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Has Jon Venables' identity been exposed...?

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    Has Jon Venables' identity been exposed...?

    Have a look at these links. Seems real enough and its all over the web and social sites.

    Links removed.

    Hope its not another mistake and someone has just pictured some poor bloke with the same name as Venables' identity
    Last edited by charlesr; 10-05-2011, 10:54.

    Bring on the unsubstantiated beatings by illiterate mobs!

    BBC, News, BBC News, news online, world, uk, international, foreign, british, online, service

    An innocent man, Iain Armstrong, was beaten up by a mob in Manchester after being mistaken for one of the pictured paedophiles - apparently because he wore a neck-brace which looked like one worn to the man in the News of the World's picture.
    There was a similar case in Norwich, and a celebrated incident when an entirely innocent South Wales paediatrician was attacked after confusion over the meaning of the word.


      This is some vile ****.


        It was also revealed that Cheshire police had produced a “threat assessment” to try to establish what could happen to Venables were his new identity revealed. That assessment concluded that Venables would face the highest possible risk of being attacked if his name was either published in the media or known elsewhere in society.
        ... so let's put his name and photo across our blogs! Idiots.


          I know I started the super injunction thread but I think things like this are what injunctions are designed for.

          As vile as the act they did was, they were 10 when they did it. A boy at 10 is not the same person as a man at 27 . Not only that, he served his time too.

          News of the world reading idiots who welcome vigilante 'justice' are the ones who society should castrate.


            Originally posted by QualityChimp View Post
            There was a similar case in Norwich, and a celebrated incident when an entirely innocent South Wales paediatrician was attacked after confusion over the meaning of the word.
            That is insane.


              There was a similar case in Norwich, and a celebrated incident when an entirely innocent South Wales paediatrician was attacked after confusion over the meaning of the word.
              This speaks volumes of the involved citizens. Action should be taken.

              As for the main topic: no matter what the person or the crime commited, making such details public never yields anything good. I also find it disgusting how primitive people get once a certain crime has been commited. Be it rape, child molestation or something else people hold over other crimes, it makes them enter a blind rage mode, where they justify all sorts of violence. We are a relatively civil race. We have laws and systems in place for a reason. Never should people think they are excused from them.
              Last edited by JSR; 09-05-2011, 17:08. Reason: Made a (hopefully) less daft comment.


                Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                As vile as the act they did was, they were 10 when they did it. A boy at 10 is not the same person as a man at 27 . Not only that, he served his time too.
                I don't think his parents or most parents for that matter would share your view and especially parents who have had their kids either messed with or murdered. It's very easy to take the moral high ground and believe in the justice system when it hasn't happened to you and yours. But whilst they may have been ten when they committed the crimes (which imho is old enough to know the difference between right and wrong), nothing seems to have changed with Venables mindset bearing in mind he was arrested for having graphic child porn and torture images on his computer.


                  If it was my kids I would want them hung drawn and quartered in as slow a manner as possible. However I would not be the one deciding their guilt and punishment. Nor should I be. The purpose of the criminal justice system is deterrant and rehabilitation, not revenge. A criminal justice system based on revenge leads to traversties like stoning for adultery.

                  An eye for an eye leaves the world blind.

                  Also, look at it from another point of view: my kid was brutally murdered I'm in a seething rage, your kids (who were in the wrong place at the wrong time and were completely innocent) are on trial. I get to decide their guilt and/or punishment. Would you think that right in those circumstances?


                    Originally posted by abigsmurf View Post
                    I know I started the super injunction thread but I think things like this are what injunctions are designed for.

                    As vile as the act they did was, they were 10 when they did it. A boy at 10 is not the same person as a man at 27 . Not only that, he served his time too.

                    News of the world reading idiots who welcome vigilante 'justice' are the ones who society should castrate.
                    Which one of the pair was returned to prison about a year or so ago for paedophilia? Yeah, really don't have much sympathy for either of them tbh. I absolutely love how murders can have a completely new life , regardless of how many years since the crime. Who knows, you could be working right next to one and never realize.

                    Scary thought huh?


                      Originally posted by Daragon View Post
                      Who knows, you could be working right next to one and never realize.

                      Scary thought huh?
                      Only scary if you don't have faith in your society and its ability to recondition and heal those individuals.


                        From what I've read on Venables his parents didnt seem to give a toss about him, & there was some sexual aspect to their assault, which would more than likely mean that they were sexually molested in some way by someone, be it parent or other (they were 10, & for forensics to discover that batteries had been attempted to be pushed into the kids anus is not something a normal 10 yr old would know about, so must have been experienced by themself).
                        So in my opinion these boys were not evil or demons, they were a product of the enviroment that they grew up in at the time.

                        Rehabilitation also seems to have failed these boys too, which is pretty obvious considering Venables' obsession with child porn/torture.
                        I dont think that shouting from the rooftops where or who he is is a good idea, but I guess i'd be even more sympathetic if he'd actually been rehabilitated properly & trying to become a good person.
                        Last edited by EDDIE M0NS00N; 09-05-2011, 18:05.


                          The fact is that if this man has not received the appropriate treatment for his condition, he certainly should not be allowed to return to public life.

                          I am all for his identity being spread across the net. If the man is in danger, hopefully he will be returned to prison for his own safety more than anything else.


                            Originally posted by EDDIE M0NS00N View Post
                            Rehabilitation also seems to have failed these boys too, which is pretty obvious considering Venables' obsession with child porn/torture.
                            I don't think we can expect - let alone demand - that these peoples fascination over such subjects will ever disappear, no matter what sort of/the amount of rehabilitation. What I instead think we should aim for is to give these people control over their urges, and the sense of right and wrong. If a man want to think about children while jerking off, that should be his business. It might not be natural or "normal" to have such urges, but the same can be said of many of our desires (anal sex, gay sex etc). As long as no harm is done, I don't see a problem. On the other hand, I quite sympathize with innocent peadophiles. To have such strong urges, while the entire society around you offers no understanding of your thoughts must be traumatizing in itself.


                              Originally posted by Alex WS View Post
                              This speaks volumes of the involved citizens. Action should be taken.


                              I also find it disgusting how primitive people get once a certain crime has been commited. Be it rape, child molestation or something else people hold over other crimes, it makes them enter a blind rage mode, where they justify all sorts of violence. We are a relatively civil race. We have laws and systems in place for a reason. Never should people think they are excused from them.
                              Actually sexual assaults are the perfect example of how the justice system fails people. Only 13% of cases are reported to the police.

                              Of the rapes that go forward only 5.6% see convictions. For the other 94% they are forced to go through nearly as much pain and abuse as they did the first time round. With these cases it's almost impossible to improve the victim wasn't consensual so juries almost always fail to support the victim.

                              Added to that you have the fact that the prosecution service actively fight with the police and prevent so many cases from going to court. Criminals these days are very keyed into their rights, and the police have had their teeth pulled. The criminals know exactly how much they can get away with and rub it in the police's face. If we had a justice system that actually treated criminals as criminals then maybe there'd be a chance, but we don't. The combination of media outcry and distortion have turned the public against the people that try to keep them safe because the scum "have rights too." The world is full of people who sit around pontificating about this stuff and don't appreciate the harsh reality of what goes on out there and the real results of these crimes on innocent people.

                              I believe there's an understanding of right and wrong in all of us. A 10 year old knows what they are doing. These 'children' were broken, the sadisticness of their crime is beyond belief, they don't have any right to receive help.

