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    Sorry, I should have mentioned that each * represents a full syllable.

    The answer is



      Originally posted by cavalcade View Post
      I sometimes think NTSC-UK/BD should do like an exchange program with rllmuk
      Best idea ever.


        Real life? What's all that nonsense. Dazzyman, chill. In the morning you won't care.

        Other forums? What's all that nonsense - I don't believe they exist Cavalcade.


          Originally posted by J0e Musashi View Post
          Opinion eh?

          Points are not opinions.
          Ooh the troll follows. Get off my back Joe, go have a wank or get laid to relieve that sexual tension we must have for u to follow me, I'm sorry but I have to reject u publicly that your just not my type pmsl. Peeps like you are the reason other people leave forums. When u jump on someone and follow them your trolling. You need to take a step back and enjoy life. Let it go and play the games and enjoy them instead of posting about pristine new packaging from JPN what never gets opened with a box of mansize. There just games and tv etc at end of the day, life is for living and much more important. Enjoy the trees, kissing in the rain (not me tho and again I'm sorry for rejecting u publicly but the restraining order doesn't come thru till Monday) and life itself. Get outside while u can as u never know what's around the corner

          I've modded forums for years, admin etc..been in charge of biggest clan in world back in PC days and I've always stayed away from the keyboard warriors that use there tiny cocks instead of there sausage fingers to type with. I'm sure thats we're clever dick comes from but I'm probably wrong so feel free to pull me up, debate and argue about it when I'm gone because its a big beatable issue being a clever dick. As a wise man once said I'm too I'd for this ****, I find it funny and pity the ones that do it. I've met many in my time and as u might have a hint of now will always be my usual sarcastic cheeky chappy self

          Take care to my friends and look after yourself and your loved ones. Remember tho to take a break and look after them from your hobby as life's more precious than gaming

          Love to u all
          Darren x
          Last edited by Guest; 03-05-2012, 00:52.


            ^C'mon, Dazz...listen to Dogg Thang. Very wise words.

            This is a gaming forum, peopled (primarily) by full-grown men, many prone to obsession, obsessiveness and the obsessive, and it is all ENTIRELY UNIMPORTANT in the grand scheme of things. It is all absurd, and should not upset one's *real* life.

            It's...just OCD men on the internet, typing ****. About games n' fluff. It really IS that. Just that.

            Have a man-hug from me, take a few extra glugs of teh Oramorph, and don't be so dramatic.


              Dazzy lets just say you gonna take a few weeks off. Then it will be no biggie when you return, strengthened by the new found Ignore function. I loved the comments about trying another forum, It would be like lambs to the slaughter...

              If the forum admin admits to wearing Bra's on their head occasionally, then you know the place is S.A.F.E.

              In other news, I am reading these posts out loud and I am sure we need to put some more "Luvvie" and "Ahhh bless" and "Oh my dear" into the posts. This is indeed the hidden drama queen section of the boards. Compelling reading!

              Common Dazzy Luvvie, don't leave us my dear! (Or at least come back soon!)


                Originally posted by capcom_suicide View Post
                If the forum admin admits to wearing Bra's on their head occasionally, then you know the place is S.A.F.E.
                For a minute there a did a double take - how did he know about that. But then realised you were talking about somewhere else. I think.


                  Surely everyone here has already been on other forums in the past? That's why we're here!


                    If you're going to make a dramatic exit, as seems to happen a lot recently, doesn't it just make you look a bit daft(er) when you then come back to post almost immediately? All seems a bit attention seeking to me.


                      Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
                      Ooh the troll follows. Get off my back Joe, go have a wank or get laid to relieve that sexual tension we must have for u to follow me, I'm sorry but I have to reject u publicly that your just not my type pmsl. Peeps like you are the reason other people leave forums. When u jump on someone and follow them your trolling. You need to take a step back and enjoy life. Let it go and play the games and enjoy them instead of posting about pristine new packaging from JPN what never gets opened with a box of mansize. There just games and tv etc at end of the day, life is for living and much more important. Enjoy the trees, kissing in the rain (not me tho and again I'm sorry for rejecting u publicly but the restraining order doesn't come thru till Monday) and life itself. Get outside while u can as u never know what's around the corner

                      I've modded forums for years, admin etc..been in charge of biggest clan in world back in PC days and I've always stayed away from the keyboard warriors that use there tiny cocks instead of there sausage fingers to type with. I'm sure thats we're clever dick comes from but I'm probably wrong so feel free to pull me up, debate and argue about it when I'm gone because its a big beatable issue being a clever dick. As a wise man once said I'm too I'd for this ****, I find it funny and pity the ones that do it. I've met many in my time and as u might have a hint of now will always be my usual sarcastic cheeky chappy self

                      Take care to my friends and look after yourself and your loved ones. Remember tho to take a break and look after them from your hobby as life's more precious than gaming

                      Love to u all
                      Darren x
                      LOL. One minute, you're an AV enthusiast, now you're John Lennon. All that happened was I disagreed with your frankly absurd opinion that sharing settings was the same as having a professional come into your house. An actual pro confirmed it, and still you bleated on. Now you're in here whining like a little girl. What difference does being head of the world's largest clan have to do with anything? You could be the Washington Sniper for all I care, but you've got all pissy because you came to an intelligent forum spouting rubbish, and when people told you so, you've felt the need to get personal, which was the very reason you are leaving. Way to go Captain Contradiction.

                      It's a forum, a gaming forum at that. Man up.
                      Last edited by J0e Musashi; 03-05-2012, 09:06.
                      Kept you waiting, huh?


                        This is lame. Kiss and make up please.


                          Originally posted by Dazzyman View Post
                          Peeps like you are the reason other people leave forums.
                          You need to get around more. I've never seen J0e treat other members with anything other than respect. Pop to rrlmuk or retrogamer to see people that make other leave forums.


                            Also, pics or it didn't happen


                              Originally posted by charlesr View Post
                              For a minute there a did a double take - how did he know about that. But then realised you were talking about somewhere else. I think.
                              No no no, surely this place is safe, as I am fairly sure you have at one time posted a picture of yourself with a bra on yer noggin. I use that as the bar, if the admin post pictures of him/herself with a Bra hat, then the place is for me.


                                Ah I didn't realise I had let that one slip....
                                It was fancy dress, so I wore a bra (on my head) and a dressing gown. With a friend. So we were obviously from which famous teen comedy?

