I will never understand.


                        Originally posted by Darwock View Post
                        Did you run the bath first? Or did it just happen to be full?

                        If it was the former then that falls into the category of tantrums that I will never understand.
                        I think it would be funnier if he ran it a nice bath, bring on the crazy.


                          Formally knowing FUDmeDwid, he will have been playing the game in the bath, then hauled the whole thing into the water in disgust, and probably farted on it.

