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Little things that bring a smile to your face

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    *remembers infant school when a girl cried when she was paired up with him*


      Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
      *remembers infant school when a girl cried when she was paired up with him*
      It was tears of joy smurf....... Happiest day of her lil life!



        Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
        The Japanese have the right idea with ear cleaning. Putting your head on a cute girl's lap and having her clean your ear. Also heard that getting your ears syringed by a nurse feels incredibly nice.

        Thing that brought a smile to my face today: found out today that the software I've been working on as the sole coder has been shortlisted for an award.
        Game Dev Story style.

        Good work!


          Came out of work last night, it was freezing cold and raining. Hopped into the car, put the heated seats on for a few minutes to take the chill off and listened to most of Somewhere in Time.

          Unlike most people I suspect, I love my drive to/from work. <3


            Iron Maiden? That is enough to make anyone smile in itself, but I don't see the connection with the weather... does rain make hard rock more enjoyable?


              That was to emphasise how lovely the heated seats feel when you just get into the car in the morning or after work. I do LOVE driving in the rain though.


                Really? I'd have thought most people would hate that too!


                  Don't know why, I've always liked driving in challenging conditions.


                    Was going through my photos from my time in Japan to upload some to Facebook.
                    Spent a lot of time crying but ended up with some massive lols.


                      little thing that brought a smile to me today....earlier on was playing fallout new vegas and the gf came in and said what you playing that rubbish for should play stuff thats more interlectual

                      then walked in on her later watching the jeremy kyle show can guess what i said...


                        Not really a little thing for me, but, finally managing to beat my nerves and pass my driving test (this morning). I cannot stop grinning like an idiot!


                          Superb. I remember after passing, all I could think was, ' no more money wasted on lessons, no more getting up early for Saturday lessons, wahoo I can drink on a Friday night now, no more hours of gut-tumbling worry before evening lessons, etc'

                          It really was a big emotional and financial weight off my shoulders. I'm not at all fussed about driving; this was just something that had to be done at the time.


                            Passing the driving test does feel very awesome. Especially given I felt like crap after failing it the first time (examiner stamped on the brakes in the first 5 minutes because I thought a woman was letting me go and he thought otherwise).

                            Passing is pot luck really, it's incredibly easy to just be unlucky and get a serious fault in a test you'd otherwise pass. Especially if you were forced to do something by other drivers (drivers coming the other way not stopping when a road goes down to a single lane because of parked cars when you have right of way and nowhere to pull in to is a common occurrence around here, as is no indicating on traffic lights).


                              It was a case of third time lucky for me. First time I had some miserable woman as an examiner (this could be a biased statement due to her failing me) who did not put me at ease at all. I was sweating buckets, literally. Second time the chap was nice, but I managed to cock it up as I turned out of the test centre. (Some muppet in a low sports car came barrelling round the corner and I was looking the other way after not seeing it due to some hedges. To top it off, I go no minors at all. Just one serious.

                              Then today, I managed it with absolutely no minors or errors. Chap said it was one of the best tests he had done. (My instructor had to relay this to me as I was still stuck on the 'I am very pleased to say you have passed...'. Cue grin and fist pumping to the sky.
                              Unfortunately I neglected to remember I was still sat in the car so my momentous fist pumping sky moment turned into me punching the roof of the car. I recovered well though, you'll all be chuffed to hear!


                                Unhappy memories for me. Failed 4 times and stopped.

