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Earthquake/Tsunami in NE Japan

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    Yep, similar principal to the ancient temples and pagodas that are still standing. The pagoda's central wooden pillar isn't attached to any of the floors so everything 'gives' in an earthquake.


      A bunch of my friends here have been raising money for this - collections at their unis/etc, and even organising impromptu fund-raising concerts - and I was wondering what I could do, so I've put my signed MGS4 sleeve on eBay. Hopefully it'll end at something close to ONE MILLION YEN. Anything less and I will be disappoint.


        Maiko was at our local Tesco today. She made some Pray for Japan posters, arranged some sweets and took a few friends and my rather cute daughter and managed to raise over £100.

        She was so pleased. Especially as she has been the target of racism in the past and it has restored her faith in the british public.


          Originally posted by nakamura View Post
          Maiko was at our local Tesco today. She made some Pray for Japan posters, arranged some sweets and took a few friends and my rather cute daughter and managed to raise over ?100.
          That's quality!! Brilliant!!

          I had last week off work & almost flew out to help somehow but common sense (my Mum) made me realise that it wasn't the best idea.

          I donated through PSN though & will again on payday.


            That's really nice

            I was talking to one of my friends and she was sending the money via the Japanese Embassy who forward it to the Japanese Red Cross but, according to their site, doing it that way means you can't do the Gift Aid thing. Shame, as they raised £500-odd on Wednesday and if they'd given it to the Red Cross directly, I think they would've got more like £600, or something along those lines...


              Originally posted by Kit View Post
              Incredible how fast life as returned to the area. In under 30 years the place has reverted to the ecosystem that was there 10,000 years ago.


                Originally posted by nakamura View Post
                Maiko was at our local Tesco today. She made some Pray for Japan posters, arranged some sweets and took a few friends and my rather cute daughter and managed to raise over ?100.

                She was so pleased. Especially as she has been the target of racism in the past and it has restored her faith in the british public.
                Nice one.

                We get a rebate from the Japanese school every year, all the parents have donated theirs to the fund.

                We went to our local Tesco yesterday to help out the other parents from the Japanese school along with some of the other local Japanese who had got some official Red Cross Tsunami appeal buckets/posters etc.
                Unbelievable the generosity, lots of notes going into the buckets even the other charity collecting on the doors give us a donation.
                ?1k was collected Saturday and ?1.5k yesterday. The addition of some cute kids, some dressed in kimono's worked wonders!


                  The whole thing has gone some way to restoring my pride in the UK. Great stories to read in here. Well done everyone.


                    Capcom helping with iPhone Street Fighter.

                    Capcom has become the latest Japanese publisher to pledge its support to the victims of Friday’s devastating earthquake and tsunami. The company has donated 100m yen and implemented a number of other initiatives to assist relief efforts in the affected areas...
                    Last edited by Anpanman; 21-03-2011, 19:53.


                      That's really good, just reminded me of this;


                        Magnificent. Really shows that there are a few evil dictators that control this world and normal people just want normal lives.


                          I want to say something about Littlejohn but I think NTSC-UK censors the c-word.


                            Who the what now?


                              Richard Littlejohn. He's written a column in the Daily Mail today about the Japanese earthquake.

                              I'm not linking to it. It's one of the most hateful, horrible, grossly wrong things I've ever read.

