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Little things that irk you 2

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    Get Gateways! on the Indie service (80p).
    And Gravitron (but change the default control scheme to rotate and thrust). Both totally amazing.


      Little Racers Street is an addictive top down racer Colin. It's very cheap too. Either in the indie or XLBA section.


        I have a few thousand MS points sitting in my account, saw a game I fancied, wasn't allowed to use the points it had to be payment via card? That irked me as well, why not just take it to the same monetary value in points. Bloody stupid set up.


          Sounds like it was probably a "Game on Demand" as opposed to an "Arcade" title - you can still pay via points, but you have to go to the payment screen originally before you can switch 'currency'. It is indeed arse over tit, though.


            Originally posted by Pikate View Post

            He can't move his top lip when he talks. I for one am convinced he's some beta test for the things in Blade Runner.
            This makes me feel much better, at least i know hes only got a 4 year life span now

            oh and @ kryss. Don't presume to tell me to get off my arse fella, im not some junkie who sits on his arse all day, i work a darn sight harder than you do, thats a fact.
            Last edited by fishbowlhead; 07-02-2013, 09:09.


              Originally posted by fuse View Post
              Sounds like it was probably a "Game on Demand" as opposed to an "Arcade" title - you can still pay via points, but you have to go to the payment screen originally before you can switch 'currency'. It is indeed arse over tit, though.
              It was resident evil 4 HD. I couldn't see any other option to use the points, but that's not to say there isn't one. I'm quite easily annoyed by how unnecessarily complicated they make some of these things.


                You click buy now then press x to change to points i think. Buttons to use are at the bottom of the window. I used that method on metro 2033 anyway so not 100% certain its not on a game by game basis


                  Originally posted by fishbowlhead View Post
                  This makes me feel much better, at least i know hes only got a 4 year life span now

                  oh and @ kryss. Don't presume to tell me to get off my arse fella, im not some junkie who sits on his arse all day, i work a darn sight harder than you do, thats a fact.
                  You completely missed the point of what I wrote though. If someone knowing being able to do more than you annoys you (which is what it seems from your post) then do something about it. It's not about how much you work right now.


                    Originally posted by billy_dimashq View Post
                    Play Streets of Rage. That's what I do when I'm getting fed up of gaming
                    The first one? Me too, I like it best, once I adjust to its slightly jerky frame rate! Love Adam and his long-legged, suave flying kicks, the characters feel squatter in the sequels, too, and the only character fun to play as is Axel. 2 is badass, though, really makes the MD sing, I just find the first funner, always seem to get to the bit JUST before the end, probably play it like that twice a year, recently bought the SOR collection on Live, so might play it for the cheevz, haven't got round to it yet.

                    Originally posted by ikobo View Post
                    It was resident evil 4 HD. I couldn't see any other option to use the points, but that's not to say there isn't one. I'm quite easily annoyed by how unnecessarily complicated they make some of these things.
                    How much was Resi 4? ?15? If so, you dodged a financial bullet there, I've seen it go half price a couple of times (that's when I could 'justify', I have it pretty much every system it's available for, just missing the PS3 one!)

                    Also, check out the 'Sales & Specials' app, there's free 'scratchcard' every day that allows you to (rarely) win free guff, and also shows you the reduced games.


                      I have points sitting to more than the monetary value of ?15, so it was basically just spending a dust ridden voucher in my mind. I don't think I care anyway to be honest. Just home form the pub and I was talking to my game playing mate about modern gaming, I think i'm past caring.


                        ^Seriously, ik, Infinity Danger!!! Worldwide scoreboard, I was at 98th in the world at some point! 80pts!!!!!


                          The school my daughter is at telling us they are setting up a special class for the multi language children because they are behind the other kids. My daughter may not be allowed into year one if this is the case. Nothing wrong with her of course, she just needs a little extra work but they haven't bothered to ask me for any help.


                            Turns out "buy with MS points" is there and sticking out like a sore thumb. I irk me.


                              Android development with Eclipse/ADT is like pulling teeth. I have no idea how such a buggy IDE was considered to be the platform of choice by Google, as opposed to something faster and leaner. I can compile and run a basic "Hello World" program once before the IDE refuses to compile it again, so I have to restart the IDE and hope for the best. Don't even get me started on how slow the emulation is, either.


                                Omg eclipse. Absolutely beyond me how so many tools are based on this steaming turd of a framework.

