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Little things that bring a smile to your face

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    Originally posted by Fader209 View Post
    What makes me smile - seeing Mr EddieMonsoon giving a weekly update on his safety boot situation
    Watch this space mate


      Originally posted by EDDIE M0NS00N View Post
      Watch this space mate
      Who knows what will happen next!

      My PC was delivered today, not sure whether to wait until Xmas or Xmas Eve to set it up...or cave and do it now. Tidied up the "office" area all in preparation for it >.<


        Although repulsive, I find it amusing that you feel the need to share all your toilet woes, Eddie!

        Originally posted by EDDIE M0NS00N View Post
        I needed a ****e twice this wk in work & both times the latrines in work were all occupied, leaving me with a turtles head & body situation.
        I was almost tempted to pinch it out, Ishmael from the film Kingpin style, in the urinal instead.
        A door opens & I finally get to stop clenching & drop 1, then find a load of blood on the bog roll after wiping.
        Great! A torn ringer!!
        You remind me of that Viz character, Tarquin Hoylet: He has to go to the toilet.


          Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
          Although repulsive, I find it amusing that you feel the need to share all your toilet woes, Eddie!

          You remind me of that Viz character, Tarquin Hoylet: He has to go to the toilet.
          If the holding a ****e & straining continues you'll be able to liken me more to Nobby's Piles


            Won a Twitter competition from GameStop Canada for CoD:MW3 Hardened Edition on PS3


              Wow, nice. I so rarely win competitions that I'm hoping I've saved my wins up for that Mario pants 3DS...


                "The Office" Christmas specials brought a smile to my face again, after rewatching them last night. Very funny and a perfect ending.


                  ^Agreed. It ties up the the 2 series nicely with a bit of closure. Bit of a shame that Lifes Too Short recycles a lot of The Office/Extras rather than being original.

                  Got the final Xmas presents wrapped up today. Did all my shopping online as usual but one order was out of stock for a local Norwich store so I had to pop in to get that, so apart from that it has been pretty easy going.


                    Finding out that the guy who pulled that fella off his scooter during the London riots got 6 yrs in the clink!!


                      Was literally just about to post that!!!


                        I'm going to Norway again in a couple of weeks. Wahooo!


                          To counter my rant in the irks thread, I had a cracking trip yesterday round Durham with Plough Boy.

                          The Winter Beer Tour of the city yielded 12 newbies, 11 of which were brand new Christmas/Winter beers. Excellent!

                          This sat nicely with the 63 beers I brought back from Keswick with me on Tuesday. Not that I'll have time to drink them, what with the annual pilgrimage all round my lazy relatives.


                            My cat turning EVERYTHING into a toy as usual. Seasonally, a candy cane today.

                            This week my cat has mainly been playing with: the empty cardboard box my office chair came in.


                              Cats climbing Christmas trees for me too. One of my mam's cats, when it was a kitten, made a den half way up the tree and would camp out there for ages. You just saw a little pair of eyes peeking out.


                                Career officially saved for almost another year. That's a nice early Christmas present!

