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Little things that bring a smile to your face

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    Originally posted by teddymeow View Post
    That today is my 5th Wedding Anniversary and I love my Wife now more than I did on our Wedding Day.
    What a sap!

    Something brought a smile to my face in Wetherspoons at the weekend. A big fry up, 3 new beers to try, and a saucy bird behind the bar. It was all good.


      Originally posted by Skull Commander View Post
      Happy Anniversary! Good to hear some positivity regarding relationships on this forum for a change
      Thanks mate!!

      Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
      What a sap!
      Yeah, but I'm a happy sap!


        Originally posted by prinnysquad View Post
        What a sap!

        Something brought a smile to my face in Wetherspoons at the weekend. A big fry up, 3 new beers to try, and a saucy bird behind the bar. It was all good.

        haha that put a smile on my face


          The girl I took for coffee last week inviting me for a little snack after work.

          Hey, it's the small things...


            One of the overpriced pop machines at work, for some reason this particular one charges 60p per can of Pepsi Max rather than the 70p the others charge. BIG problem with this one is, you might put your dosh in and the can just 'lags' behind the perspex front, doesn't quite drop enough, just hangs there, it's happened at least five or six times to me recently, and not just to me, judging by the 'lagged' cans/bottles I see all too frequently.

            So, this afty, it happened again, I just got major pissed off, grabbed the machine and shook the hell out of it, the result being not only my rightfully purchased can of Pepsi Max but also a £1.50 bottle of Lucozade 'Body Fuel' and a red bottle of Drench which also fell out during said shaking.

            What's even better is, there aren't any CCTV cams near this particular machine, I sense it is The Future...


              Here's a little thing that brings a smile to my face:
              that time of year where it's just going into spring and it's crisp and a little cold, but getting lighter at night.

              Unfortunately, that time is a few months away. I am very, very, very affected by the weather.

              PS: I live in Glasgow. Tits.


                Did a silly thing and turned around in a bad place in the ice sheet that is the car park here and promptly got stuck in the tyre grooves worn in the ice. 3 sets of people got out of their cars to help push it around. Admittedly I was completely blocking the car park and no one was going anywhere until I was moving but the way so many people got out to help without being annoyed or making a big deal, helped me around and got back into their cars as if it was nothing made me feel a bit of hope for this country.

                Just nice to know that despite how often people make me post in the irk thread that there's still that stereotypical 'British spirit' buried within people that makes them think nothing of helping people out in need.


                  Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                  Just nice to know that despite how often people make me post in the irk thread that there's still that stereotypical 'British spirit' buried within people that makes them think nothing of helping people out in need.
                  <wipes tear from eye, stands, salutes and sings national anthem*>



                    Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                    Did a silly thing and turned around in a bad place in the ice sheet that is the car park here and promptly got stuck in the tyre grooves worn in the ice. 3 sets of people got out of their cars to help push it around. Admittedly I was completely blocking the car park and no one was going anywhere until I was moving but the way so many people got out to help without being annoyed or making a big deal, helped me around and got back into their cars as if it was nothing made me feel a bit of hope for this country.

                    Just nice to know that despite how often people make me post in the irk thread that there's still that stereotypical 'British spirit' buried within people that makes them think nothing of helping people out in need.
                    Once it's warm again they will all run off you the road and not even look in the mirror.


                      My year 6 class did their class assembly today to invited parents and half of the school. I felt proud of them as they did a great job and loads of other teachers came up to me and said how good they were. Made me smile.


                        Originally posted by abigsmurf
                        [/Did a silly thing and turned around in a bad place in the ice sheet that is the car park here and promptly got stuck in the tyre grooves worn in the ice. 3 sets of people got out of their cars to help push it around. Admittedly I was completely blocking the car park and no one was going anywhere until I was moving but the way so many people got out to help without being annoyed or making a big deal, helped me around and got back into their cars as if it was nothing made me feel a bit of hope for this country.

                        Just nice to know that despite how often people make me post in the irk thread that there's still that stereotypical 'British spirit' buried within people that makes them think nothing of helping people out in need.
                        It would give me hope in humanity rather than specifically the British.


                          The breaks on my bicycle snapped on the way into university today. It's a bike I'm renting from the university accomodation, so the breaks were terrible, the chain was rusty to the extend that it 'grinds' when you ride it, and is generally a crap bike. However, as repairing it would costs me more than the 2000 yen I'm paying to rent it, I put up with it.

                          Our university campus employs an old man and his wife to work in the bike sheds and fix bikes, so I asked him to fix my breaks. Came back after lectures, paid him the 550 yen fee, and started to ride home. I soon noticed it was a smoother, easier ride home - he'd secretly fit a brand new bike chain with fresh oil, and fixed my gears! A little thing, but it momentarily restored my faith in the kindness of people in general!


                            I like this thread!


                              The work Xmas party.

                              Where you're sober.

                              And everyone else isn't.

                              Which means you remember everything. Going to be some red faces on Monday morning - just in time for the mandatory department meeting


                                Haha sweet!

                                Im so bored I just stuck a quid on a random horse at 9-1 and it won! Made me smile.

